Vault 32

Chapter 34 resumes updating today!Thank you everyone!Anyway, I'm done!

Chapter 34 resumes updating today!Thank you everyone!Anyway, I'm done!

Happy New Year everyone~
Whoops, I'm done anyway.
We just got married to our school girl in November last year.
I can't help it, I'm too busy on New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, and the second day of the new year.
Now I'm at my aunt's house, but I don't need to be too strict about the rules anymore.
Now we will resume the update immediately here, yes, it will be updated every day now.
Don't worry, everyone, keep going twice a day, if there is an IOU, it will be made up immediately, at least you have to be virtuous.
Well, that's all for now, I would like to thank everyone here, no matter what, I hope you will support me more.
(End of this chapter)

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