Vault 32

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Major Leslie's tone was already playful and ridiculed, and there was only solemnity in his articulation.And even the original calmness in his tone disappeared with the blazing Thain County.Only seriousness and seriousness appeared in Major Leslie's tone, and he also issued an order belonging to the Anchorage defense line to Lister through communication equipment: "Only in the name of the US Federal Congress and the US Federal Army Command , order all your staff to guard Sain County, and wait for the follow-up reinforcements to arrive!"

After his words fell, Liszt's eyes swept across the sea of ​​flames in front of him. Of course, he knew that the small county that was still burning and collapsing was the serious Thane County that Major Leslie said.But when he looked at the small county full of raging flames and the oval-shaped object that was completely swallowed by the flames, he frowned slightly. He cleared his throat slowly and reported to the communication equipment. : "Sion County has become a sea of ​​flames. The temperature when the meteorite landed has completely ignited the houses inside. There is nothing here except the fire."

Thain County has completely turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the burning wooden houses are like the brightest torches.And as the flames engulfed the wooden boards of the house, the sound of collapses appeared one after another in the flames, and at the same time, thick black smoke seemed to be the signal of the devil, flying straight into the sky with the wind on this ground.Liszt narrowed his eyes slightly, and he put the hand holding the communication equipment by his mouth, took a deep breath, and calmed his tone: "Do we need to put out the fire? But looking at the current scene , even if New York's top fire brigade comes here, they can only let this small county burn to ashes."

"Maybe this is not a bad thing, Major Lister, this is also a difficult task for you."

As if shocked by what Lister said about the situation in Thane County, Major Leslie on the opposite side of the communication equipment waited for more than ten seconds without answering.And just as Liszt's eyes were fixed on the looming oval object in the flames, Major Leslie's words finally appeared on the communication equipment, but his tone became extremely dignified and serious, almost with The superior said in a commanding tone to the subordinate: "Major Lister, please remember the mission of the United States Federation to you, and guard there firmly, even if you are the only one left in the end!"

The communication equipment clearly transmitted Major Leslie's words, but the ending sound contained an unpleasant noise.Liszt frowned and looked at the communication equipment in his hand, but the joints of his fingers were slightly white due to his great strength.Although Major Leslie had finished speaking, he gently squeezed the communication device in his hand, but he couldn't say even a word. Liszt already understood that the communication had been restricted.

"This is really getting more and more exciting."

Liszt slowly turned his head and looked around, his breathing suddenly became rapid, and even though the surrounding air had become hot, the scorching smell made it almost impossible to stand nearby, he still It was a deep breathing.His brows were tightly frowned, especially looking at the huge oval-shaped object in front of him that seemed to be made of metal, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth slowly, and said in a low voice: "Alien. Spaceship! "

How could he not understand this oval metal material, as if it were two cymbals put together?And even if this world has been tightly sealing this shape, even Liszt has forgotten it, but seeing it again from the flames of the ruins of Sain County, how could Liszt not remember that this is a shape? What kind of things?
The fascinating wasteland world in "Radiation" is certainly wonderful, and the mysterious eggs are also fascinating.And although the easter eggs about aliens are quite rare and uncommon, they can still leave a shadow in the game.Think about that freezing guns, laser guns, laser weapons, etc. are all alien technology.Even thinking about it carefully, in the game, the Gaussian electromagnetic technology developed by Germany and the Chinese invisibility cloak technology may all have alien technology!
But right in front of Liszt in Thane County, an alien spaceship abruptly crashed, just like the chance of a meteorite falling down!But Liszt's breathing was still heavy, he slowly clenched the communication equipment in his hand, and turned around gently.And he looked at the soldiers who were also at a loss looking at the sea of ​​flames, Liszt's voice also interrupted their surprise.

"All soldiers retreat 50 meters away and dig individual fortifications in place!"

Liszt's voice was also solemn, because he had already heard the danger hidden in Major Leslie's tone.His eyes swept across the faces, looking at them one by one, but his gaze followed the twisting neck to the south.Letting out a breath slowly, he also understood where that smile came from, and the uneasiness in his heart also reminded him of the approaching danger.Nodding slowly, Liszt gave his order in a deep voice: "The light and heavy firepower points are centered on Sain County behind us, and we strive to deploy them quickly!"

"Understood!" It could be said that some of the American federal soldiers were shocked by Lister's serious face.And everyone also responded in unison, and immediately separated under the leadership of their respective captains, and rushed towards the ten-wheeled military truck that was carrying it.When they came to the Anchorage defense line, they were quite well prepared. Not to mention boxes and boxes of weapons and ammunition, even the engineering shovels used for digging the ground had reached the point where everyone had one hand.

No one knows whether it will be used when the guard post is established, but now there is no doubt that it will be used.The originally hard soil was swept away by the shock wave and became soft. As this group of young and strong guys swung their engineering shovels, a puff of soil was dug aside by them on the ground.At the same time, other people piled up the soil in bags, and gathered them together when they were full, like sandbags to build up around the individual fortifications.With an M2HB Browning 12.7mm large-caliber heavy machine gun stretched out on the tripod and placed inside, a temporary shooting position for the heavy machine gun has been completed.

A large amount of soil waved in mid-air with the swing of the engineer shovel. Each and every American federal soldier had put down the M16 assault rifle in his hand, and nervously dug the ground in front of him enough to cover his whole body by lying down. Rectangular pit.These potholes that are only [-] to [-] centimeters are not suitable for people to curl up in, but once someone lies in this large rectangular pit, the depth of [-] to [-] centimeters is enough to cover more than half of the body. This is the individual defense fortification.

And once two sandbags are placed in front of them, through the gaps of the sandbags, a crude temporary shooting position has also been completed.Most of them are veterans, and they attach great importance to the experience of how to survive on the battlefield, and even this seemingly ridiculous fortification can double the survival probability of everyone in a fierce firefight, which is enough The reliability of this kind of fortification has been proved!
"Report, a strange army is found on the southern road!"

But before all the individual fortifications were completed, a warning came from their own radio to alert the soldiers.And when Liszt turned his head and looked towards the road, on the horizon, small black dots were appearing there, gathering quickly and running towards this side.And looking at how dispersed they were, almost cautiously bending over, it was clear that this was definitely not the reinforcements as previously described in the communication equipment.

He slowly stretched out his hand, and all the soldiers beside him had already dropped their engineering shovels, holding their M16 assault rifles and lying carefully in the individual fortifications he had dug out before.They were all holding their breath, only the burning Thane County behind them made a "crackling" sound.


Liszt's eyes were fixed on the countless figures that were getting closer, and the high-magnification military telescope in front of him had clearly displayed the appearance of those figures in his retina.Slowly pursing the corners of his mouth, Liszt looked at the maple leaves that appeared in his eyes, but he also let out a breath slowly: "This group of scum."

(End of this chapter)

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