real web movie

Chapter 66 Jiang Shang Garment Factory

Chapter 66 Jiang Shang Garment Factory

"How much do you know about Boss Jiang? For example, how old is he, whether he is married, whether he has children, etc."

"How much do you know..." The old man thought for a while, "I heard that he has a daughter, but I have never heard of anyone seeing his wife."

"What's his daughter's name?"

"Where do I know about this... Hey? Why do you ask this? Aren't you guys engaged in the history of corporate development?"

"Oh... Knowing about the family background of entrepreneurs can also reflect the social background of an era." Tan Yi continued to make nonsense, and even he himself couldn't figure out whether there was a logical relationship between these words.

The old man had a clear expression: "Oh... so it is so..."

"How is the operating condition of that factory?"

"It should be good. Basically, there is no wage arrears for workers. From the perspective of private factories, this is already very rare."

"Oh no, I mean, did anything special happen to that factory before it closed down?"

"Something special?" The old man felt a little confused.

"For example..." Tan Yi tried to guide, "For example, a production accident, or some other abnormal things."

"I haven't heard of the accident. As for the abnormal thing..." The old man thought about it carefully, and then asked with some uncertainty, "Does it count as the disappearance of the worker?"

"Missing? Can you tell me in detail?" Tan Yi lifted his spirits.

"Actually, it's nothing, but one year, a worker in the factory suddenly didn't go to work, and he didn't see anyone for several days. The worker's name was Mo Fang, and he was from the village next door to us. Later, the police station came, and the final investigation found that , that Mo Fang went to work in the city with someone. Because I alerted the police station, I still remember it clearly."

"Evidently there is a job here, but she still has to go to the city to work? She doesn't want the salary here?" Tan Yi said he didn't understand.

"At that time, the garment factory was dying, and it closed down the next year. Maybe there were better jobs in the city, and I was afraid that it would be too late, so I left."

"That makes sense... It seems that she must have found a job in the city that can make a lot of money, otherwise why would she be in such a hurry."

The old man snorted: "I don't know if she made money or not, but I heard that after she left, she never went back to Liulitang except when she came back to change her ID card."

"Oh? Uncle, can you tell me where her home is?"

"If you're asking about her home in Liulitang, there's no point telling you. Mo Fang's family has moved away many years ago. No one knows where she lives now."

Tan Yi was a little disappointed.

"Then let's talk about the garment factory. When exactly did the factory close down and for what reason?"

"Didn't I just say that it is normal for business to go bankrupt if business is not good? A private factory has been in operation for more than ten years. Its management philosophy is backward, its production equipment has not been updated, and its production technology has not been reformed or innovated. It cannot keep up with the times. With such a pace, being eliminated is inevitable.”

"Hey, old man, I don't see that you are quite professional. You used to be a cadre in the village?" Tan Yi opened a pack of cigarettes, took one out and handed it to the old man.

The old man blew his beard, took the cigarette and said proudly: "Isn't it true? Back then, our village party secretary would come to me for a drink every now and then."

"It's amazing." Tan Yi helped the old man light a cigarette, and continued to ask, "What happened later? The factory closed down, and did Boss Jiang and his daughter leave too?"

The old man took a deep drag on the cigarette, shook his head and said, "No one knows, he must have left..."

"What do you mean?" Tan Yi keenly sensed that there was something in the old man's words.

"Since the factory's business started to be sluggish, the workers have paid their wages and left one after another. In the last month or two, Boss Jiang could no longer be seen in person. In fact, the closure of the factory was announced by the town's subordinate leaders. According to the news, some older workers with nowhere to go have been guarding the factory, but they still failed to receive the last two months’ wages.”

"Grandpa, are there any workers who worked in that garment factory before and live nearby?"

It seemed that the old man still had limited knowledge after all, so Tan Yi decided to start with the former workers in the factory.

"No." The old man said with certainty.

"No?" Tan Yi felt incredible.

"If you say no, then there is no. More than 20 years have passed. The younger and more beautiful people have all gotten married. Those who have the ability, like Mo Fang, go to other places to seek development. Water flows to lower places, and people go to higher places. Well, a few migrant workers naturally left early. There are still some who have been sick and dying all these years."

Tan Yi was stunned.

After chatting casually for a few more words, Tan Yi asked the specific address of Qingjiang Shang Garment Factory, and then returned to the car with the cigarette.

"You smoke too?" He Yushi was a little surprised.

"Occasionally." Tan Yi took out a cigarette and held it up in front of his eyes: "Do you mind?"

"Just open the car window."

Tan Yi rolled down the car window and slammed the ignition on: "Go ahead, I've got the address."

"No new discoveries?"

"Yes." Tan Yi stuck the cigarette out the window and dusted off the ash, "But the situation doesn't seem very optimistic."

This is a gravel road that is not wide.The road is littered with weeds and low shrubs.It looks like it has been abandoned for many years.

"Turn around the mountain col ahead, and at the end of the road is the Jiangshang Garment Factory."

He Yushi looked around while driving the car.In early winter, a large amount of vegetation has turned yellow, but its lushness can still be seen.

"It's rare to have such a slightly flat land around here. Why don't the villagers grow some crops here?"

"It is said that the soil quality is not suitable for the growth of crops, and the yield is not good. In fact, I am also surprised that crops are really so delicate. If grass can grow, it can't?"

"Maybe. Crops are all selected through artificial cultivation, so it's normal to be picky about the environment."

The two chatted for a while, and soon they bypassed the mountain col and arrived at their destination, Jiangshang Garment Factory.

Just as Tan Yi guessed, Jiangshang Garment Factory does not occupy a large area.The entire factory area and office building are surrounded by a wall of about two meters.

The wall is old and mottled, with large areas of exposed red bricks, and the roots of the wall are covered with weeds, which are also withered and yellow.

The car stopped in front of the garment factory gate.

The gate consists of two large rusty iron doors. It is closed at the moment, but there are no iron chains or padlocks used to lock the door from the outside.

On the wall pier next to the iron gate, where the sign of the factory area should have been hung, the sign has disappeared, only a few holes drilled by iron nails, and a thick iron nail that is badly corroded.

(End of this chapter)

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