real web movie

Chapter 217

Chapter 217

Finally, there is the fact that most of the time, rogues are incorporeal.At that time, they are often attached to an item.Only through the stimulation of dark energy can they be actively forced out.

"So how did they appear—this is one of the core topics of this meeting."

The screen switched, and what was displayed in front of everyone was a series of shocking data, unbelievable photos one after another, and incredible research results one after another.

After connecting those research results, we finally came to an inference that is recognized by all countries in the world - alien invasion!
In this inference, there are three worlds in the universe: the material world, the dark matter world, and the boundary where the two intersect.

The relationship between the material world and the dark matter world is different from intersecting circles on a plane, but they share a space, and there is me in you, and you in me.However, due to the different energy systems, the two cannot interfere with each other.

The energy of the material world is materialistic energy.

The dark energy in the dark matter world is ideal energy.

The two are completely different.

The existence of the disconnection makes interference between the material world and the dark matter world possible.

In other words, breaking the boundary is a stage in the transition between the two.

The intruders come from the broken world, so they have energy that does not belong to the material world, but they cannot exist completely apart from the material world.Because they themselves are also the coexistence of materialism and idealism.

It is their intrusion that brought a part of dark energy into the material world.

The moment the uncontrolled dark energy enters the material world, it spreads around and attaches to some spiritual energy, giving the spiritual energy a life in another sense.This is where the rogue comes in.

Through the recent large number of rogues, it is counter-evidence that a large number of invaders have entered the material world.

Someone raised a question: "Secretary Lin, didn't the title 'invader' be decided two years ago? Why did you just throw out the term 'invasion from another world' now?"

Lin Ronghui explained: "Two years ago, it was only a speculation confined to our country. Now it is basically confirmed and a consensus has been reached with other countries."

Another person asked: "But, they are obviously staying in the boundary well, so why do they invade our material world?"

Secretary Lin replied: "Then what are the reasons for the wars among human beings? There are four kinds—ethnicity, religion, resources, and survival."

After finishing speaking, Lin Ronghui withdrew his gaze, pulled out the USB flash drive, and no longer gave anyone a chance to ask questions: "Since everyone has no questions, this meeting will move on to the next session."

Lin Ronghui sorted out the documents, picked up the leather bag and returned to his place.

Du Wanqiu coughed lightly: "The content that Secretary Lin showed to everyone just now is too shocking. I know that it may take a long time to fully accept and digest the content. Then, let us slowly digest it in our future work. Bar.

"Due to the accident a few days ago, the branch lost a lot of manpower and cannot be effectively replenished at present. Therefore, new adjustments have to be made in terms of personnel. In addition, the headquarters also distributed new equipment to us.

"Next, I read the name, come up to get new documents and equipment."


An hour and a half later, only Du Wanqiu, Lin Ronghui, Lao Hu, Xiangjing, Yang Yi, and Tan Yi were left in the conference hall.

"Welcome to officially join the Special Crime Investigation Division! This time there is no agreement, let alone a temporary worker, but a real police officer from the Investigation Division!" Du Wanqiu reached out to shake Tan Yi's hand and said with a smile.

"Thank you!" Tan Yi also replied with a smile.

"Of course, no matter what, you are a member of that crew, and I will give you the greatest degree of freedom. Besides, the person who can survive to the fourth mission of the crew, I believe, will not be the kind of lazy person. "

"Director Du, Secretary Lin. Speaking of which, at the meeting just now, you didn't seem to mention the crew of the real online movie. I really want to know what the attitude of the higher authorities is towards the crew. Also, whether there are crew members abroad. Finally, if you have any more detailed knowledge about the crew, please let me know! To be honest, to this day, I am still at a loss about the crew..."

"Well..." Lin Ronghui nodded, "Let me say it."

"In order to deal with the crisis of alien invasion, countries around the world have reached an extremely deep level of cooperation in this regard, and a lot of information will also be shared.

"According to intelligence, there are indeed real online film crew members abroad. However, as time goes on, the number has decreased sharply. Up to now, only one member has survived in country R."

Tan Yi was surprised: "So few?"

"Yes, there is indeed only one member left who has been identified."

Lin Ronghui gave an affirmative answer.Not only Tan Yi, but also Xiangjing and others were all surprised.They all guessed in their hearts, what kind of mission is it that makes the survival rate of the crew members so low...

However, they who had their memories erased didn't know that the crew members had to face, in addition to the tasks issued by the crew itself, there was also the pursuit and killing from the invaders.

"What about the country?"

"In China... plus you and your team, there were 11 people a week ago. Now, you are the only one left..."

Tan Yi frowned: "Wait, that is to say, except for me, all other members are gone? Then why can you say the number of members with such certainty?

"After the crew members die, the karma in this world will be erased. Even if there are some clues left, it's impossible for you to come up with such an accurate figure..."

"Indeed, this is one of the reasons why the headquarters has not been able to obtain effective information about the crew for a long time in the past.

"However, since the number of intruders has increased, the crew's interference in this world seems to have decreased. Therefore, many previously ineffective methods can also come in handy."

Tan Yi nodded. This result was in line with his original inference.

"As for the attitude of the above..." Lin Ronghui continued, "Through the past observations of your film crew and the analysis of the recent frequent intruder incidents, the headquarters believes that the real online movie crew is beneficial to the world, and may be related to the invasion in the future. When the opponents confront each other, they will still be comrades-in-arms on the same front..."

Although it is impossible to confirm whether Lin Ronghui's words were exaggerated, Tan Yi believes that at least Lin Ronghui did not deceive him in terms of his attitude towards the real online movie crew members.

"In other words, there are no more hardliners?" Tan Yi asked.

Lin Ronghui didn't seem to want to face this question very much, but nodded awkwardly, as an admission.

(End of this chapter)

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