Vault 32

Chapter 4 Disappearing Gunshots

Chapter 4 Disappearing Gunshots

The pizza is beef pizza, sprinkled with salt and pepper, it tastes good, especially the full portion, even an adult like Liszt can only eat two-thirds.But he can still feel that it should be the product of the pizzeria on the corner street. With this familiar taste, he would order one for lunch almost every day.

The familiar smell made him feel calm, at least drinking Coke, Liszt felt a little relaxed now, if he didn't look downstairs.In just half an hour, in the middle of this street, troop carriers have been driving back and forth several times, but according to Liszt's rough calculations, there are at least two regiments passing by downstairs!
Two infantry squads have been stationed in the middle of the street, and are still busy building sandbags into temporary fortifications.And in the outline of the temporary fortifications that are still under construction, an M1A2 "Abrams" main battle tank is parked in the middle, as if to cover their construction of the fortifications.

"With this firepower, urban combat is really a luxury."

Two M2 Browning large-caliber heavy machine guns have been set up among the sandbags. This 12mm large-caliber machine gun is the strongest meat grinder in urban warfare.Moreover, according to Liszt's observation, there are four M7 light machine guns in the two infantry squads surrounding the two heavy machine guns, and the M249A4 assault rifles in the hands of the rest of the soldiers have completely made the street more than six meters wide. , forming a terrifying firepower network.


"It is estimated that a regiment of infantry came here, and they couldn't chew it down without heavy firepower."

Sitting by the window, Liszt quietly ate beef pizza, but his eyes cautiously scanned the soldiers at the bottom of the building.Under the cover of the main battle tanks, the two infantry squads have completed the construction of temporary fortifications, and looking at the standard urban warfare fortifications, Liszt couldn't help but gritted his teeth slowly: "What is it that makes the army so nervous?"

If it was really the Soviet Union's invasion, I'm afraid they have already been notified. At least as a retired soldier, Liszt has long asked to report and pick up his gun to serve again at any time.After all, the war between the two superpowers in the Cold War was not comparable to the previous one-sided Mexican war.

And based on the terrifying torrent of steel in the Soviet Union, if a war really broke out, civilians in the city would also ask to go to air-raid shelters or shelters.After all, the Soviet Union in this world is not far from the former Soviet Union. The terrifying bombers, tanks, artillery and even nuclear bombs will be fatal to their small city on the east coast!


Just as Liszt was staring at the fortifications below, the lights in the room that had been on turned off instantly.Liszt woke up in a flash, and subconsciously held the Winchester M1887 shotgun in his hand.He didn't make too much noise, he just carefully moved towards the corner of the wall, but he didn't move away from the window.

Liszt, who has experienced life and death on the battlefield, of course knows that the height of a four-story building is not a problem as long as one is careful, and when encountering real danger, narrow corridors may not be a good place to go.On the contrary, if he is determined enough to break through the glass and jump, it may save his life.

The gray mist outside the window has become thicker at some point, even making Liszt look outside with his naked eyes, and the bottom of the street is already foggy and can no longer be seen clearly.Only when the headlights of the M1A2 "Abrams" main battle tank were turned on, could the shadowy soldiers be seen patrolling and defending.

"Damn it, is the power system out too?"

Before he finished eating the beef pizza in his hand, Liszt threw the remaining two pieces of pie into the box. He carefully went to the bedroom and moved the quilt and bed sheet to a corner by the window, and temporarily built a floor. .He didn't have much panic about the power outage. If an enemy really appeared and the power system that was crucial to a city was interrupted, that would be really normal.

Half lying on the floor, Liszt closed his eyes and let himself enter a half-rest state.The gunshots in his ears seemed to be a little clearer, but he didn't pay much attention to it.As a former soldier, he knew that if he left the house rashly at this time, in such a thick fog, he might be more likely to be killed by mistake.

He didn't dare to try whether the group of soldiers below, who were fully armed and didn't even have insurance on their rifles, would shoot first when they couldn't see clearly in the fog.At least when Liszt was stationed at an important point in Mexico, even if he encountered a faint shadow in the dark night, no matter whether it was an enemy or not, he would first pass a bullet from a magazine.

Leaning against the wall, Liszt slowly hugged the Winchester M1887 shotgun in his arms, next to Coke and beef pizza, for him today may be such a vaguely uneasy past.Gunshots could be heard from time to time, sometimes appearing sporadically, sometimes violently like heavy rain, and even when he was fascinated by his eyes and closed his eyes to meditate for a while, the roar of the tank's main gun was already mixed in. up.

Li Sishang could still sleep soundly. He had carefully changed the furniture arrangement in his home.Right in front of him, the large TV screen and the low table blocked his entire body, and it wasn't too obtrusive.Even if someone broke in suddenly, you don't have to worry about being discovered, you will only think that it is the reason for the original layout of the room.

The hangover from last night still lingered in his body, and the alcohol content of a bottle of vodka and two cases of beer made his head dizzy now.And carefully adjusted the quilt under his body, making sure that he would not be the first to see him when someone broke into the room, Liszt carefully curled up in this corner, and fell asleep drowsily.

The gray mist outside the window became more and more pervasive, and the distance of more than ten meters on both sides of the street could only be seen as an outline. Although the sun should have risen high in the sky at this time, with the thick black clouds blocking The sunshine seemed to cover this small city on the east coast with a layer of tulle.

But after the power system was paralyzed, the entire city fell into darkness.Many police cars and military vehicles were running back and forth on the streets. At the intersections of the streets, tanks and sandbags had already taken over the mainstream, and a large number of heavily armed soldiers had been firmly stationed there, waiting in the gray mist.

Even occasionally on the streets, many infantry fighting vehicles and tanks, as well as the accompanying infantry, have formed armored patrols. After any suspicious targets did not respond to their first question, a series of bullets followed.And looking at that posture, even if they blow the surrounding houses into ruins, they will not hesitate!

Of course, Liszt didn't understand all this, he just quietly curled up in the corner behind the TV, his breathing was calm and long, without the slightest snoring sound.However, his body is still curled up with a little stiffness, and it's not that his whole body is relaxed. This is the vigilance needed in the battlefield. As long as there is any abnormality, he can wake up instantly.And this shows that Liszt has returned to his previous habits on the battlefield during his sleep.

Time passed by slowly, and Liszt also woke up several times in his sleep, but apart from the faint sound of machine gun fire still appearing in his ears, there was no other abnormality.But this time he opened his eyes instantly, carefully rolled behind the TV, held the Winchester M1887 shotgun vigilantly, leaned his back against the wall, and held his breath.

Just now, when he was half asleep and half awake, there was a strange hoarse roar from outside the window.What really made Liszt feel uneasy, and the whole body felt a sense of tension in the front line, was the gunshots outside that had completely disappeared.The gunshots that were still faintly visible had disappeared before I knew it.

"Oh... this is really bad... it really makes people unable to calm down..."

Liszt turned his head and looked out of the window, only to find that in the gap of the door curtain, the outline of the street could still be vaguely seen, but only a thick fog and disturbing darkness remained.Glancing at the fluorescent watch hanging on the wall, Liszt couldn't help but grit his teeth and said, "After four o'clock in the afternoon, it looks like a worse night is coming."

The night symbolizes not obscurity, but frightening darkness.Once on the front line of the Mexican battlefield, when Liszt led his company to garrison a hilly factory, the night was often the most anxious for three days.Especially in the case of insufficient vision, the enemy may have touched you at a very close distance, and you still don't know anything.

Although the original faint gunshots made people faintly uneasy, they could still be detected as traces of the troops fighting in the city.But the gunshots that have disappeared now can only indicate that the battle is over.In other words, this originally fierce battle came to an end temporarily due to the defeat of one side...

But according to Liszt's experience, the sound of machine guns and the roar of tank guns stopped, which undoubtedly shows that the military is at a disadvantage in the battle.Slowly squinting his eyes, Liszt carefully stood up, bent and half-curled up and walked forward. He could guess that this downwind battle might have given up this block.

"Dangdang, Dangdang."

There was a subtle but rhythmic knock on the door, and Liszt, who had already come to the center of the living room, squatted down as quickly as a conditioned reflex, and the Winchester M1887 shotgun in his hand was already tight. He leaned tightly on his shoulder, aimed at that side and held his breath slowly, and did not immediately respond to the knocking sound outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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