real web movie

Chapter 51 Miss Xingchen's Zhang Ying

Chapter 51 Miss Xingchen's Response

A cluster of human-shaped flames rushed out of the billowing smoke after the martyrdom.

"This voice... Boris?"

Seeing the human-shaped flames flying straight towards him, Jason was horrified. He gave up his previous route and flew back backwards, aiming all his guns at the approaching human-shaped flames.

However, all the fired bullets seemed to have not hit any entity, and the chain of light passed through the flames and flew straight to the distant night sky.

"'s impossible!"

While screaming, Jason stepped back again and again. Dozens of px4 storms burst out muzzle flames continuously, and the large metal net woven by countless fired bullets could not stop the approach of humanoid flames.

clap clap clap...

Several rounds of bursts were fired, all hitting Jason.

This time Jason finally couldn't stand it anymore and fell vertically from mid-air.The dozens of pistols he summoned also disappeared one by one.

The human flame finally hit the falling Jason.

"Do not……"

In an instant, Jason was wrapped in flames, and he howled in pain and despair.

"That fire is..." Putting down the G36, Lao Hu who was lying on the deck asked suspiciously.Because he focused all his energy on the target before, he didn't notice the human-shaped flames rushing towards the target.

However, before Lao Hu finished speaking, Tan Yi hurriedly shouted: "Tear the sound!"

At the same time, Tear Sound rushed towards the falling Jason.It's just that the speed of the tearing sound is much slower than usual, and it can't be turned into a colorful streamer like usual.

Behind the lobster hall, a figure appeared from the shadows, leaning on the side of the boat, and limped towards Jason, who was on fire.

Above Jason, a necklace and a light blue gemstone also fell rapidly, reflecting the firelight below, shining brightly.

Not only Tan Yi, but also Gui Zhan and He Yushi saw this scene.Everyone's hearts were tugged.

That must be the heart of the stars, which is their goal this time!

Of all the people at the scene, only Lao Hu was baffled, and was about to ask, when the words came out, but unexpectedly shouted: "Li Baoguo?"

At some point, Li Baoguo, who was covered in bruises, came under Jason, who had turned into a ball of fire.

With one leg half arched, the other foot stepped on the connection between the side of the ship and the deck, barely standing up on the already sloping deck.

He put his palms together and held them high above his head.

Boom!Jason's burning body fell heavily at Li Baoguo's feet.

And the necklace and the light blue gem were firmly caught by Li Baoguo.

"Give them to me!" Fesna was still far away at this time, and seeing this scene, she couldn't help but shouted in a threatening tone.

It's just that her speed couldn't get any faster. Every time she took a step, a piece of rust-like thing would fall from the wound shot by Jason's bullet and smash to pieces on the ground.

In contrast, Tieyin was much closer, it circled the swimming pool and ran towards Li Baoguo.

The hull is still heeling.

The helicopter parked on the deck finally began to slide towards the oblique direction where the swimming pool was when the hull tilted to about 30 degrees.

"Tear sound! Get out of the way!"

"Li Baoguo!"

Tan Yi and Lao Hu yelled at the same time, but pointed at different objects.

Before Tan Yi reminded, Tieyin had already stopped and retreated first, but due to the angle, after slipping, he couldn't retreat in time.

Unable to do so, Tieyin jumped into the swimming pool decisively.

At this time, the water in the swimming pool has been poured towards the rear side of the hull due to the tilt of the hull.

The helicopter finally capsized, rolling and sliding into the pool.

Huge wings snapped off as the helicopter flipped over, and one of them got stuck on the side of the ship.

With a bang, a large amount of pool water rushed up to the deck in the direction of the lobster hall with the bodies that had been floating in the pool.

"No! Damn it!"

Seeing the pool water and corpses rushing towards her, Fesna roared angrily.

He Yushi grabbed the side of the boat with one hand, and protected him through Tan Yi's armpit with the other, looked at the Lobster Hall, and said anxiously: "No, the boat is going to capsize, and Xiao Cui is still inside..."

Ghost Zhan said: "I'll bring him out."

"Go and come back quickly," Tan Yi said.

Up to now, the only ones who are still able to act are Gui Zhan, He Yushi and Lao Hu.As a woman, He Yushi was powerless against Cui Wenxiu, who weighed more than 200 kilograms.

Ghost Zhan nodded, leaning on the side of the boat and moving towards the lobster hall.

Tan Yi looked at Lao Hu again, and couldn't help being surprised: "Officer Hu, what are you doing?"

"Li Baoguo is still over there!"

Lao Hu grabbed the railing of the swimming pool, and seemed to want to go around the pool to the other side.

"Come back quickly!"

However, even though Tan Yi yelled, Lao Hu ignored him.

For the helicopter that fell into the pool, the nose part was still on the deck, and the tail was in the pool. Under the dual factors of the inclined hull and the weight of the aircraft, the friction between the hull and the deck made a screeching sound.

And because the resistance of the water is different from the resistance caused by the friction coefficient of the deck, the fuselage began to rotate.

"Dear Miss Xingchen, I beg you to resurrect my mother. I am willing to give my all to become your eternal slave!"

Li Baoguo leaned against the ship's side with his back, one arm went around the gap in the ship's side to fix himself.He held the necklace and gems in his heart, raised his head and shouted out his greatest wish to the stars in the sky.

"Miss Xingchen! Please answer my call!"

Li Baoguo's eyes were filled with blood and tears, and he shouted at the top of his voice!
"Li Baoguo! Come here!"

Lao Hu had already circled behind the overturned helicopter, seeing the scene of Li Baoguo making a wish, he was so angry!But now is not the time to reprimand each other.

Seeing that Li Baoguo didn't respond to his yelling, Old Hu gritted his teeth bitterly, and wanted to bring Li Baoguo here himself.

Anyway, this is the only seedling of Lao Li.Lao Li is not only his colleague, but also a brother-like person, and the pride of their Sanchuan City police circle.Even for Lao Li, he must save Li Baoguo.

"Miss Xingchen! Please..."

The rotating helicopter swept the wing that was stuck on the side of the ship, and at the same time the huge impact broke the stuck fan, the entire wing also rotated and punched out.

The wing slid over Li Baoguo's waist and slid towards the other side.

"Li Baoguo!"

Li Baoguo seemed to have just heard Lao Hu's shout at this moment, his mouth was trembling and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't make any sound.

His eyes slowly turned to the direction where Lao Hu was, watching Lao Hu's mouth opening and closing, what he heard in his ears was not Lao Hu's vigorous male voice, but a heavenly female voice.

"From now on, just follow me..."

Li Baoguo's severed lower body, together with various internal organs, was washed out of the side of the boat by the water in the swimming pool, fell into the bottom and disappeared.

Old Hu let out a long sigh, looking lonely.

The flower cat, Tieyin, who had been hiding in the water before, had been hiding in the corner between the bottom of the pool and the wall of the pool, and only crawled out of the pool after the overturned helicopter slid away and was completely safe.

Xiyin came to the side of Li Baoguo's corpse, pushed away his palms, put the necklace around his neck, and took another sapphire in his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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