real web movie

Chapter 221 Shocking the Spiritual Guy

Chapter 221 Shocking the Spiritual Guy
The driver froze, his expression gradually becoming confused.

"Money... I..."

He unconsciously uttered syllables that he didn't understand, as if he wanted to express something, but he was instinctively unwilling to accept this reality.

Tan Yi understood.

This driver, he knew he was dead, and he remembered what he looked like when he died.

But knowing it is one thing, being able to accept it is another.

So he still drove the car as before, pulling people around.

This pull has been pulled for more than 20 years, and even kept pace with the times and learned to accept orders online.

It's just that, for so many years, none of the guests he has drawn has ever paid him the bill.

Over the years, many people may have been scared to death by him... Well, having been soliciting customers on a voluntary basis for more than 20 years is quite pitiful in itself...

Seeing the driver's expression gradually turned from confusion to pain, Tan Yi patted him on the shoulder: "Are you interested in following me?"

The driver was stunned, and wanted to ask something, but he felt the terrifying aura coming from Tan Yi's palm, and immediately nodded in fright.

Tan Yi smiled and said, "That's right, believe me, in the future you will definitely be moved by your wise choice now!"

The more he looked at the driver, the more satisfied Tan Yi felt.

If you can use your own power to transform a vehicle, as long as the driver is not tired, it is almost equivalent to a perpetual motion machine, and there is no need to refuel or charge.

I love the driver industry.Because of love, we will do our best to do our best work.

Being able to communicate, be able to communicate, and even know how to learn new technologies and apply new channels by himself, this can be said to be the only thing Tan Yi has seen in his life among wanderers!
Finally, and most importantly, this driver does not have any evil spirits, that is to say, he has never actively harmed anyone.

However, for a wanderer who has existed for more than 20 years, where does the energy that supports his activities for so many years come from...

Tan Yi was thinking about this issue when his cell phone rang again.

Still that strange call.

"Your grandma has a leg..."

"Fuck you chicken feathers! Hurry up, Master has been waiting outside for a long time. How many people have you called, pull them all out!"

Tan Yi hung up the phone and looked at the driver: "You are too scary, how will you meet people in the future?"

The driver looked at the bright red blood on his body, and was startled again.

It seemed that after accepting the fact, he realized that what was flowing on his body was not sweat at all, but blood.

The driver sat upright and straightened his collar.Soon, the blood from his body melted into his body, and the split head returned to its original shape.The whole person looks like a living person, except that his face is a little paler.

As soon as the Accord stopped under the illumination of the colored lights, the sound of humbling footsteps came from the gate of the Ginza Nightclub.

According to Tan Yi's rough count, there are more than 20 people, all of whom are spirited guys in their teens and 20s.

It's just that these guys are too "spirited". The colorful and exaggerated hair makes Tan Yi seem to have traveled back to more than ten years ago.

In the 70s and [-]s, the rock culture of Country M was passed to RB.After the localization of RB, the visual kei culture was born.

Visual kei culture reached its peak in the late 80s, and then declined in the late 90s.

However, after RB's declining visual system culture spread to mainland my country, it ushered in a second spring, which was called "non-mainstream".

Domestic non-mainstream culture was once popular in the first five years of the new century.

And what appeared in front of Tan Yi now was a group of non-mainstream people.

What a ghost, why did I encounter some obsolete things today... Well, there is still a five-year cycle in the fashion circle.It's been three or five years since he's been out of the mainstream, so I can't be too harsh, let him reincarnate...

Tan Yi opened the door and got out of the car, and dozens of eyes stared at him, as if they wanted to see him clearly.

One of the young men with a nose ring threw away the mobile phone in his hand, sniffed at the same time, and said lazily: "It's you, talking to grandpa on the phone?"

Tan Yi glanced at the other party, and his eyes immediately passed him, and landed on the entrance of the Ginza Nightclub.

From the gate of the nightclub, several welcoming ladies in cheongsams could be vaguely seen peeking out the door.

"What's going on? There's no reason..." Tan Yi muttered and walked towards the entrance.

"Damn it! Big brother asked you something!" A cuckold cursed and was about to grab Tan Yi's neckline.

Tan Yi tilted his body, let the opponent grab the hand, and continued to walk forward.

However, just two steps away, a wall of people appeared in front of him.

"Fuck! I'm very upset right now! Whether it's you or not, I'll immediately kneel down and sing "Conquer" for me!"

The young man with the nose ring twitched his nose and walked unsteadily in front of Tan Yi, looking very unflattering.

"Excuse me." Tan Yi said calmly.

"Ah?" The young man with the nose ring tilted his ears and shouted exaggeratedly.

"I said, excuse me. I'm not the person you're looking for." Tan Yi continued.

The young man with the nose ring showed a dazed look, and he turned sideways and said, " that's how it is."

Tan Yi rubbed his nose ring and the young man walked over.

Just as the two passed by, the young man with the nose ring suddenly turned grim, and raised his hand that had been hidden behind his back.

A machete about two feet long was aimed at Tan Yi's back and chopped down.

"Give me death!"

The young man with the nose ring recognized Tan Yi's voice.

Before the knife fell, the young man with the nose ring flew upside down, landed on the ground and rolled several times, unconscious.



"Go! Cut him!"

Crashing, the sound of various knives being drawn made one's heart skip a beat.

Tan Yi sighed softly, pulled out the gun, opened the safety and loaded it with a crash.

clap clap clap!
After firing three consecutive shots into the sky, he turned his gun and aimed at the non-mainstream people in front of him.

Seeing the muzzle of the black hole moving back and forth on his group of people, no one dared to act rashly anymore.

Holding the gun, Tan Yiping slowly backed up to the unconscious young man with the nose ring, dragged him by one leg and threw him onto the Accord, and handcuffed him.

"If these grandsons want to attack you later, just drive away first."

After speaking, Tan Yi stretched out his index finger, and a thin blood-red needle slowly stretched out from the fingertip.

Aiming at the back of the driver's neck, Tan Yi stuck the thin blood-red needle into his neck.

" are..." The driver was startled, turned his head 180 degrees, and quickly checked the back of his neck.

The non-mainstream people who have been paying attention to this side suddenly screamed in fear.

"Hurry up and turn back. Is this an action that normal people can make? I'm just a sign, so I'll let you know."

"Oh." The driver was skeptical, but he turned his head back according to Tan Yi's request, and smiled apologetically at the non-mainstream people.

(End of this chapter)

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