Vault 32

Chapter 21 Conversation

Chapter 21 Conversation
The original supermarket had already been simply transformed into a temporary headquarters. A large number of sandbags were piled up to form a low wall, which looked like a large bunker.Not to mention rifle shooting, even heavy machine guns, rifle grenades, rocket launchers and other weapons can be defended.

But their number was too small, and because of the dark environment and the shroud of gray fog, their vision was not advantageous.Instead, the tactical flashlights in their hands emitted a concentrated beam of light, announcing their location to the outside.But this is also a helpless move. If these lights are lost, then they will be even less able to find the enemy's location.

Fortunately, the Sofitel who came outside was not an enemy, let alone launched an attack directly in the dark.Liszt poked out half of his head carefully to observe the situation outside, but there was more darkness in his eyes.The old Bunar who was silent next to him said slowly: "Yes, it is indeed the commander of Company E, Sofitel."

"But isn't he on vacation? Why is he here?"

An Army soldier on the left was carefully hidden in the window. The M4A1 assault rifle had locked onto Sofit, the commander of E Company, who was still tilting his head and could not withstand the strong light.The strong smell of blood in the supermarket made him feel uncomfortable. After taking a few breaths, he turned to Old Bunar and said, "General, this is a little strange!"

"I was also surprised because I was the one who approved his vacation."

Slightly squinting his eyes, the AKS-74U short assault rifle in the hands of the old Buner has also aimed at the familiar figure, and his eagle-eyed eyes have followed the front sight and set it on Sofitel more than ten meters away. There was a little indifference in his tone: "The sun in Hawaii is so dazzling, why does he appear here?"

The room fell silent, but Sofitel outside did not continue to make any big moves, but slowly raised his hand, trying to turn his face towards the supermarket, and shouted loudly towards the supermarket with his eyes closed: " If you are also in the U.S. Army, please come out and identify each other, I and my troops have already surrounded you, and I hope nothing regrettable will happen."

Following Sofitel's words, more than 20 figures slowly stood out in the dense forest, all armed with M4A1 assault rifles, and even two people holding M249 light machine guns on the left and right sides.But after they appeared for a while, they retreated quietly and disappeared in the thick bushes.

"A terrifying monster may appear here at any time. If you encounter it, you must confront it head-on, and the best way is to escape from areas with complex environments such as apartments and buildings."

Sofitel's words were quite plain, and his raised hands also symbolized his peaceful will, especially the American soldiers who appeared in the bushes and woods around him, which added a bit of deterrence.Sofitel looked at the supermarket in front of him that was still unresponsive, couldn't help frowning, and continued to say loudly: "This is not a drill, if we can't trust each other, then my troops and I will evacuate, and I wish you good luck .”

As he spoke, he slowly lowered his hand, but he didn't touch the M4A1 assault rifle hanging around his neck, and just stepped back gently.He also didn't know who was in the supermarket, but because of the light of the tactical flashlight, he briefly judged that it seemed to be a friendly army. If the other party didn't answer, he didn't want to find out too much.

"Maybe we can talk to him?"

Liszt squinted his eyes slightly. Although he didn't understand what happened to Old Bunar's troops, at least he didn't look hostile to the soldiers just now.After all, this is the country of order before the radiation wasteland. Although wanton killings exist, they are no longer on the surface.After licking his dry lips, he said to Old Buner, "I'm a commoner now."

Old Bunar's eyes were fixed on Sofitel outside, but his old face now only had seriousness and distrust.After experiencing the inexplicable transfer of troops, he now does not have 100% trust in the federal government and the military.In particular, Sofitel was supposed to be on vacation, but showing up here made him even more suspicious.

"I really want to know the truth of the matter, but there is no doubt that it is impossible."

Clenching his teeth slightly, the old Buner turned his head and looked at Liszt, but he could only nod his head and said, "If it is really Sofitel, that would be something to be thankful for." After a pause, his But his eyes looked outside again, his brows were tightly frowned as if it was a word Sichuan, he gritted his teeth and said, "If not, then be careful."

"Of course, I understand."

Smiling lightly, Liszt immediately squatted down and walked carefully towards the entrance of the supermarket, slowly pushed open the tempered glass door, stood up and walked out of the supermarket.Sofite's figure had disappeared into the dense bushes, but he knew that someone was still there, so he just said loudly: "Hello, Captain Sofite, forgive my hesitation just now, maybe we can have a good talk now. "

He looked at the bushes and trees in the darkness, and even though they looked normal, he could still feel more than one rifle pointed at him.Gently putting the Winchester M1887 shotgun in his hand on the ground, he looked at the darkness and smiled: "Maybe I have encountered the monster you mentioned before."

"It's surprising, you survived?"

After waiting for a few seconds, Sofitel's voice finally sounded from the bushes in the darkness. At the same time, he slowly pushed through the thick bushes and came out, dressed in standard U.S. Army armor.And he looked at Liszt with a little surprise in his voice: "Of course, it looks like you haven't even suffered any injuries."

"Is it that kind of demon-like monster? Two of my friends were killed by that damn guy."

Touching the wound on his forehead, Liszt couldn't help frowning due to a slight stabbing pain.Looking at Sofitel, he couldn't help but shook his head. The deaths of Jack and Albin were quite sudden, and even he felt a little sad thinking about it now.He slowly lifted Winchester in his hand, gritted his teeth and said, "But I still killed it to honor my two friends."

"This is heroic, and may your two friends be bathed in heavenly light."

There was already a little surprise in Sofitel's eyes, especially when he looked at the antique Winchester M1887 shotgun in Liszt's hand.As a soldier, he certainly knows that this kind of thing should appear on the walls of museums and collectors, rather than in a dangerous and complex environment.

"Thank you very much." Nodding lightly, Liszt expressed his gratitude.But he glanced at the few soldiers who were gradually gathering on both sides of the bush, and he turned his eyes back to Sofitel's face.With a standard American square face, Liszt asked softly, "You are on vacation, why are you here?"


The originally calm face suddenly changed, and Sofitel's face instantly became serious. He looked at Liszt who was staring at him in front of him, and held the hand of the M4A1 assault rifle hanging on his chest, but directly clenched it. With that hard gun handle, he asked Liszt: "Why did you know that I was on vacation?"

"Oh, and I also know that the sun in Hawaii is great, so it's amazing that you're here."

Liszt shrugged his shoulders, he didn't show any seriousness to Sofitel's seriousness, looked at the dozen or so US Army soldiers who had already appeared around him, and still looked into Sofitel's eyes and said: "This is not so serious. My problem is rather General Buner's."

"Is General Bunar here?"

Sofite was taken aback for a moment, but showed a surprised look. He glanced at the three beams of light that still appeared in the supermarket, and he let go of his guard a little bit.But his brows were also tightly frowned, and he said to Liszt: "In Hawaii, I was notified by the federal command to cancel my vacation, and I was transported to this small town urgently by a transport plane."

He paused, but did not stop talking. He turned his head and glanced at the more and more American soldiers, and his face became extremely serious and said: "But when I came here, I found that except for my E Company, the entire 16th The armored brigade has been notified to abandon all heavy equipment and retreat outside the city led by the deputy brigade commander."

"The deputy brigade commander leads the troops to retreat? Is this authorized by the federal command?"

As if hearing some ridiculous joke, Liszt had an unbelievable smile on his face.The federal command directly bypassed the brigade commander and ordered the deputy brigade commander to take over the command and lead the troops to retreat. This was unimaginable in peacetime, and even in wartime, this behavior would have huge consequences.Slowly clenched his hands, Liszt certainly knew that this was unusual, he walked towards the supermarket, and at the same time nodded to Sophie, "Perhaps General Buner wants to know more about this kind of thing."

"General Bunar is really here? That's really great."

Nodding slowly, Sofitel immediately followed Liszt's footsteps.And he looked at the dark supermarket more than ten meters away, and he didn't have much fear.He just gestured to the troops behind him to continue to be vigilant, and continued to walk towards the supermarket. For a troop with good tactical literacy, even after he was killed, he still had standard combat effectiveness.

PS: Sweeping snow yesterday, pity I finished sweeping in the morning and still sweeping in the afternoon, my God!Oh My God!Oh My God!Really tired very tired!There is heavy snowfall across the country, I also want to update, but the snow in the community has accumulated a layer, as young people who are voluntary to remove snow, they must go!In the evening, of course, we also got together. We went to eat hot pot and the noise didn’t end until 10:30. When we got home at [-]:[-], we were so tired that we fell asleep on the bed. I really don’t want to participate in this kind of thing in the future... Although the hot pot is really delicious ...

(End of this chapter)

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