Vault 32

Chapter 26 The Falling Safety Gate

Chapter 26 The Falling Safety Gate

A strong smell of blood spread in the underground research institute, and a large number of bright red footprints had covered the ground in a short period of time. Under the dim emergency lights, they looked extremely strange and terrifying.A huge safety gate has been lowered. It is made of half-meter-thick alloy steel plate and has closed the entire underground research institute in two. Except for a few vents that are connected to each other, the two sides of the safety gate have become two completely different ones. world.

More than a dozen soldiers in chemical protective suits were panting and sitting on the ground, their M4A1 assault rifles were casually placed in their hands, and they all looked quite embarrassed.And when they reached out and pulled off the gas masks they were wearing, faces covered in cold sweat appeared, but when the strong smell of blood came from their nostrils, their faces were a little more frightened and grateful .If they hadn't discovered something was wrong in time and turned over and ran for their lives, the consequences of staying at the safety gate would have been unimaginable.


However, a few meters in front of him, the half-meter-thick safety gate suddenly let out a muffled sound, and the dozen or so soldiers in chemical protective suits on the inside of the shock froze straight away, gritted their teeth and stared blankly. That security gate.The violent slamming sound even made their buttocks that touched the floor feel the shock, and they subconsciously held their breath, as if the thing that slammed the door on the opposite side was their worst nightmare.

And it is true.A soldier wearing a chemical protective suit slowly swallowed a mouthful of spit, his face was still stiff, even if there was a smile in front of him, their expressions still looked extremely weird.With trembling hands, he propped himself up on the floor, but his already weak legs even made him shake twice before slowly standing up.He looked at the friendly soldiers around him who were still terrified, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth and let out a dry laugh: "Look at you guys, you're going to pee your pants in fright!"

But the soldiers around him were not as relieved as he was. Looking at the safety gate in front, they were afraid that the half-meter-thick alloy steel plate would be torn open.After waiting for a while, the loud slamming sound outside had also subsided, as if he already knew that the half-meter-thick alloy steel plate could not be smashed with his body.And after the sound disappeared, the soldiers inside were completely at ease and came first, ignoring the bloody footprints on the ground, lying on the ground and panting heavily.Everything that happened before was really unacceptable to them.

"The safety gate is made of a special alloy and is half a meter wide. Let alone ordinary high-explosive explosives. Even if the tank's main gun uses armor-piercing projectiles, it will take three rounds to penetrate a single point in a row."

The sound of footsteps came from behind them, and a researcher in a scientific isolation gown slowly walked over. Under his slightly bald head, his black-rimmed eyes scanned the bloody footprints on the ground with critical eyes.But he didn't have the slightest fear or panic. Instead, he looked at the dozen or so soldiers who were lying on the ground with some excitement, laughing and muttering to himself in a low voice: "But that guy's fighting power is as expected, It seems that the direction of research is generally in the right direction."

But the automatic door behind him slowly opened, and a burly man wearing a chemical protective suit and holding an M4A1 assault rifle came over. The gas mask on his head was casually pinned to his waist.His face was not pretty, and his eyes swept over the soldiers lying on the ground, with a bit of haze in his eyes. He said to the slightly bald middle-aged man dressed as a researcher: "Dr. Clive, our security department With more than two-thirds of the losses and all heavy weapons lost, I am afraid that we will no longer be able to continue to perform good security work."

"Security work? Oh, you did a good job, very good."

The middle-aged bald man named Clive smiled and covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief. The sound sounded a little strange, but he turned around and saw the security director of the underground research institute, and just smiled and nodded: "Very good." OK, I will report your bravery to my superiors." But he continued to look past the sullen security chief and saw a researcher who was also walking out behind him. He sneered in his nose and smiled softly. He said, "My dear Paul, behold, my research is not wrong; it is just as it should be."

"Clive, I also have a part in your research!" Paul slowly stood up, behind him was the blond Adelena Pova, but there was no excitement or joy in his words.Especially staring at Clive's smile, of course he could feel the ridicule and sarcasm in that smile, subconsciously clenched his fists, he gritted his teeth and said: "Don't think that in this underground research institute, everyone It's you who does it all by yourself!"

"All things? Oh, and of course you've been a great help with my philosophy, too."

Clive slowly removed the handkerchief covering his mouth and nose, and spat fiercely on the ground next to him, as if he hated the bloody smell in this room.But he didn't continue to say anything, he just smiled and looked at Paul's resentful eyes, which seemed to him really very happy.And when he looked at Adelina Pova, who was in excellent shape, the smile on the corner of his mouth became brighter: "Adelina Pova? I've heard of you, and you are a very good research assistant. After a pause, he looked at Adelina Pova's figure covetously, and gently pushed the large, thick glasses on the bridge of his nose: "I'm short of an assistant right now, I need to pack up and come to my office at night. Laboratory."

"This is my assistant, Clive, don't think that just because you are the person in charge of this underground research institute, you can treat this place as your own independent company!"

A burst of anger instantly burned directly into Paul's head along with the jealousy. He suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Clive, both fists were tightly clenched, and even the nails had pierced into the flesh.He was not a tolerant person. In his own laboratory, he was famous for being self-willed and arrogant. In fact, which famous scientist is not like this?But now he has to work with the person he hates the most, and he is also under his command, and he is even more angry: "This is a research institute of the United States Federation, I can refute your words, and I can also refuse your request !"

"As you like, Dr. Paul." Smiling softly, Clive covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief again, not caring about what Paul said, and even ignoring the scowl on his face.He nodded to the security captain on one side like a gentleman and said: "Then you will be responsible for the next security work, but it is best to arrange two people to protect the medicines in my laboratory. I will Contact your superiors to send professional troops to rescue us."

"But serious biological leaks have already appeared in the city, and it is said that it has caused serious consequences."

The security captain watched Clive walking towards his laboratory with an unpleasant expression on his face. After he was ordered to take over the underground research institute, he did not order that he was under the supervision of the director of the research institute, Clive. The husband arranges the daily work.Especially in the face of Clive's arrogant appearance, he couldn't help narrowing his eyes slowly, looked at Clive's back gloomyly and said: "Such a serious biological leak can even cause international condemnation, don't you Will you make a statement about it?"

"Meaning? No, no, no, my dear Cecil, as a security captain, you will never understand the privileges of being a top scientist, a doctor of biology that can be counted in the entire American federation."

As if hearing something ridiculous, Clive slowly turned around. Under his slightly bald head, there was some kind of mockery on his chubby face.And he still covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief, and looked at the soldiers of the Ministry of Security who had slowly stood up around him, with undisguised disdain in his eyes: "Even the United States Federation can't send us away. Why, they will take the initiative to cover it up for me instead." His tone was sarcasm and arrogant, but it seemed that he was still in high spirits, especially in front of that Paul, his eyes swept over Ajieli greedily. Nabova slowly raised her chin: "Compared to some trash, I am very important!"

Paul is also a doctor, but his angry scolding came from behind, and Clive's mouth showed a trace of disdain.He didn't pay much attention to this enemy. This kind of guy who only knows research but doesn't have much emotional intelligence, his highest achievement may only be the head of a small research institute, but he, Clive, is not willing to stop there.But when he thought of the female assistant who managed to survive, he couldn't help breathing heavily.

"This damn pig, only a blind person can make him the head of this underground research institute!"

In the room still covered with bloody footprints, Paul clenched his fists, but his eyes were full of complacency and joy.Serious biological leaks have spread throughout the city, and even now the underground research institute has been greatly damaged, and dozens of researchers in the underground research institute have been killed or injured.He didn't feel sad because of his colleagues who died before, and he didn't even have anything unusual about the death of one of his friends, but when he thought of the consequences of this incident, he trembled with excitement: "This incident needs someone to be responsible, And all of this is managed by him!"

PS: I’m sorry, I promised the fourth update yesterday, and the plan was made, but a friend fell down on a motorcycle after drinking, and rushed to the hospital at nine o’clock. It looked like his entire back and arms were bloody , The doctor has already applied the medicine and bandaged it, and I know after asking, but fortunately, the injury is not serious, it is just a soft tissue abrasion, and the bone is not injured, which is really lucky.Sigh, everyone, please don't ride a bike or drive after drinking, this really hurts.

(End of this chapter)

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