real web movie

Chapter 47 The Lobster Hall Attack and Defense

Chapter 47 The Lobster Hall Attack and Defense
When everyone heard Tan Yi say that there were still people alive, they all turned their eyes to the direction Tan Yi was pointing at.

"The one over there, the one in the waiter's clothes."

"Could it be Li Baoguo?" Lao Hu tried his best, but due to the distance and angle, he still couldn't see the waiter's face clearly.

"The waiter moved just now. If he hadn't been pretending to be dead, he was seriously injured." Tan Yi said.

"The more I look at it, the more I feel like Li Baoguo. I have to find a way to go and have a look." Old Hu said.

"There is no good way. This is not a city street, and there are obstacles to cover it. As long as you show up here, you will be discovered. And judging from their posture, I am afraid that the battle will not end until one side falls, so there is nothing to say about attacking in the east. Don’t think about it. Unless we go together, it’s possible to fish in troubled waters, which is the next best thing. So, let’s wait for now.”

Lao Hu still wanted to say something, but he had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

"If we go together, who are we going to attack? I don't know who is the leader. Officer Hu said that the armed men seemed to lose their minds and couldn't communicate. The last four they encountered were also killed by Tieyin first. It is impossible to stay close and seek far away." Let's go to the crew area to find information." Cui Wenxiu said.

Tan Yi replied: "Of course not. If you really want to fight, deal with the woman first, she is more threatening. Although the man looks stronger, but after all, he only has one gun. Aim for the legs and shoot, we have to catch the alive .”

"Isn't Tieyin their opponent?" He Yushi asked.

Tan Yi touched Tieyin, shook his head and said, "If it was sure, it would have rushed up."

After looking at it for a while, Lao Hu said, "There is something I have wanted to say for a long time."

"What?" the crowd asked.

"Aren't you all surprised? That man never changed the bullet from the beginning to the end!"

Tan Yi nodded: "I'm quite surprised."

Old Hu couldn't feel a hint of surprise from Tan Yi's face, and couldn't help but look weird.Look at He Yushi again.

"Hehe, I was surprised too." He Yushi said.

"Very surprised." Cui Wenxiu said.

"En!" Gui Zhan nodded coolly.

"Okay." Lao Hu finally forced himself to accept the reality.

Five minutes later, He Yushi complained, "Why haven't they finished the fight yet?"

Tan Yi said: "The strength is the same, just wait."

After 10 minutes, He Yushi said: "How long will they fight, I'm sleepy."

Tan Yi said: "If you're sleepy, just squint for a while."

He Yushi said: "But you are so dirty..."

Just as Tan Yi was about to say something, his ears were scratched by the tearing sound. Tan Yi immediately made a shh gesture, and then went to the stairs to listen carefully.

"There are people! Many, many people! It should be people from the lower decks rushing up." Tan Yi shouted to everyone.

At this moment, he no longer cared about whether he would be discovered by the two fighting in the distance.

"Is it a tourist or an armed person?" Lao Hu asked.

Before Tan Yi could reply, gunshots had already rang out.

Ghost Zhan was the first to fire, one shot at a time, hitting a figure who had just rushed to the entrance of the corridor.The figure staggered and continued to rush towards this side.

"It's a tourist!" Lao Hu shouted.

"Not anymore! Shoot!"

With Tan Yi's order, Cui Wenxiu and He Yushi opened the insurance at the same time, and it seemed that everyone was very calm.

The first guy who was hit by Ghost Slash finally fell to the ground completely after being shot three or four times.

However, the crowd had no time to breathe, and more people poured into the Lobster Hall from the stairs, like a flood breaking a bank.

The faces of these tourists were expressionless, the lobster hall was brightly lit, but their eyes were dark and dead silent.

Although his expression was dull, his movements were very crazy.

They picked up everything they could get at hand, threw smashes to this side, and ran wildly.

This time, Lao Hu finally stopped talking, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he raised his hand and shot a shot at the thigh of the woman closest to him.

Before he had time to see the result, he continued to hit the thigh of a young man next to the woman, and a cloud of blood also burst out.

Compared to Lao Hu, Cui Wenxiu's marksmanship was much worse. He clearly aimed at the person closest to him, but the bullet hit another person behind him.

He Yushi was even more unbearable. As soon as Guizhan's gunshot sounded, her hand holding the gun trembled wildly.Then Tan Yi shouted the order to fire, but she didn't hear it at all.She just saw someone rushing towards her and chose to turn on the safety of her rifle in a panic.

All of a sudden, gunshots rang out around her one after another, and the loud gunshots made her dizzy, who was unprepared.

G36 dropped his hand, and she wanted to pick it up in a panic, but the successive gunshots around her almost made her brain freeze, and the hand that reached out to catch the gun became extremely stiff, and she failed to catch it several times.On the contrary, G36 flipped up and down while waving her hands, and the black muzzle of the gun constantly changed its target during the flip.

In another grasp, she felt that one of her fingers had finally hooked on a certain position on the gun. Just as she felt a little joy, she saw the muzzle of her rifle facing her forehead.

The bullet shot toward the ceiling with muzzle flash.

At the critical moment, He Yushi's gun barrel was grabbed by one hand and removed.

Even if the speed of moving away was 0.1 second later, the first shot she fired in her life would probably kill herself.

He Yushi was stunned for a moment, she followed that hand and looked over.There were blood stains on the hands, and the flesh on the forearms was rolled up due to violent friction, and the blood that flowed out had dried up.

Looking up, there was a face of a not-so-handsome man, with fear and tension still remaining on that face.

The man's mouth opened and closed, as if he was talking to him, but she couldn't hear anything, and her ears kept buzzing.

He Yushi just stared blankly at Tan Yi, gradually regaining her lost consciousness.

"Don't be too nervous. If you think the sound is too loud, find something to plug your ears." Tan Yi withdrew his hand holding the barrel, "Isn't it very hot..."

A wine bottle flew over and hit Tan Yi's temple.

Tan Yi's eyes darkened, and he fell to the ground.


He Yushi, who had just recovered, happened to see the scene of Tan Yi being knocked down. Before he could utter the word "wing", he was also thrown down.

Then the second, third, fourth...

One after another, people with blank expressions pressed on top of it.

Ghost Zhan had only fired a few shots when he realized that his side had been breached. He immediately gave up burst shots and switched to continuous shots, knocking down one in an instant.

There are not many bullets in the magazine, after a round of continuous shooting, the g36 directly becomes a fire stick.

Not much nonsense, the ghost cut down the barrel of the gun, and the butt of the gun swept on the guy at the top of the crowd, and the guy fainted immediately.Pulled away by Ghost Slash.

But as soon as it was pulled away, two more people rushed towards him, and they came towards him.Caught off guard, Ghost Zhan was also thrown down.

At first, Lao Hu only hit the tourist on the thigh because he was concerned about his life. It was not until a tourist crawled over that he grabbed his calf and knocked him over. Only then did he realize that he was still too naive. However, it was too late. His gun There are no bullets left.

In order to relieve the pressure of the lobster hall, the tear sound rushed to the stairs to fight, but did not find any accidents in the lobster hall.So much so that at this moment, Cui Wenxiu is the only one who is still fighting effectively in the Lobster Hall...

"Yo! Big muscle bully!"

A roar like a thunderstorm suddenly sounded in the lobster hall.

(End of this chapter)

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