Chapter 63

After much deliberation, Tan Yi finally decided to give up uploading the mission of the sea-going ship to a large national platform, and continue to publish it on Sarichuan's own original video platform for the time being.

In this way, even if the movie Haichuan can become popular, it should be a month or two later.

Even if Fisna happened to see the movie and came to see it, at that time, it would not be certain who was afraid of whom.Tan Yi was also happy to get rid of a hidden danger...

After renaming "The Vanishing Ship" to "The Curse of the Stars" and uploading it to the original platform, Tan Yi turned off the computer.

I hope that by this time tomorrow, the number of views will reach [-].

Early the next morning, Tan Yi went to the bank to activate online banking with the V card he obtained yesterday, and then transferred all the money in the card to WeChat, feeling more at ease.

The loss of 1000 oceans for no reason was like a fishbone stuck in his throat, which made Tan Yi feel uncomfortable.

Next, should I go to the gym, or go to Jiangshang Garment Factory first to check the situation?

Tan Yi lowered his head, thinking while walking unsteadily on the street.

This time period is the working time for most people.There are very few young people on the street, most of them are old men and women.So that the sudden insertion of a young man in his twenties like Tan Yi seemed a bit out of place.

After noticing several strange gazes looking at him one after another, Tan Yi also reacted and hurried to the gym.

I haven't seen you for a few days, and there are obviously more people in Ollie's fitness complex.

Looking around, he didn't see He Yushi, and Tan Yi didn't care.After saying hello to Cui Wenxiu, I went to the dressing area to change.

Tan Yi did not continue to train in the fighting area, but chose the treadmill for aerobic exercise.

Just after finishing the warm-up, Tan Yi saw a group of people walking towards the training area from the gate, each of them swearing dirtyly.

The atmosphere in the gym suddenly became a little delicate.

At first, Tan Yi thought that someone was coming to kick the gym.

As long as there are gyms with fighting training programs, the fact that they kick each other is too common.But after a closer look, the leader was actually Tian Long.

"What's the situation?" Tan Yi nudged Cui Wenxiu beside him with his elbow.

Cui Wenxiu explained in a low voice: "Last night, coach Tian led the team to Jingchang for a fighting exchange match. I heard that we lost all weight classes."

"So miserable?" Tan Yi felt a little unbelievable, "What is the origin of that Jingchang?"

"Jingchang's full name is Jingchang Free Fighting Training Gym. It is the second-ranked gym in Sarakawa. Although it is called Free Fighting Gym, it also has a complete range of other fitness programs. It's just that compared to ours, their side focuses more on free fighting. .

"I heard that many of the professional boxers who have gone out from our Sanchuan were led by Jingchang on their career paths.

"In recent years, free fighting has gained momentum. Mr. Yang has taken a fancy to this market and wants to get a share of it, so he is vigorously cultivating talents in fighting. That's why this exchange match came about."

"Wow, is it so powerful?" Tan Yi clicked his tongue in admiration.

Cui Wenxiu was about to say something more, but was interrupted by another angry voice.

"Amazing fart! If I didn't drink a bottle of mineral water before the game, which caused me to be in poor condition, how could that kid be my opponent!"

Tan Yi looked around, and he knew the speaker. He was the partner he practiced with for the first time, Dadong, who was about 1.9 meters tall.

"The coach asked you to practice more fighting and fighting, but you just didn't listen. In the end, you were knocked down with a whip, and you wanted to drink water before the game. You don't think it's embarrassing, but I do." Another person sneered. , His cheeks on both sides were a little red and swollen.

"Wang Tong! How dare you fucking say me? You don't even think about it, who the hell was pressed to the ground and slapped five times in a row? Slapped in the face! Everyone was thrown at grandma's house!" Dadong snapped Pushing it on Wang Tong's shoulder, he cursed angrily.

"Damn it, try pushing me again, do you really think I'm afraid of you?"

Seeing that a conflict was about to break out, fortunately, the two were held tightly by their teammates.

The students and fitness enthusiasts who were still working hard at training stopped their movements one after another, and turned their gazes to Tian Long and his party.

"That's enough!" Tian Long shouted loudly, glaring at the two of them in turn with a gloomy face, "I usually think that I am the best in the world, and when I lose, I blame my teammates to vent my anger. How do I usually teach you? Practice boxing. Train your mind first, are you all just farting?!"

"Tch, I'm not good at teaching, so I'm ashamed to say it." Dadong was obviously dissatisfied, and murmured in a low voice.

However, Dadong himself is tall and burly, so his voice is naturally loud, so even if he deliberately lowered his voice, the people around him can still hear clearly.Even Tan Yi and Cui Wenxiu who were seven or eight meters away could faintly hear them.

Tian Long's thick neck turned red in an instant, and he stared fiercely at Dadong.

The atmosphere became extremely oppressive for a while.

After a while, Tian Long said: "You are right, and I am also wrong. I am usually too loose with you. Although we failed this time, it was even embarrassing. But at the same time, I also feel very fortunate, fortunate I have seen dissatisfaction from you, and the courage and desire to fight again! And this is the necessary spirit to spur you to victory next time!
So now, quickly change clothes and warm up, and start training in 15 minutes.go! "


At this point, the onlookers in the gym found that there was no good show to watch, and went to work on their own.

One of them murmured in a low voice: "This coach has a pretty high EQ."

After all the students had left, Tian Long walked towards Tan Yi.

"Coach Tian." Tan Yi waved to Tian Long awkwardly.

Tian Long responded, and said: "You have seen it all. I guess Xiao Cui should have told you about the specific situation. In fact, these students really lack talent..."

Tian Long shook his head helplessly, then took out his mobile phone, opened QQ Music, and started scrolling through the music list.

This series of inexplicable actions made Tan Yi and Cui Wenxiu look at each other in dismay.

After a while, Tian Long seemed to have found the song he needed. With a light tap of his index finger, the sad and depressing melody sounded faintly among the three of them.

Tan Yi saw that the song was called "Trisha's Lullaby".

Then, Tian Long continued to tap the screen while talking: "Listening to this song, I feel sore in my heart. Over the years, I have experienced too many ups and downs, and I have experienced so much pain and hardship. From nothing at the beginning to 30, From 30 to 50, 50 to 200 million, 200 million to 500 million, 500 million to 800 million, and finally from 1600 million to the current 2000 million..."

Tan Yi was shocked, he could never have imagined that Coach Tian in front of him was actually such a wealthy boss.

Could it be that what he told me yesterday was not his impulse?Tan Yi couldn't help muttering in his heart.

"Coach, since you already have so much, why do you have to work so hard here?"

Tian Long glanced at Tan Yi strangely, clicked on a photo in the phone album with his fingers, and then enlarged it.

"What are you talking about? I just want to tell you that it is because my mobile phone has 2000 million pixels that I can take such clear photos." Tian Long pointed to the photo on the mobile phone and said, "Here, this Man, is the best opponent I have found for you! How is it? Is the picture clear?"

"Ah?" Tan Yi was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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