Vault 32

Chapter 63 Captive (2 in 1 Large Chapter)

Chapter 63 Captive (2 in 1 large chapter)
The gentle wind blows the birch trees and bushes with a touch of coolness, bringing the chill of Alaska.But no one cares about the crisp forest-like air. The brave boys of the US Federal Army are holding their M4A1 assault rifles and M249 light machine guns, looking at the surrounding situation with serious faces.

Right behind them, all the M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicles had opened their rear hatches, and many armed companions jumped out of them, and then scanned the surrounding movement with extremely dignified eyes, especially the The muzzle of the gun was subconsciously aimed at the edge of the forest ahead, where the bushes were dense.

With the cover of the M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicle, they quickly formed a temporary shooting position.They have trained infantry and tank coordination tactics, and they can also attack with the infantry fighting vehicles beside them according to the commander's order, or use the fastest movement to re-enter the manned vehicle compartment and quickly evacuate.After all, they are all soldiers who have undergone rigorous training. Even if there are veterans who have just returned to active duty, the adaptive training in the previous few weeks has completely restored their previous combat capabilities.

But everyone remained silent, looking at the 4 meters in front with extremely serious expressions, eight fully armed Anchorage defense line scouts were bending over and walking forward cautiously.Their backs are slightly arched, and their legs are spread apart like a curled upright lobster, but the precise and flexible M1A[-] assault rifles tightly pressed against their shoulders are enough to illustrate their horror.

This is a standard tactical action in the U.S. Federal Army, which can deal with a series of emergencies by lying down, advancing, rolling, jumping, etc. according to different situations.And for these eight scouts, the greater effect of this action is to quickly lie down on the ground in any situation to avoid direct fire!

In the dense bushes in front of them, a blockhouse less than two meters high stood standing there.The exterior seems to have been painted with green and black forest camouflage, and in order to ensure concealment, it is covered with a camouflage net and fresh branches and leaves wrapped around it.

And just as the bunker was close to the ground, a slender gap was aimed at the outer edge of the forest, which was the area where the eight scouts who had gradually approached were located, and they also looked at the slender gap cautiously.And the gap gave them the feeling that it was a big mouth of a devil, waiting for the prey to approach the mouth, and then swallowing it in one gulp!
And the dark appearance made it impossible to see what was inside, which also made the eight scouts who were slowly approaching feel more and more uncertain.They all know that this is a standard Soviet machine gun bunker. Judging from its thick appearance, even the 2mm machine gun on the M25 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicle may not be able to destroy it in a short time.

According to military publications published by the U.S. Federal Army, for this kind of semi-permanent machine gun bunker built entirely of concrete, the best strategy is to directly use anti-tank rocket launchers with artificial guidance, besides direct bombardment with tank guns. .As for light infantry like them who don't have many heavy weapons, military publications have not made any comments in the face of this kind of machine gun bunker that can spew out heavy machine gun bullets at any time.

As for the military education within the army, it is recommended to call the anti-bunker heavy weapons at noon as soon as possible. If that doesn't work, the best way is to walk away or wait on the spot.Especially for the machine gun bunkers of the Soviet Union, many recruits will be told by veterans and instructors not to take it lightly when they first join the army.Because the rough and violent Soviet-made light machine guns or heavy machine guns, let alone a group of light infantry, even armored transport vehicles with thinner armor can penetrate within a certain distance!

"Very good, keep going, nothing unusual..."

The leading scout nodded and signaled his comrades around him to disperse slowly.For them, even if there is a main battle tank ahead, they have to keep going.Because this is an order that has been accepted, as soldiers they have the consciousness to die in battle.What's more, their current order is to investigate the machine gun bunker in the front!
They lowered their bodies slowly, and their forward pace gradually spread out. The distance between each of them was close to three meters, which was extremely scattered.But as they walked forward, everyone's face became extremely solemn, and they spread out towards the left and right sides, and even in the area directly in front, there were less than two people left.

The other six people had already leaned towards the left and right sides, and their steps gradually became thinner and faster, especially towards the side of the bunker, and they bent over and started running.Although the front and side firepower of the bunker is very strong, the rear is the blind spot for shooting. As long as they can break through the fire range of the bunker, they can easily take this bunker down!

They all understood this in their hearts, even the six M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicles in the rear also understood it. The 25mm machine gun was already aimed at the machine gun bunker. As long as there was the slightest abnormality, the 25mm caliber machine gun could completely suppress the firing position of the machine gun bunker with the already loaded armor-piercing incendiary bombs.At a distance of less than 200 meters, infantry fighting vehicles equipped with sighting equipment are more accurate than ordinary heavy machine guns, and their fire suppression is equally powerful!

"Come on! It's almost here!"

The two soldiers at the front continued to bend over and move forward. They were already close to the distance of 20 meters, almost reaching the bottom line of the machine gun bunker.But every time they took a step forward, they felt the cold sweat pouring down from their temples, and even their hearts were beating violently.

Even if one has the awareness to die in battle, who is not afraid of death?Even the soldiers who came down from the front line in Mexico were extremely nervous when they were faced with unknown dangers and deadly bullets would be fired at some point, easily cutting them in half.

But when the two scouts swallowed subconsciously and wanted to move on, a voice suddenly came out from the walkie-talkie hanging on their chests.Their already extremely tense nerves reacted immediately, and they lay on the ground directly, clinging to the ground tightly, not daring to show any appearance at all.The power of the heavy machine gun in the machine gun bunker can completely tear people into pieces. They are less than 20 meters away from the shooting hole. I am afraid that it is good to leave a whole body after death.

"Oh, this is really embarrassing..." But when they were stuck on the ground, their brains had already reacted. The two scouts couldn't help lying on the ground and looked at each other, and exhaled in embarrassment and gratitude. Only then did he get up on the ground, and walked towards the back of the bunker with his M4A1 assault rifle.

"No enemy was found, no situation was found!"

At this time, the six scouts who had circled behind the machine gun bunker on both sides were already standing at the entrance of the bunker with their assault rifles.And right in front of their eyes, the gate of the bunker, which was supposed to be firmly closed, is now half-closed, and it doesn't look like it's locked at all.

The eight of them looked at the scene in front of them, and couldn't help being slightly dazed.This machine gun bunker is half buried in the ground, and the gate at the entrance also has a slope of less than half a meter, but that symbolizes the most important gate of the machine gun bunker. , now it is half-covered like this, and it doesn't mind the appearance of outsiders entering, but it makes them hesitate.

"It's just a group of damned Soviets. This is still the territory of our American Federation. Why should we be afraid of them?!"

After spitting hard, one of the scouts raised his rifle first and walked down. The M4A1 assault rifle was pressed tightly against his shoulder, and he looked at the iron door below with great seriousness.However, there were two people following behind him, all carefully looking at the half-opened gate below, their fingers firmly on the trigger.As long as any enemy appears in front of them, it will be accompanied by a dense hail of bullets!

But nothing appeared. When the scout at the front slowly stretched out his hand and opened the half-covered gate of the bunker, looking at the somewhat dark space, he opened the bunker directly without the slightest hesitation. The gate, stepped into the inside of the bunker!

He clenched his teeth tightly, and his eyes quickly scanned the area where there might be enemies when he rushed into the bunker.But there was no one in the bunker, only his heart was beating violently, which appeared subtly in his ears.His eyes slowly scanned the inside of the bunker, only to find that apart from a table and a few chairs, there were some leather quilts for cold protection in the corner, and there was no one at all.He pressed the intercom on his chest and slowly reported: "The inside of the bunker has been occupied, and no enemies have been found!"

Back to back with the two soldiers behind him, he carefully scanned the inner space of the bunker, which was only about 4 square meters.But their faces were also somewhat puzzled, but the M1A[-] assault rifles in their hands were still aimed at the bunker.Although there are no enemies, their expressions are still cautious.

But when the scout who first entered the bunker raised his head, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he pressed the intercom on his chest and reported loudly: "It's very wrong!" He swallowed hard, this Soviet machine gun The bunker is a half-bunker, with a shooting position above and a living area below. When the scout looked up at the shooting position, he suddenly found a brand new RPD light machine gun, which was erected in the bunker. Shooting position!
But the scout immediately noticed the difference. There was more than one RPD light machine gun, the Soviet standard squad support weapon.On the front and side of this machine gun bunker, he found a total of five RPD light machine guns. Even in the dim light, they could find the brand new gun frame, as if it had just been produced in a military factory.And next to each light machine gun, there are two boxed spare ammunition belts, which are basically in a state of preparation for war!
They had no doubt that if an enemy appeared in front of the bunker, it would probably be a metal storm composed of five RPD light machine guns, letting the enemy know what Soviet fire suppression was.But now, there is no one on the shooting position of the bunker, and there is no one in the whole bunker. If there is nothing abnormal, it is impossible!

"No enemies found?"

His voice had spread to everyone's ears through the walkie-talkie, and Liszt also heard the investigation results from the scouts as clearly.He stood in front of an M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicle, but couldn't help frowning slightly, squinting at the dark green and dark green paint, and the bunker with camouflage nets in front of him, took a deep breath, and slowed down. Slowly said: "It's really not right!"

Since the Soviets have set up a bunker here, even if they find out about Liszt's arrival, they probably won't give up easily.According to the group of greedy brown bears, there is no good way to give up the land they have occupied, except to make them feel pain with the rifle in their hands.

Gritting his teeth slowly, Liszt squinted his eyes and looked at the bunker. He held down the walkie-talkie with one hand but did not issue an order. Instead, he turned his head and said to Sofitel behind him: "According to the marks on the map, maybe we didn't come to the wrong place?" Although he was asking, he also refuted his own question, frowning and said: "Let's go and have a look!"

"I think so too."

Sophie nodded, and the former company commander's deputy had a good understanding with Liszt, and immediately called a combat team next to him to come over and escorted Liszt and him towards the bunker.The bunker had already been occupied, so they were advancing very fast, and within ten seconds they came to the gate behind the bunker.

"There are no enemies inside, but I found some things they left behind, all brand new!"

The leading scout had also stepped up, nodded to Liszt and Sofitel, and at the same time led them to the bunker.Nothing was moved in the bunker, and two scouts had already climbed up to the upper firing position, carefully watching the surrounding situation.The scout pointed to the cabinet in the corner and said, "It's puzzling that they even left the overcoats for cold protection!"

"This is indeed puzzling." Sofitel frowned slightly, but looked towards the corner next to him, where a pile of leather quilts were being spread on the floor.He walked over and stretched out his hand to open it, but his expression was slightly taken aback. He immediately reached out and touched the quilt inside, then turned his head and frowned at Liszt: "There is still warmth, according to calculations, they have left for no more than 10 minutes. It was rushed."

"I don't believe that in the autumn in Alaska, people can survive the night without warmth."

Nodding slowly, Liszt also walked over and opened the cabinet in the corner. Inside were all green cotton coats. There were about a dozen sets. Even though they were brand new, traces of frequent wearing could be seen.But Liszt couldn't help but frown more and more, because he also saw that the leather hat had the familiar red five stars inlaid on it, shining brightly!

After taking two deep breaths of the air in the bunker, a smell of human life for a long time also appeared in his nostrils.But Liszt frowned tightly, and he stretched out his hand to close the open cabinet, but a complex emotion appeared in his heart.Especially looking at the familiar RPD light machine gun, a feeling of loss seemed to block his heart, making him unable to breathe.

The red five stars and sickle and hammer in this world were still created by Marx, Lenin and Stalin, but the world did not experience turmoil in the 20s, and the red empire still occupied the top of the map intact, using any capitalist The power of fear brought hope to the proletariat of the world.

"Wait, who's there? Come out, we've seen you!"

Suddenly, scouts shouted angrily from outside the bunker, which directly interrupted Liszt's train of thought.The scouts guarding outside the bunker roared one after another, and they could hear clearly even if they were not through the walkie-talkie.Before Liszt and the others walked out of the bunker, following the crisp firing of the M4A1 assault rifle, there was a sound of footsteps running outside, and at the same time, a slightly excited voice appeared in the intercom: "We captured ten Soviet soldiers." people!"

"What?" Liszt was slightly taken aback, and Liszt couldn't help but glanced towards the exit of the bunker, and at the same time walked towards the outside immediately.Before I got out of the gate and stairs of the bunker, I heard noises and shouts from outside, mixed with a burst of raps in different English.And for any American, they are not unfamiliar with this unique rap sound, because this kind of tongue-twisting language, except for the Soviets entrenched in Northern Europe and Siberia, does not exist on the North American continent at all!

"Be honest and put your hands up!"

Just ten meters deep in the birch forest, in some dense bushes, a dozen scouts were holding M4A1 assault rifles, pressing ten strangers who raised their hands and came out.They were wearing green uniforms with dark stripes, which looked like camouflage uniforms, but they were completely different from the white snow camouflage worn by Liszt and his group of scouts.And the AKM assault rifle hanging on the chest clearly showed their identities.


Liszt frowned slightly, and the ten Soviet soldiers with frightened eyes were raising their hands. They looked like recruits who had just joined the army. When they saw the scouts from the American Federation, they were all frightened and surrendered. .Their faces and bodies were stained with a lot of leaves and dirt, and they looked extremely distressed, which made Liszt wonder if they were tough fighters that only the mighty Red Empire could have.

However, he quickly discovered the difference. The first guy who spoke Russian didn't show any panic, and had a completely different reaction from the nine soldiers behind him.Even when the group of scouts yelled in English, except for the No.1 guy who spoke Russian, everyone else seemed to understand it.

"Oh, interesting, what is this discovery?"

Slowly spitting to the side, Liszt looked at the Soviet leader in front of him, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.But when he looked at the nine soldiers who were dressed in the same clothes behind him, the smile on his face turned up again. He looked at the slave who was about to buy like a picky nobleman, and at the same time said lightly: "You seem to be able to hear Understand, our English?"

PS: Even if there are two updates, I have to work hard to update it anyway. Cough cough cough, don’t slap your face. There have been a lot of things recently, so I will check it for my daughter-in-law. After all, the baby’s due date is June. Haha, I’m going to be a father soon~~~ For the milk powder money, we must work hard!
(End of this chapter)

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