real web movie

Chapter 17 Who dares to ask me for a bill?

Chapter 17 Who dares to ask me for a bill?

Tan Yi nodded to He Yushi.

He Yushi followed suit, grabbed the cat's paw, and asked hesitantly, "Will there be rabies..."

Tan Yi laughed loudly: "Even if there is, it is an SSR-level virus, and ordinary people have no chance of getting infected."

Compared to Tan Yi, He Yushi is much simpler, just need to put a fingerprint on the contract.

"Crew member He Yushi applied to join your team, was it approved?"

Tan Yi pressed the pass button without hesitation.

Then, the two looked at Cui Wenxiu who was still holding the cat.

"Xiao Cui, you are not a member of the crew. If you join, you will probably fall into this curse. I think, you still..."

Cui Wenxiu raised her hand to stop Tan Yi's next words: "Needless to say. Since I was a child, I have had very few friends, and none of whom I can talk to. And you are not only my friend, but also my brother. Although We have known each other for a short time, but I already know you very well. To have a brother like you, mere curses are nothing. Moreover, I really envy you when I see you summoning one or the other. I also I hope that one day I can summon a goddess."

Cui Wenxiu did not embarrass the cat anymore, but boldly bit his fingertips with his teeth and pressed his fingerprint on the contract.

This time, Tan Yi and He Yushi received prompt messages on their mobile phones at the same time.

"The ability owner Cui Wenxiu applied to join your team, was it approved?"

"Note: Cui Wenxiu, the owner of the ability, is not a member of the real online movie crew. Joining the team means joining the crew. After becoming a member of the crew, Cui Wenxiu's abilities will not be systematized. Please confirm whether it is approved."

"Reminder: Cui Wenxiu's ability has not yet awakened. Unsystematic abilities will have unpredictable variables after awakening. Please choose carefully."

"Ability?" Both Tan Yi and He Yushi looked at Cui Wenxiu in surprise.

Cui Wenxiu didn't expect that she was actually a supernatural power owner, and she was a little at a loss for a while.

Tan Yi chewed on the words "systematization" and "variable" in the prompt, and couldn't help hesitating: "I don't know if this variable is good or bad. Or, add it after you awaken the ability?"

Cui Wenxiu thought for a while, and finally shook her head: "It's useless, if I really have a supernatural ability, I would have awakened it long ago. If I haven't awakened, why don't I still not join the team? Wouldn't it be a loss? Lots of rewards. Besides, that variable isn't necessarily a bad thing."

Tan Yi originally wanted to say, "We should wait until we are ready to take on the mission before joining," but seeing Cui Wenxiu's firm eyes, he finally clicked through.

Compared with that faint hope of awakening, he is more unwilling to leave any knot in Xiao Cui's heart because of this little hesitation.

At the same time, Cui Wenxiu's mobile phone received a text message asking him to download the real online movie app.

Since then, Cui Wenxiu has officially become a member of Real Online Movies.

"So, what should we name our team?"

Cui Wenxiu said: "Since the initial members are the three of us, why not take a word from each of our names."

He Yushi thought for a while and said, "No way, no matter how you combine them, it's a mouthful."

"It's better to call it 'Unparalleled Under Heaven'." A deep and magnetic voice suddenly sounded faintly outside the ward.

The three of them looked at the same time, but they saw that standing outside the door was the strong ghost.It's just that his strange costume has been replaced by a well-fitting casual outfit.The long knife that has been in his hand is also missing.

This time, He Yushi did not lose his composure at the beginning, but after a short pause, he asked curiously, "Did you buy it? Hey, where is your knife?"

Gui Zhan snorted coldly: "As a strong man, it's just a change of clothes. Who dares to ask me for money? As for my knife..."

Gui Zhan stretched his right arm in front of his chest, and held his right palm, as if he was grabbing something.The two fingers of his left hand slowly passed from right to left along the empty grip of his right hand, and the previous long knife gradually appeared in the direction of his two fingers.

No one had any reaction, but the tabby cat lying back on the corner of the bed meowed first.

Gui Zhan looked in the direction from which the meow was coming from, couldn't help but fix his eyes, and remained silent for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Tan Yi thought to himself: It seems that this cat may not be simple.Just as he was about to say something, another fat woman in her 50s and [-]s appeared at the door of the ward.

As soon as the fat woman saw Gui Zhan, she immediately grabbed his arm and shouted: "Why are you like this? You just left without paying for your clothes, and you can't stop shouting?"

He Yushi patted his forehead: "I knew..."

After the farce ended, Cui Wenxiu and He Yushi left one after another. After all, they both still had their own jobs.As for the team name, it is still undecided.

Before leaving, Tan Yi thought of a question: "Shishi, do you have a movie on your phone from the last mission?"

"No. What's wrong?" He Yushi shrugged.

"Okay. I see."

"Then I'll go first?"

"Be careful on the road."

After the ward was completely quiet, Tan Yi opened the browser and started searching for movies with the keywords "rusty sewing needle" and "dancer on the cruise ship", but found nothing.

Is it because the time is too short and the search engine has not included them yet?
After thinking about it, he began to search on various well-known video sites, but still found nothing.

No reason.The man in green and He Yushi can confirm that I am not the only one who picked up the poster.

The last mission gave three choices. Assuming that other people also picked up the poster, then they must have chosen one of the other two missions.

After the task is completed, it will be made into a movie. Since it is a movie, I will definitely choose to upload it on the Internet, but I can't find it.

In this way, there are five possibilities.

One: Their mission has not yet begun.

Two: They have finished executing, but they have not chosen to upload for the time being.

Three: They uploaded, but avoided the task-related keywords.If this is the case, then why are they doing it, are they afraid of something?

Four: They all died during the mission.

Thinking of the fourth point, Tan Yi felt a little heavy.Before, he thought that the last mission was not difficult.In retrospect, he realized how lucky he was.

If it wasn't for the early end of the mission, if you follow the mission prompt to guard Buyao for 24 hours, then as time progresses, the danger of the mission will inevitably increase dramatically.In the state where he and He Yushi were not prepared at the time, there was only a certain death.

Thinking back to the movie.

He Yushi's answer just now was also very weird, there was no finished film in her phone.

At this point, I believe she has no reason to lie to me.

So what is the reason?

This is the fifth possibility, there are no related videos in their mobile phones.

Tan Yi is very concerned about the movie.The two companions may not care, but he can't care less, because he makes a living by making videos and making short films, and he doesn't want to be distracted by others.

However, after pondering for a long time, I still couldn't find the answer.In desperation, he can only guess that for the same task, only the person with the highest degree of completion can obtain the exclusive right to the film.

Time passed, and two days later, Tan Yi recovered completely. All the doctors in the hospital felt incredible, thinking that this was a miracle in the history of medicine.

The attending doctor also wrote a paper using Tan Yi as an example, which was published in the most authoritative medical journal in China.Of course, as a result, it was naturally criticized by all kinds of quackery, which is a story for another day.

"The team feature is awesome!"

Tan Yi got up early and decided to go to the Ollie Fitness Comprehensive Club to learn Sanda and fighting from today on, laying the foundation for possible battles in future missions.

(End of this chapter)

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