Vault 32

Chapter 58 Depression

Chapter 58 Depression
The clear gunfire of the M1911 semi-automatic pistol has already blown up the entire temporary camp. The peaceful atmosphere that was originally peaceful as night fell suddenly turned into a fierce front line like a deadly battlefield.Everyone was sticking tightly to the infantry fighting vehicles and armed off-road vehicles on the edge, the M4A1 assault rifles in their hands were firmly pressed against their shoulders, and they looked around each other vigilantly. Standing in the center of the field, the figure lying on the ground.

The dinner plate containing canned beef and bread has been thrown on the ground. Not many people care about the food issue now. Even the security team that occupied the commanding heights on the top of the hill in advance have set their sights on to the bottom.But no one asked what happened in the camp below. Instead, two M249 light machine guns pointed their black muzzles at the temporary camp below. Only Sofitel stood on a stone with a cold face. Looking at the sudden situation just now, it seemed that he was waiting for something.

Liszt stood up slowly, and the American standard pistol that he was holding tightly in his hand had been inserted back into the holster on his thigh.He waved his hand towards the hill next to him, and he could even see Sofitel's frowning face at a distance of less than 100 meters.However, Liszt looked at the body that was already lying on the ground without making any sound. The overturned dinner plate was thrown beside it, and the half-eaten beef and bread were spilled on the ground, which made him unable to bear it. He narrowed his eyes and said softly, "Why bother?"

"Captain Liszt, this guy..."

Two heavily armed scouts next to him came over immediately, bent slightly and carefully scanned the surrounding environment, but the M4A1 assault rifle in their hands was not casually raised horizontally, but the muzzle was pointed towards the sky.Having just experienced an unexpected incident, they are all sure that if there is even a slight change in themselves, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

And one of the scouts walked over, measured his breath with his fingers, and at the same time pressed his neck that was still warm, raised his head and reported to Liszt: "The breathing is weak, and the heartbeat is slow." Stretching out his hand to prop up the eyelid, looking at the dilated pupil, he shook his head towards Liszt and said, "It cannot be rescued."

"Can't be rescued?" Slightly squinting his eyes, Liszt looked at the guy still lying on the ground, wearing the US Army standard equipment, and even many of them even had some jokes with him.And Liszt also saw that guy laughing, a bold young man from Texas.But he couldn't help clenching his teeth slowly, and said in a deep voice, "I know, he's going to die soon."

Turning his head to look at the soldiers around him, Liszt's eyes almost looked around and looked at them one by one.Tension and distrust suddenly descended in this camp, and everyone was faintly separated from the surrounding companions by a small distance, and their eyes were also looking at Liszt with doubts and unease, while carefully watching the surrounding movements.

"The spy of the Soviets has been killed."

Liszt spoke slowly, his voice sounded heavy and powerful in the temporary camp.At this time, he had to shoulder the honor and confidence of the scouting unit, because this was the first day of the scouting mission, and he hadn't even scouted most of the originally planned area.Taking a deep breath, Liszt stretched out his right hand, pointed to the dinner by the campfire behind him with his thumb, and said loudly: "Continue with dinner, this is something that has been expected."

And hearing Liszt's voice, all the scouts in the temporary camp reacted.They stood up slowly one by one, looking at the soldiers around them, they were also silent, and they all walked towards the bonfire with a little stiffness.Everyone didn't say anything, and they didn't let their eyes look at the spy who had been killed over there.

However, the atmosphere of this temporary camp suddenly became depressed, and it completely lost the laughter and laughter when everyone was strangers and knew each other since it was just established.Now it seems to be a real frontline battlefield. Everyone’s curiosity about Alaska has disappeared. Even the bonfire that was originally lit was divided into three parts by several scouts who were responsible for heating food. Let this camp The brightness of the room immediately dropped by a large amount, but the atmosphere became more and more oppressive.

The two scouts had already moved into action before, and they worked together to drag the dead spy's body to the side of the infantry fighting vehicle next to it.After a simple investigation, they slowly stood up, looked at Liszt who had come to the side, and reported softly: "Poison for the nerves."

"Can you find out anything?"

Liszt stood quietly in front of the spy's corpse, his face was flushed because of the death just now, but he couldn't help but slowly clenched his fists.He almost died at the gunpoint of this guy just now. If it wasn't for the amazing sixth sense that made him react quickly, it might be him who is lying here now.But Liszt looked at the crimson chest, but slowly frowned. He couldn't help exhaling slowly, but the corner of his mouth was slightly mocking: "Is this a warning for us to enter Alaska?"

"Can't find anything. According to the records, he is a retired soldier from Texas. Everything is normal."

The two scouts took out the spy's dog tag, looked at the number on it, and looked at each other, but they both saw the helplessness in each other's eyes.As a spy, you will not leave anything useful, but everyone knows that the two strongest groups now, only the United States and the Soviet Union dare to send spies to each other.However, one of them still whispered to Liszt: "If you infer from the skin color, it seems that he is a Mexican."

Touching his chin, Liszt didn't have the slightest expression on his face, but he looked at the spy with his eyes open, who seemed to be quite a deadly spy, and the corner of his mouth was slightly raised in mockery.He turned around and walked towards the dinner plate he threw on the ground, just said lightly: "Mexican? Oh, then I can understand how he wants to assassinate me." He took two steps and stood still slowly Said: "The rest is up to you, I think General Buner asked you to come with me just to avoid this situation."

"Understood." The two scouts who seemed no different from the others nodded slowly.They were sent by General Buner and Sofitel when Lister formed the investigation team, and they were said to be professional counter-espionage personnel.However, Liszt didn't pay too much attention to this. A real spy would not let his hatred blind his heart.

"Everyone eats quickly, and divides into three groups to take turns to guard tonight."

Coming to the center of the camp, Liszt stood beside a bonfire, looking at the soldiers who were still silent, with a disdainful smile on the corner of his mouth.He looked around at the man who was eating dinner silently, and at the same time looked at his somewhat blank gaze, nodded his head and said loudly: "A stinky rat trained by the Soviets is not a big deal, a Mexican bug for me." Li Si As Te said, the disdain at the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious. He still said loudly: "Be prepared to spend a period of cold winter nights. The territories of the United States still need us to detect and protect them!"

Liszt didn't say anything more, he directly took his share of food, and continued to eat with big mouthfuls from the plate.The beef and carrots were still delicious, and he felt good after eating them, but Liszt slowly let out a breath as he looked at the conversations that gradually appeared in the temporary camp.

If repressed emotions emerged in this unit, it might have been the dead spy's purpose.The newly formed reconnaissance unit is all composed of selected active-duty troops and retired soldiers, and no one knows anyone.If the seeds of distrust are allowed to take root in this unit, then this newly formed reconnaissance unit may exist in name only.This will undoubtedly take a huge blow to Liszt's reputation, or the impression in Buner's eyes.

"A spy for the Soviets?"

Gently opened his mouth to eat the food on his dinner plate, but Liszt looked up the hill.Sofitel's figure was still standing there, and the security team still firmly occupied the commanding heights, deterring any figures who dared to move around.After slowly waving and saying hello, indicating that there was no problem, Sofitel returned to his position.And Liszt looked at the camp that was still slightly depressed, and couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly: "Is this the Cold War?"

PS: Resuming the update, it seems that I owe a lot of money... Well, I will try my best to pay it back...

PS: I recommend a few books, "The Twelve Constellations of the End Times", the author writes well, it belongs to the science fiction doomsday category, you can read it. "Take the Supermarket to the End Times" is recommended by Zhou Jiang this week. It must be very good to watch. You can follow it directly~ "Infinite Alchemist" has unlimited streams. If you like infinite streams, you can go and watch it~ "Endless Martial Arts" is also Science fiction martial arts books, they are very good~
(End of this chapter)

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