Vault 32

Chapter 32 Entering the Underground Research Institute

Chapter 32 Entering the Underground Research Institute
Slender beams of light swept across the entrance of the collapsed tunnel, dispelling the surrounding dark darkness like a divine sword that dispels darkness.Two soldiers of company E holding M4A1 assault rifles ran over quickly, their eyes were solemn, and after kneeling on one knee, they pressed the handle of the gun firmly on their shoulders.The already small tactical flashlight has been fixed in the slot on the side of the rifle. Two slender beams of light swept across the collapsed hole. He gestured behind him and said at the same time, "It's safe."

The sound of dense footsteps echoed in the tunnel, and eight soldiers of Company E in the same attire also quickly gathered, but they did not stop in front of the collapsed tunnel entrance, but rushed towards the entrance quickly.They bent their waists and hunched their backs, but the M4A1 assault rifles were still firmly pressed against their shoulders. Relying on their small but extremely fast charging speed, they were all scattered in the hole in a short time, with the The opening of the hole formed a semicircular shooting position.

The inside of the cave is a relatively empty space, but as the tactical flashlight on the side of the assault rifle turns into a beam of light, they can't help but clenched the M4A1 assault rifle in their hands.Because right in front of them, with the beam of light shining, undulating hills appeared in front of their eyes, and there were even many small forests and shrubs distributed, which looked like a real wilderness.

They carefully swept across the hill in front of them, listening quietly, with an extremely cautious look, and no one knew whether there was that terrifying death claw hidden inside.And once they step into the attack range of the death claws, this terrifying creature can rush to them over a distance of [-] meters within three to five seconds, and then kill them in less than three seconds. Torn to pieces.As ordinary human beings, they couldn't react in any way.

"Well, did you build an eco-mimetic site directly underground? It seems that the United States Federation, which is directly facing the threat of the torrent of Soviet armor, really spares no effort in the research of biological weapons such as death claws."

Liszt walked into the entrance of the collapsed tunnel with an M249 light machine gun in his hand, but when his eyes swept over the hills and forests and bushes in front of him, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.Such a realistic environment is absolutely impossible to appear underneath, and there is absolutely no other possibility except artificial construction.Subconsciously raised the tactical flashlight and aimed it at the top of his head, but when he saw the beam of light pointing directly at a height of more than 20 meters above, there was only darkness appearing there, and he couldn't help sighing slowly: "If you count this The imitation ecological site is really a majestic building.”

"But it seems that the distance between our underground research institute and this subway tunnel is less than half a meter."

Old Buner also walked in, holding an M4A1 assault rifle in his hand, and a tactical flashlight was also installed on the side of the gun.And he followed Liszt's line of sight and looked up, but there was a hint of disdain on his wrinkled face.Looking down at the imitation ecological site in front of him, he spat fiercely to the side: "It seems that when the subway was built, it didn't even know that there was a hidden underground research institute here."

"It should be the engineer's mistake." Liszt slowly turned his head to look at the collapsed entrance behind him, and a figure also rushed in along with the slender beams of light.More than 30 E company infantry from the rear also came in with their own rifles and light machine guns, and they were scattered on both sides of the entrance of the cave.But Liszt looked at the dark blast marks at the collapse, but couldn't help squinting his eyes: "But this is not right."

The blast hole was as deep as the width of two people standing together, with only a thin layer of concrete and rock remaining.If the subway tunnels or the outer walls of the underground research institute were built separately, as long as the two sides had a little communication, then such embarrassing things would never happen.And just looking at the thin layer of concrete and rock, I'm afraid that even if no explosives were used, even a normal person with a hammer would be able to open a hole in less than a month!
But why is there a weakness here?It just so happened that another explosion appeared here?And why the area where the explosion is located happens to be the biomimetic area of ​​the Deathclaw experiment?Countless doubts had arisen in Liszt's mind, but he, who lacked effective information, didn't have the slightest association.He just took a deep breath, and slowly said to the old Bunar: "This is not right at all, General Bunar."


Eagle-like sharp eyes swept over the blast hole that still had burning marks. Old Buner's face was covered with a trace of haze, but he didn't say much, he just spat fiercely towards the side, I twisted my toes hard.He has honed his time in the army for decades, and he has also led troops into the front lines of the Mexican guerrillas. Some things don't even need to be brought up by others, and his keen sense of smell makes him sneer: "The American Federation A bunch of politicians, what a bunch of shit."

Old Buhner waved his hand forward, and the forty soldiers of Company E beside him immediately stood up and bent over and moved forward quickly, but their speed was not fast, it could even be said to be slow.But their density is spreading out, like an open umbrella, with the light beam of the tactical flashlight as the umbrella bone, centered on Liszt and Old Buhner, spreading towards the front and sides.

This is a standard tactical search formation. Soldiers of Company E can support each other at any time. Whether it is gathered to form four shooting positions in the front, back, left, and right, or spread out to avoid the enemy's sneak attack, it is a very good tactical formation. .And they are not just like that, each of them has an M67 delayed killing grenade hanging on their chest.This more powerful defensive grenade may be used to throw it, or it may not be, even if Liszt understood it, he did not directly point it out.

They are still moving forward. Without a map, they can only rely on inertia to move forward in a straight line.And there are hills, woods, and shrubs along the way. If they didn't know that this place was underground, they would have regarded it as a dark night without starlight and moonlight.While Liszt held the M249 light machine gun and looked ahead, his face became more serious. They didn't find any trace of Deathclaw, but this place gave him the feeling that it was that small town.

Wading through a dense bush, Liszt and forty other soldiers of Company E stood on a hill together.Rifles and light machine guns have been aimed at the surroundings for careful defense, and beams of light have also vaguely illuminated the surrounding space, making it slightly clearer.But the darkness was still thick with ink that seemed insoluble. Liszt turned his head and suggested to the old Buhner, "General, what about the flares from before? We may need them at this time."

"Here, General Bunar."

A soldier guarding him responded immediately. He took out a flare gun from the backpack behind him, and quickly loaded a flare at the same time.After getting the nod of agreement from the old Bunar, he glanced slightly at the top floor that was more than twenty meters above the sky, and the hand that was originally raised was slightly shifted to one side and tilted.And when he squeezed the trigger hard, the familiar whistling sound and the light source like a small sun streaked across the imitation ecological area, and the originally dark space became as clear as the dawn.

"Over there, there is a gate!" With the help of this bright light source, many soldiers immediately discovered the entrance and exit of this imitation ecology area.Just a few hundred meters in front of them, just at the end of the area where the flare was shot, a steel gate that was opening appeared there.The appearance of the same black hole is hard to see clearly, but for Liszt and Old Buhner who are at a loss, they have found a basic direction.

Everyone acted immediately. Although they found their most basic direction, the formation was still orderly. The distribution of each combat group was also very reasonable, and their actions were quite tacit.They moved forward one by one, swiftly and vigilantly, but just as they were about to approach the steel gate 50 meters away, everyone's progress stopped for an instant, and the assault rifles that were pressed tightly against their shoulders also instantly Lift it up and aim it all at the steel gate.

"The jackpot?"

Liszt clamped the M249 light machine gun tightly under his armpit, looked at the steel gate, but couldn't help but clenched his teeth slowly.As the light beams of the tactical flashlights illuminated the inside of the steel gate, each and every burly body was slowly standing up inside, and the thick tail like a tree stump was also moving, making the black shadow inside even more terrifying.And the goat's horns on the forehead, as well as the gray-black skin, all explained the name of this group of creatures - Death Claw!

(End of this chapter)

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