Vault 32

Chapter 46 Unemployment

Chapter 46 Unemployment
In the previous life of the earth, the oil resources in the Middle East were simply God-given wealth to them. The huge reserves of shallow oil were distributed so widely that they could easily produce thousands of barrels of crude oil without advanced oil extraction technology.Moreover, in other regions such as Siberia, Alaska, and Yugoslavia, there is also deep oil. If it is not because of the mining technology and the original reasons for mining, there will be no so-called shortage of oil resources.

But it is different in this world. Almost only the Middle East exists in the world's oil fields, but the reserves are not even one-tenth of the previous life. After hundreds of years of mining, they are already on the verge of drying up, unable to supply the world. Working oil resources.As for the oil fields in other regions are small-scale oil fields, they will be pumped out in a few years. Even the Alaska oil fields discovered so far can only be pumped for more than ten or twenty years.

But now at the end of 2059, the oil resources in the Middle East are on the verge of depletion, which has almost affected the daily fuel required.For civilians, gasoline, diesel and other supplies can no longer be purchased.And when the oil resources in the Middle East are completely dried up in 2060, the whole world will fall into an oil crisis. Except for the fuel needed by the military, all the fuels for daily civilians have been cancelled.Of course, this is also why this world is vigorously developing nuclear energy, and it has surpassed the nuclear technology of the previous life in just a dozen years.

"Even the limited supply of gasoline seems a little bad."

Frowning slowly, Liszt looked at the desolate street outside the window, the sparse crowds and vehicles seemed to make this small town into twilight.A large number of citizens chose to relocate from this small town, and it was not a necessary point of transportation. In half a month, it was simply in decline.But when he watched a police car drive by slowly not far away, he couldn't help but think of a city, and couldn't help sighing: "It's exactly the same as Detroit."

Detroit, the strongest industrial city in the American Federation in the previous life, the unrivaled city of automobiles, is the same in this life.But as the oil crisis became more violent in this world, Detroit's glory also plummeted at its peak, and it almost declined into an empty city in two or three years. Cases of public security, crime, and drug trafficking emerged in endlessly. To escape, and the perpetrators do not want to casually involved in this dirty quagmire.It can be said that among the American Federation of the United States, the most notorious city, or the concentration of bad people, is Detroit.

"Hey, Liszt, why are you so negative, let's go have a good drink tonight."

The black boy Gary on the side is still a foolish and bold person who is not afraid of the sky falling. Even if Liszt told him the fact that a nuclear war will break out in more than ten years, he would probably scoff at him. Chic.Or this is the tradition that black people are fearless, and Liszt feels a little envious of this kind of foolish life.

The stereo in the car has been turned up to a high volume, and the very rhythmic old-fashioned vagueness made him nod his head and move his body quite happily.But he suddenly remembered something, controlled the steering wheel with one hand, took out two bottles on the back seat with one hand, threw a bottle to Liszt, bit off the bottle cap with his teeth, and drank a drink. He took a big gulp, then exhaled a big breath, nodded in satisfaction and said, "Just take a big sip of Nuka-Cola that has just been chilled, it's better than a cocktail!"


Liszt glanced at the familiar glass bottle, and suddenly couldn't help showing a smile on his face.Since the drink took off around the world a few years ago, it has become almost the only soft drink, with a unique taste that conquers everyone's taste buds.Also biting off the bottle cap with his teeth, Liszt subconsciously wanted to throw it away with a wave of his hand. After hesitating for a while, he still put it in his pocket, but he also shook his head with a wry smile and took a big sip, savoring the stimulating taste and smoothing his throat. Then, let out a long breath: "It's so pitiful."

"Pity? Why did you even put away the bottle caps? You don't think it's really ten bottle caps for a bottle of Nuka-Cola, do you?"

There were not many cars driving on the street, and even the policeman looked very lazy. Gary raised his head and drank Nuka-Cola in one breath. The unique taste of frost made him unable to hold back a long breath.Then he wiped his mouth in satisfaction, then threw away the empty bottle in his hand, and at the same time teased Liszt: "Don't be ridiculous, a cocktail in the bar can be worth a dozen bottles of Nuka-Cola, and I haven't seen you much Cherish it, and vomit when it's time to vomit."

"At night, you'll drink a dozen bottles of Nuka-Cola to see if you vomit."

Liszt touched the bottle cap in his pocket, and a subtle feeling of the great era appeared in his heart.He suddenly found himself on the cusp of a great era, and he seemed to be an omniscient and omnipotent prophet. This feeling made him feel a little subtle.Especially when he touched the Nuka-Cola bottle cap in his pocket, which was a strong currency in the radiation wasteland of his previous life, he couldn't help but stretched out on the passenger seat, looked at the car repair shop in front of him, and slowly Said: "Maybe I should make a little change?"

"Liszt, what's the matter with you? Why haven't I seen you for a month? Well, it's not an offense, but I suddenly feel that you have become a little strange?"

Gary on the side stared at Liszt next to him with his eyes wide open. With his widened eyes on his dark skin, the whites of his eyes became quite obvious.But even though he looked quite serious and surprised, everyone who was familiar with this black boy knew his character, and Liszt was no exception.The next thing was exactly the same as before, Gary suddenly laughed and patted Liszt on the shoulder and said with a big laugh: "Could it be some little girl you fell in love with? You will make the beauties in the bar sad!"

Gary's teasing also made Liszt react instantly. He looked at the door of the auto repair shop that had appeared in front of him, and couldn't help taking a long breath, and his mood stabilized.No matter what, the nuclear war will come eventually, and he, who has special abilities, doesn't want to really fall into the hellish wasteland.Shaking his head vigorously, Liszt said to Gary, who was still shaking his body to the music, "Old Kyle is in front, let's go through this first."

Just in front of the door of the auto repair shop, old Kyle in a denim suit was standing there smoking a pipe, and four or five other young men were also standing there.Seeing Gary and Liszt driving over, they both raised their hands and waved. There was joy in seeing each other again, but a sense of sadness also appeared on their faces, even the old Kyle surprisingly did not He yelled angrily, but quietly watched Gary and Liszt stop the car.

"Wait, Kyle, what's wrong?"

Swallowing slightly, the heartless Gary also felt a certain oppressive atmosphere.He subconsciously put away the pretended happy expression on his face, looked at Old Kyle and the four or five colleagues around him with some embarrassment, coughed lightly, and forced a smile: "What's wrong with everyone? And Old Kyle, this is not quite right with your character..."

Liszt also came over, but he didn't speak, and stood side by side with other colleagues, nodding each other as a greeting.The old Kyle in front of him was smoking his pipe heavily. Seeing that they were all here, he also slowly protruded two long streams of smoke from his nasal cavity. His voice seemed to be hoarse from smoking for a long time. He said slowly : "I have to say that no matter how grand the banquet is, it will eventually dissipate."

As soon as he spoke, Gary and the others showed expressions of astonishment, and even Liszt couldn't help frowning.Because old Kyle's words, coupled with his tone, are not words worthy of celebration.Seeing the astonishment on Liszt's face, Old Kyle still took a puff on his pipe, shook his head helplessly and said, "Everyone has seen what this small town looks like, and our industry has already come to winter."

"But everyone has cars. No matter what, we can still repair cars. Our auto repair shop is well-known in the whole small town. Who doesn't know our reputation and craftsmanship?!"

Gary's eyes were completely wide open. He also looked at the old Kyle in front of him, but a sense of sadness suddenly flowed out of his heart.Before he finished speaking, the circles of his eyes were already red, and he still paid great attention to feelings even though he was heartless, and he also lowered his head subconsciously, as if he couldn't look directly at Old Kyle: "You mean...we... All fired?"

"No, we disbanded."

The mist of the pipe slowly spewed out of Old Kyle's mouth. He looked at Liszt and the others with unsightly faces in front of him, and slowly reached out to take down the pipe, feeling the mellow smoke spit out along with his words. , still shook his head and said: "Gasoline has been sold in limited quantities. In the future, cars will be driven less and less, and we will also lose our jobs..." But he looked at the crowd and forced a smile: "Maybe we can still go to the army. , our maintenance skills are learned there after all.”

PS: Restoring two updates, ahem, sorry.
(End of this chapter)

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