Vault 32

Chapter 29 Oak Flower Subway Station

Chapter 29 Oak Flower Subway Station
Liszt's words were like a ray of light in the dark night, instantly illuminating the old Buner's thoughts.He turned his head subconsciously, walked through the gap of the M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicle, and looked at the entrance of the Oak Flower subway station that seemed to have collapsed, but was still holding on. Laughing, he said to Liszt with some self-deprecating: "Unblock the subway? This is really a good idea."

The environment in the subway station is really a narrow area.But for the M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicle and the M1A2 "Abrams" main battle tank, it cannot be said that it cannot be driven.Because it is a kind of railway, the construction of the subway is not like a sharp turn.And the base on which the rails are laid can carry the weight of the subway, as well as the weight of main battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.Perhaps the price of doing so is that the subway that passes through the tanks needs major repairs, but for the old soldier, Old Buner, he doesn't need to care too much.

"What are everyone still doing in a daze, immediately return to the infantry fighting vehicle, let's go!"

The narrowed eyes slowly retracted, but the old Buner still had a solemn and depressed look on his face.The soldiers in front of them were also very serious, and they quickly started to disperse around the vehicle group. In less than a dozen seconds, everyone returned to the infantry fighting vehicle.For them, this is also one of the subjects of practice. It is a test of coordination and cooperation ability to get on the car. In a war, you can see the military quality of an armored force!

And the 16th Mechanized Brigade, which the elder Bunar spent almost half his life training, is undoubtedly the best among them.Even at the beginning, he was complained more than once by recruits and visiting reporters because of the harsh training, but he still did not change his training style.The harsh training in daily life can be understood in the war, and it can also be seen from the skilled movements of these boys from Company E that they are very familiar with these basic tactical movements.

The engine roared even more as the accelerator was stepped on, and the original standard U-shaped defense line was also declared fragmented.But it was not a rout. The eight infantry fighting vehicles and three main battle tanks were still in order, forming a long line to cover each other and driving towards the entrance of the Oak Flower subway station.This time it was replaced by an M1A2 "Abrams" main battle tank in front, and the 120mm smoothbore gun moved slowly, but it was already aimed at the front entrance.

The heavy and hard M1A2 "Abrams" main battle tank is enough to deal with most situations. Even if it encounters a small-scale collapse, it can rush out abruptly, not to mention the powerful 120mm smoothbore main gun .In a small space, with a main battle tank in front, even if it encounters a subway that is rushing towards it, it may be able to blast the front of the vehicle into pieces with one shot.And for the limit speed, the rate of fire of more than ten rounds per minute, this is actually nothing.

Liszt was on the first main battle tank, leaning half of his body into the turret, sitting securely on the position of the 12mm anti-aircraft machine gun that originally belonged to the tank commander.After losing the help of wireless communication, the first tank to enter the Oak Flower subway station must have a commander.Before the elder Buhner made this suggestion, Liszt had taken the initiative to take the job on himself.He is not only for the remaining points, but also because in this complex environment, his combat ability and command ability are stronger than ordinary company commanders and platoon leaders!

If it is his ability, then it has already been demonstrated on the Mexican battlefield.He led the troops to be besieged by the main force of the Mexican guerrillas. Instead, they could launch a counterattack after successfully holding on, and cooperated with the reinforcements to defeat them head-on.When he was ordered to charge forward, the force of the attack was too strong, but he went deep into the hinterland of the area controlled by the Mexican guerrillas alone, but killed the commander-in-chief of the Mexican guerrillas by accident. This shows his strong command ability and combat ability. place.

This is also the reason why Old Buhner assured Liszt to board the first main battle tank and serve as the leader of this armored company entering the Oak Flower Metro.As the accelerator continued to increase, the brake system had also been slightly relaxed, and the rubber tracks had also started to move forward firmly and slowly at a constant speed.This arrogant steel behemoth rampaging on the street has come back to life again, and its fangs have become sharper because of the main battle tank. No matter how many deathclaws it encounters, it will brazenly spit out violent flames, In place of the god of death, harvest all creatures that dare to show hostility in front of you.

The M1A2 "Abrams" main battle tank was moving forward, with dozens of tons of weight loaded on the two crawlers, slowly and uniformly crushing the corpse of Deathclaw on the ground.But with the sound of bones bursting, a thick blood flowed out like freshly squeezed watermelon juice, and the originally strong body of Deathclaw was already stuck between the tracks, as if knocked to the ground. As nasty as jam.

And this may be just a lubricant for the crawlers. There was a crackling sound, and the glass handrails at the entrance of the Oak Flower subway station had all been crushed and shattered by the crawlers.And even the cement stairs seemed to be unable to bear the weight, and countless cement blocks shattered.But the main battle tank under Liszt was still slowly driving downwards. The roar of the engine and exhaust pipe had already echoed in this small space, but Liszt could still vaguely hear it. In the depths of the subway passage, there were roaring beasts one after another.

"All the headlights are turned on, all vehicles pay attention to the distance between lines, and move on!"

Liszt slowly gestured towards the infantry fighting vehicle at the rear, and after getting affirmation, he turned around and solemnly operated the 12mm large-caliber heavy machine gun.The two headlights on the front of the tank have all been turned on, projecting into the Oak Flower subway station like two beams of light, brightly illuminating the entire waiting area and subway parking area.

But it was still eerily quiet, except for the roar of the armored company below them, only a slight roar echoed in their ears.The 12mm anti-aircraft machine gun in Liszt's hand moved slowly, and his eyes had locked on the places where the deathclaws were most likely to be hidden. As long as there was any movement, he might splash pieces of large-caliber heavy machine gun bullets, Shoot the group of death claws that are not yet as powerful as the wasteland of later generations into a sieve.

The armored company has all driven into the waiting area, and the seats that were originally made of plastic and alloy have been turned into pieces and crumbled under the tracks.But when Liszt slowly stared and looked around, he couldn't help frowning, because apart from the more than 20 death claws that appeared just now, there was not a single death claw here, as if they had all been wiped out generally.Gritting his teeth slowly, Liszt still raised his left hand and gestured towards the rear, and at the same time reminded loudly: "It's safe for now, pay attention to prevent the enemy's sneak attack!"

The M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicle behind him drove forward slowly, protecting the M1A2 "Abrams" main battle tank under Lister from left to right.But when they waited vigilantly for three to five minutes, they didn't find any sign of Deathclaw preparing to attack.If it wasn't for the faint roar of the death claws coming from his ears, Liszt really thought that maybe his intuition and judgment had made a serious mistake.

"Aren't you going to come out? Or are you going to hide in the deepest place and continue to wait for the opportunity to sneak attack? But for you scumbags who can't even reach half the strength of the future generations, I really don't have much fear!"

Spit hard to the side, Liszt patted the turret under him vigorously, and at the same time, the driver, who had already understood what this meant, immediately released the brake and stepped on the accelerator hard, the entire M1A2 "Abu" Rams" main battle tank rushed down the half-meter-high waiting area and slammed heavily on the subway tracks.And with the sour sound effect produced by metal friction, the two crawlers rotated rapidly, and the whole tank completely got on the not spacious subway track, and then drove towards the depths of the subway like a smooth subway locomotive .

And just behind Liszt's tank, heavy muffled sounds gradually appeared. The M2 "Bradley" infantry fighting vehicle has also followed closely behind at a distance of five meters, and at the same time there are still main battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles in the rear.The minimum distance between them is five meters, but the infantry fighting vehicle at the rear has turned its body upside down, its 25mm machine gun is aimed at the rear, and the vehicle is also following the vehicle in front and using the reverse gear to quickly back up. Protecting the retreat of all of them.

"Just on this subway, a group of light infantry without anti-armor means want to block an armored company head-on?"

The corner of his mouth slowly curled up into a disdainful smile, and Liszt looked at the burly figures appearing one by one in the light of the front searchlights in front of him.Two goat horns stretched forward, and the brown-black skin was as hard as a rock, and the sharp claws and fangs, with the number of hundreds of them, looked even more ferocious.But Liszt still disdainful, he spit hard towards the side, took a deep breath, but pulled the trigger in his hand fiercely, he mocked: "It's ridiculous."

Sharp claws, far more than several times the strength of ordinary people, fast speed and ferocious appearance, the close-range combat power of death claws, can already slaughter even heavily armed light infantry.However, this group of Death Claws was equipped with infantry fighting vehicles and main battle tanks, a real armored company, but it was no different from ordinary light infantry.They don't have anti-tank rocket launchers, anti-tank mines and the like, but what they do have are precisely the forelimbs and claws that can cause massacre effects on ordinary soldiers, but are ridiculous in the eyes of armored troops!
(End of this chapter)

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