Vault 32

Chapter 39 Casualties

Chapter 39 Casualties
Amidst the extremely deafening gunshots, pieces of flesh and blood were splashing wantonly as the bullets drilled into the flesh. The tough outer skin, which had a good defense against cutting and bruising, has now become tattered. At first glance, it seems that there are not even a few intact areas, only the bullet holes in the pits exist in patches. With the gravity of the earth, the blood is dripping down with dark red sticky blood, which is the same as the original bright red patch on the ground. into one.

The friction and embers of gunpowder produced by the bullet passing through the air brought up golden dazzling straight lines, which were almost as dense as rainstorms, and there was no way to dodge them.The deathclaw's body was still covered in blood and flesh, and even the bones on some joints were exposed, and at the same time, small holes were broken due to the impact of the solid bullet.Although this deathclaw is huge, it can only slowly bend down and retreat in this rainstorm-like dense metal frenzy, roaring in a low voice to vent the pain and anger in its heart, but it also has to Avoid that extremely ferocious metal storm for the time being.

Thirty M4A1 assault rifles, eight M249 light machine guns, and three Browning "M2HB" 12mm large-caliber heavy machine guns no longer care about accurate long and short bursts. These soldiers now only know how to squeeze the trigger hard , aimed at the narrow space in front of him and fired, causing the violent metal storm to pour down like a torrential rain, beating the deathclaw's body to a bloody mess, and even successfully smashed the brutal huge deathclaw forced back.

But there was no relaxed expression on everyone's faces. Even if the old Bunar didn't give an order, the soldiers around quickly replaced the empty magazines.Their faces were solemn and serious, and even some kind of sadness turned into anger in their eyes.Because they have all seen the scene in the corridor, those comrades who used to get along day and night, and even half of the corpses are not far from their feet, but there are only dilated pupils in the widened eyes, and the feeling for life. Nostalgia.

In just three to five seconds, the team led by Liszt was left alone.He didn't directly see how this huge death claw destroyed his team, but just by looking at the broken limbs and the shattered marks all over the wall, he could know how miserable those originally heroic boys were. attack.Even on that wall, there are still traces left by the sharp claws smashing the concrete wall, just like this, if it shows the sharpness and hardness of the sharp claws.

"It's not right, it's absolutely not right... This death claw is almost the same as the death claw in the wasteland of later generations, how could it be repelled so easily?!"

The dense metal storm was still sweeping through this corridor, and the deafening gunshots even made Liszt's ears buzz.Although his eardrums are gradually adapting to the intense sound, Liszt's mind is also spinning rapidly, especially watching the deathclaw that is slowly retreating, and he retracts his body and quickly returns to the coffee table. Behind the cover of the machine and the table, his eyes were serious: "Small-caliber firepower will definitely not cause fatal injuries to it, and the firepower of those three heavy machine guns is not enough to kill this one!" Claw backs away in fear!"

The deathclaw does not represent a creature, but a biological weapon that has been defined as a military use since the time of research.If small-caliber firepower can severely damage this kind of biological weapon, then there is no need for this kind of biological weapon to exist.In fact, Liszt inferred from the deathclaw in the game that he already knew that this powerful creature didn't care about shooting with small-caliber gunpowder weapons.Although it is due to the digitization and systemization of the game, it still shows the success of the deathclaw as a biological weapon!
Even the more advanced freeze guns, laser guns and Gauss rifles can't kill a deathclaw with a few shots. Even the powerful legendary deathclaws and alpha deathclaws in the game can withstand even the fat man's nuclear bomb. This small-caliber gunpowder Even if the weapons are so dense, how can they deal with a real deathclaw? !In Liszt's view, if there are no hidden factors in it, it must be impossible!
But Old Bunar and his soldiers didn't think so. They had already seen the huge monster retreating under their firepower, and their attacks had already caused all kinds of bloody scars on the huge monster. , and the roar that came from time to time amidst the deafening firing sound, further explained the fatality of their metal storm.They also believed that the volley of such a large number of weapons caused a lethal effect that even tens of thousands of ordinary humans could be easily slaughtered by them in a short period of time in this narrow corridor!
Everyone's faces were solemn, and everyone's back molars were biting fiercely. No one even said a word, just panting, and quickly pulled out the magazine or belt to replace the ammunition mechanically. , that is, holding a firearm with sufficient ammunition, moving towards the corridor ahead, pulling the trigger viciously and shooting fiercely.They are eager to kill this huge monster, and pay homage to the comrades who died in this corridor and this small city.

Empty bullet casings were thrown to their feet one by one, and even in the viscous blood, they had accumulated layer by layer, like a yellow-orange floor, forming a different kind of beauty at the bottom of their feet.But their eyes looked at the huge monster that was gradually retreating step by step, and there was a bit of fanaticism in their dignified and serious eyes. Even without the fire support of the armored troops, they now believe that they can still kill this huge monster, maybe Not even a few minutes.

But a throbbing moment appeared in Liszt's mind. Through the gap between the coffee machine and the table and chairs, he saw the death claw slowly stop and retreat.The violent and resentful roar appeared in that throat, and the bloody head became more ferocious, and then the thick tail fiercely swept the corridor walls on both sides behind him, and it collapsed at that moment The fragments of the wall unexpectedly took big strides as fiercely as before, and launched a frontal charge towards Bunar and the others!

Liszt kicked the coffee machine away in an instant, and rushed into the corridor with his Winchester M1887 shotgun, trying to remind Old Buhner and the others to be careful.But the dense metal frenzy forced him back in an instant. The dense firepower not only formed a terrifying metal storm, but also formed ricochet bullets behind the deathclaw, on both sides of the corridor. Rolling rapidly up and down, left and right, the trajectory without shooting is even more weird and deadly!

Even if he wanted to remind him, it was already too late, and when he realized that something was wrong, the soldiers of Company E even pulled the trigger and fired wildly, expecting to continue to interrupt the charge of the deathclaw.But the seemingly spectacular metal storm before couldn't stop this deathclaw's violent charge.The huge hind limbs moved forward, twisting and twisting as if they were dancing, and the thick tail was also moving to keep the whole body in balance. Almost in the blink of an eye, the sharp claws of this death claw It was already less than ten meters away from Old Bunar and the others.

The M2 Browning heavy machine gun with the tripod extended was still under the control of the machine gunner, firing crazily forward. The armor-piercing effect of the 12mm large-caliber hard-core armor-piercing bullet at close range became stronger.The thumb-thick bullet easily pierced into Deathclaw's body, and then destroyed any muscles and bones in front of it. It spun violently and left a wound the size of a bowl behind, while cracking the cement wall in the corridor. Several bullet craters the size of fists.

But a high-pitched roar interrupted the dull firing sound of the heavy machine gun. The huge body had a different explosive power, and the same explosive speed was enough for the deathclaw to come to the heavy machine gun position within a few seconds.The weight of several thousand kilograms and the huge body brought absolute inertia during the sprint. The three heavy machine guns and the three shooters seemed to be touched by a speeding heavy truck, and the two soldiers who were caught off guard fell down He flew out and slammed into the wall behind him fiercely, spitting out blood, and there was no movement after a while.


But this is not the end, the death claw has opened its thick arms, and its sharp and tough claws have been waving towards the chaotic soldiers in front of it with its roar.It's the same flesh and blood, but more blood and stumps, as well as broken internal organs.Its footsteps stomped heavily towards the front, and any broken limbs and soldiers who couldn't dodge would discharge a piece of stinky plasma and internal organ fragments from the soles of the feet with a clear sound of bone shattering, just like the original one. It's like thick blood in this corridor, and they now know what's going on in this corridor.

No soldier cares about this kind of thing, because they have changed from hunters to prey, and the settings of them and this huge terrifying monster have transformed each other.And the consequences of this transformation are even more serious. They are more like fish on the exhibition board, without the slightest chance to resist. Even if they fire with the rifle in their hands, they will turn into several pieces of corpses with each swing of their sharp claws. Turn into plasma in the corridor!
"Get out of here, don't get too close to it! Everyone retreat immediately! Where is the damn armored vehicle? Where are our tanks? Call for armored support!"

Old Bunar's roar was already extremely hoarse, but some kind of tragic and despair also appeared in his voice.Although he was holding his M4A1 assault rifle, he could only run towards the original direction.Right behind him, the soldiers who tried to stop this terrifying monster were easily cut into several pieces, and then trampled into a pulp by that big foot.He didn't expect this kind of result. He didn't want to believe this kind of extremely reversed result. He just widened his eyes, and he didn't even know what order he was giving: "Call for armored support! Get rid of that monster! Let our Tanks come here! Kill that monster!"

(End of this chapter)

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