real web movie

Chapter 87 The Bloody Apple

Chapter 87 The Bloody Apple

"Page five." Tan Yi knew that Cao Shuang was not interested in the information, but just wanted to read the story, so she told her straightforwardly.

Cao Shuang turned to the fifth page of the information, then unscrewed the two liters of coconut milk and drank a big gulp to moisten her throat, and then read in a cadence.

"It was about two months ago when someone came from the factory and said that Kangmei suddenly fell ill and asked me to bring her back.

"I asked them what was going on, but they didn't know. They just said that Kangmei went to the bathroom and suddenly couldn't open her eyes. Her mouth was also tightly closed. She didn't answer anything when I asked her, she only knew how to whine. Woo sound.

"I followed the people in the factory to the garment factory, and Kangmei was sitting by the fountain crying. Tears were all over her face, but her eyes seemed to be stuck by something, and she just couldn't open them.

"The factory leader said, let me take Kangmei home and see a doctor. Then I helped Kangmei and walked home step by step.

"I asked a lot of questions along the way, but the result was the same as what the people in the factory said. Kangmei just cried, shook his head, and couldn't say a word.

"When I got home, it was already noon. I decided to take Kangmei to the doctor in the village after lunch.

"During the meal, Kangmei still had her mouth and eyes closed tightly, and she didn't move her chopsticks. She just sat motionless at the dining table. I just thought it was because she suddenly fell ill, and she had no appetite, and I didn't force her.

"That afternoon, I took her to the doctor in the village, but the doctor couldn't figure out what was going on, so he asked me to go to the town to have a look.

"When I arrived in the town, I couldn't understand. I hired a car and took Kangmei to the county. At that time, the sun was almost setting and the county medical center was closed. We spent the night in the guest house. so expensive.

“After two days of hard work, no hospital from the county to the city could find out the cause of the disease, and a lot of money was spent.

"What worries me even more is that during those two days, there was not a drop of water or rice in the Kangmei. The whole person couldn't even walk steadily. If this continues, will that person starve to death?

"The doctor in the last hospital told me a lot. Although I couldn't understand it, I still understood the general meaning. It means that Kangmei is in good health and has no serious problems. If he doesn't open his eyes or open his mouth, it may be psychological. question.

"The doctor wondered if it was not good for me to fight against Mei. Did I fight or scold me? This is simply playing the piano! In the five years since Kangmei and I have been married, we haven't even had a fight!
"I quarreled with the doctor at that time, I was not good at learning, and I blamed other people's families indiscriminately.

"After the quarrel, I wanted to take Kangmei out of the hospital. However, Kangmei was already very weak at that time, so where could he go if he left.

"In the end, it is said that some director of the hospital heard about Kang Mei's condition and came to make a diagnosis in person, but he didn't find out what the problem was. However, the director suggested that Kang Mei stay in the hospital for observation first.

"Just like that, Kang Mei was hospitalized for the first time in her life, and I stayed to take care of her.

"Because Kangmei didn't eat, the hospital gave her a nutrient solution by injection. I remember that the bottle said glucose.

"During the nutrient solution, the nurse asked me to press down on Kangmei so that she would not let her struggle. I know those people in the hospital suspected that Kangmei wanted to go on a hunger strike subjectively. But in fact, Kangmei was very cooperative. There is no intention of stopping it.

"For two days in a row, Kangmei only relied on the nutrient solution to replenish her body. Even so, I could still notice that Kangmei had lost a lot of weight. Especially her stomach, which was almost sticking to her back. The nutrient solution, after all, It cannot replace food. You must be hungry when you should be.

"Due to the shortage of hospital beds and the high cost of guest houses, I could only sleep on the floor in the corridor of the hospital at night, and I just made do with it for a few days.

"I don't remember which day it was, but the weather suddenly turned cold. When I left home, I didn't prepare any bedding except for some toiletries. It was so cold that I slept on the ground, so that I didn't fall asleep until early morning.

"I don't know what time it is at night. Anyway, the whole corridor of the hospital is very quiet. You can almost hear a needle drop. It was under such circumstances that I heard the rustling sound coming from the anti-American ward." .

"There are three beds in the ward, and there are two patients besides Anti-American. So at first, I thought it was some patient who got up at night. But after thinking about it, no, shouldn't you turn on the light first when you get up at night? But the movement After the fuss for a long time, the ward was still dark!

"Is it a thief?
"I pushed the door open a crack, and a scent of bananas and apples came out of the ward. In the darkness, I saw a figure groping on a small chest of drawers next to a hospital bed, as if looking for something.

"Why does that figure look so resembling an anti-American?
"I opened the door a little wider, and the light reflected from the hospital corridor light illuminated the ward a little bit.

“That figure is indeed anti-American!

"What is she doing? Is it really stealing? But the anti-American in my impression is definitely not the kind of thieves! In order to clarify this problem, I didn't make a sound or make any sound, but opened the door wider Some, so that I can see more clearly.

"I saw that Kangmei touched an apple from someone's chest of drawers, then turned around and walked back gropingly.

"At this time, the door of the ward was completely opened, and I stood straight at the door of the ward and looked at her. But she, who kept her eyes closed, didn't notice me at all.

"She tremblingly returned to her bed and sat down. Then I saw that she pressed the apple on her tightly closed lips, pressing very hard, as if she wanted to press the apple directly into her mouth.

"But if she doesn't open her mouth, what's the point of doing that?

"However, she didn't give up, she pulled her gums with one hand, and smashed the apple on her mouth with the other hand, making a thumping sound.

"Looks like a madman!
"I just stared at her blankly like that, my mind went blank.

"I didn't realize it until Kangmei couldn't hold it anymore and the apple fell to the ground. I hurriedly yelled and turned on the light in the ward.

"Under the electric light, Kangmei's mouth was covered in blood, and a hole was torn at the corner of her mouth, exposing the bright red muscle tissue inside.

"On the ground, a dotted line made up of intermittent bloodstains extends to the corner. There is an apple dropped by the anti-American, which is full of blood and dust.

"The other two patients in the ward were woken up, and they were startled when they saw Kangmei, and one of them was so frightened that he had a heart attack.

"The doctors and nurses who were on the night shift came. They were shocked, they were talking, they were panicking.

“None of them thought that they should help Kangmei treat the wound on his mouth!
"The next day, the hospital advised me to transfer Kangmei to the only psychiatric hospital in Sanchuan. They believed that Kangmei had a problem with her spirit, so she would self-mutilate. Let Kangmei stay in the mental hospital and treat other ordinary patients. is irresponsible.

"No one thought that the reason why Kangmei hurt herself was because she was hungry, because she wanted to eat that apple. Even if it was just a bite...

"It can't be done...

(End of this chapter)

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