Vault 32

Chapter 23 Flares

Chapter 23 Flares

Liszt's gaze scanned the scene that suddenly fell silent, and the Winchester M1887 shotgun in his hand was slammed into the lever and he reloaded it swiftly.As an elite, he has his own pride, but this kind of pride can explode in times of chaos and become an unexpected leader. Even the old Buner and Sofitel beside him looked at him with slightly surprised eyes. looked at him, but didn't interrupt what he said next.

"If you don't want to die, then hurry up and enter that supermarket!"

Slowly sweeping over the group of American soldiers who were staring at him blankly, Liszt pointed his thumb at the supermarket behind him.This temporary fortification built with a large number of sandbags can even be said to be a temporary stronghold.If it is more crowded, even hundreds of people can squeeze in, and all kinds of rifles and light machine guns are placed in the shooting positions that have been designed, then it will be a solid infantry bunker, so what if a group of death claws come ?
"Damn it, what are you guys still doing in a daze? Follow Mr. Liszt's command and immediately enter the supermarket to use the class as the standard to build up your own line of defense!"

Looking at the group of soldiers who subconsciously obeyed Liszt but still seemed a little confused, Sofite, the commander of Company E, immediately stood up and ruthlessly tugged at the collar of the soldier just now, his face full of anger. Looking at the bewildered and terrified look on his face, he pointed at the squad leaders nearby and cursed loudly: "Hurry up and take your soldiers in, and if you find those monsters, shoot at me. Don't tell me the rifles in your hands have to be shot?" Leave it for your mother to use as a selfie device at night? "

The lights of the tactical flashlights have all been turned on, and many people in the entire E company are carrying this optional tactical item.A large amount of light formed countless beams of light, sweeping across the entire supermarket and the dense bushes and woods.And at the end of all the people, some gritted their teeth and roared aimlessly towards the depths of the woods, hoping to kill the terrifying monsters that were faintly exposed in the beam of light but disappeared in the woods and bushes.

As the order was issued, the panicked soldiers gradually calmed down. They quickly held their weapons and followed the leadership of their respective squad leaders into the supermarket that had long been a temporary defensive stronghold. They set up their rifles and Light machine guns formed deadly firepower points one by one.And Liszt couldn't help but nodded when he saw all this. It is quite worthy of recognition that well-trained soldiers can get rid of fear and quickly recover their combat effectiveness.And he turned his head to look at Sofitel and asked, "Commander Sofitel, do you have any flares?"

"Flare? That kind of thing is said to be in stock..."

But Sofitel couldn't help frowning tightly. He subconsciously clenched the M4A1 assault rifle in his hand, but the expression on his face was extremely embarrassing and self-irritating.Especially looking at the beams of tactical flashlights around, which seemed to be ridiculously flickering like searchlights on the stage, I couldn't help but clenched my fists, gritted my teeth and said, "Damn it, if you know it's now In this case, I should arrange for the deputy machine gunners to bring some!"

"It was my mistake. I should have thought of this kind of thing, but now that I think about it, the battle plan we considered before entering this small city was very rough."

Old Buhner stood up slowly and took the initiative to take Sofite's words, especially when he scanned the slightly orderly scene, his old face was full of anger.The tactical flashlight in his left hand followed his gaze across the woods and dense bushes, and the AKS-74U short assault rifle under his armpit did not move. Old Buhner just narrowed his eyes slowly and let out a sound of disdain sneered: "Squeeze the riots of racist mobs? What a ridiculous order!"

Gently letting out a cold snort, Liszt also understood the meaning of Old Buhner's words.Because when he woke up in the morning, the information he got was also that racists rioted from the parade, and even gradually evolved into a group of thugs who fished in troubled waters, entered the market and robbed everywhere, robbed with knives and other bad incidents.If it weren't for the troops entering the city and the ruthlessness with which they shot the gangsters, he would have believed that report at that time.

But even if you believe it, things are probably clear by now. How could the deathclaw developed as a biological weapon be a racist, and how could it evolve into so-called burglary and knife robbery?If it is an ordinary person, even the group of policemen, if they are met by the death claws, they will be the result of a massacre, and they can only be restrained by military troops equipped with a large number of heavy weapons.Even now, this group of E company soldiers, who were mostly light infantry, could only choose to stick to avoid being hunted and killed in the face of the sneak attack of a dozen death claws.

Now for the United States Federation, it can be regarded as a peaceful era. The riots caused by racists can be solved by the local police mobilizing a large number of special police, not to mention the National Guard, which is no less than the general army. A good hand at this sort of thing.Let the 16th Mechanical Brigade, which is in charge of breaking through the enemy's defense line or confronting the enemy head-on, deal with it, it is no different from bombing a cheap tent with expensive missiles, and the brigade leader Bunar and other middle and low-level commanders cannot relax their vigilance , most of the common items were not distributed to soldiers.

"It just so happens that I have it. I didn't expect it to be useful here."

Liszt's hand was slowly withdrawn from the backpack behind him. Seeing the embarrassment on the faces of Old Buhner and Sofitel, he didn't say much, because they really couldn't be blamed for their carelessness. In their order, they didn't even say much about the second phrase.A small flare gun appeared in his hand, and at the same time he stuffed a large flare into it. He pulled the trigger obliquely at the sky above the woods and bushes, and said slowly, "It's time for us to leave."

"Boom—hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss hiss..."

With the firing of the signal gun, the flares rushed into the sky, with the sound of violent burning, and then turned into a fiery white light that exploded at an altitude of more than ten meters.Metal combustibles such as magnesium powder and aluminum powder and other oxides, adhesives, etc., quickly absorb the oxygen in the surrounding air, and the high temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees turns into a hot light source in a short time, just like a small Like the sun, it rushed towards the sky, and as it reached the fixed point of the range, the small parachute at the tail opened directly, and slowly fell towards the ground, emitting such dazzling light that even the gray mist could not block.

And when the light of the flare appeared, Liszt, Buhner the Elder, and Sofitel quickly turned around and retreated into the supermarket.More than a dozen soldiers of Company E armed with M4A1 assault rifles were also guarding around them, and when they saw the face of Old Bunar, their eyes widened in surprise, because they did not notice in the dark that this man in ordinary clothes The old man in uniform turned out to be the supreme commander of their 16th Mechanical Brigade!

"Enemies were found at 6 o'clock, and enemies were found at 8 o'clock. The number is unknown!"

On the temporary fortifications outside the supermarket, two M249 light machine guns have been firmly erected on the sandbags, forming a standard crossfire point on the left and right.And following the order of the squad leader in charge of observation, the muzzle flames shot the bushes more than ten meters away and the grove more than 30 meters away, and the branches and leaves flew randomly.The flares in the sky were still staggering and falling slowly, but the surrounding terrain of hundreds of meters could be clearly seen. Even the originally extremely thick gray fog had quietly dissipated most of it. Even the short-distance vision is not much of a hindrance.

"The fog cleared? For us, this is really the only good thing!"

Old Buner stood at the entrance of the supermarket with a serious face, and the AKS-74U short assault rifle in his hand was already hugged to his chest. At this time, he was not only the supreme commander of the 16th Mechanical Brigade, but also a fighter capable of combat. warrior.But his gaze slightly swept upwards to the flares that had fallen more than ten meters high, and the seriousness on his face became a little hazy. He gritted his teeth slightly, and turned his head to Liszt and asked slowly, "How many flares do you have?"

"How much? I really haven't counted carefully." Slowly taking the bulging backpack behind him, Li Si handed the backpack directly to Sofitel next to him, and glanced at the gradually falling flares. After five seconds, it will continue to return to the darkness.But a thick flare appeared in his hand again, and it was lightly stuffed into the flare gun. Liszt raised his hand and directly pulled the trigger. As the dazzling light reappeared above his head, he nodded slightly. Said: "But thanks to the person in charge of logistics support in the Hunting Association, I have about 70 rounds of flares with me now."

Sofitel opened the backpack, and there were boxes of brand-new flares in it, as well as many standard 74-round magazines for the AKS-30U short assault rifle, and No. 1887 smokeless arrows for the Winchester M12 shotgun. shotgun.He even found a few energy bars and chocolates inside. Sofite slowly closed the backpack, with a little admiration in his tone: "Mr. Liszt, your preparations are really quite comprehensive."

"General Bunar, Captain Sofitel, there are many corpses of allies killed in battle in the supermarket!"

A heavily armed soldier came out of the supermarket with a little panic and panic on his face.When he saw the old Bunar and Sofitel, he calmed down slowly, and gave a military salute vigorously, then turned his head and looked inside the supermarket, swallowed slowly, and said in disbelief: "All They are all members of our 16th Mechanical Brigade, they look like soldiers from Company F, I can’t believe what happened to them during their lifetime.”

PS: Thank you for your rewards~ I will list them one by one, thank you very much for your rewards, but there are too many people, it would be too much to put them all at the end of the chapter, I will list a separate chapter, hehe, thank you~ ~~
(End of this chapter)

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