real web movie

Chapter 14 New Mission Released

Chapter 14 New Mission Released

The query time is not long.

Tan Yi only said that when he discovered the fire, the fire was already quite big. In the end, he was trapped on the eleventh floor. Two friends rescued him.

Officer Hu nodded to express his understanding.

"Two questions. Why did you live on the fourth floor but go to the eleventh floor? Why did you choose to stay in an unoccupied room after you were on the eleventh floor?"

"The first question. When I came out, I saw several waves of escaped guests. So I don't think everyone can find the fire at the first time. You know, when the fire broke out, most people were in In deep sleep. As an ordinary citizen, although I am not legally obliged to take risks to save others. But as a person with conscience, I think it is still appropriate to remind those who don’t know if I can. "

"You mean, you are acting bravely out of good intentions?"

"Isn't it? Although, I also misjudged the fire at the time."

Tan Yi shook his bandaged hands and said that this was the result of misjudgment of the fire.

"You continue." Officer Hu said.

"Then answer the second question. When we arrived on the eleventh floor, the fire suddenly became fierce. At that time, it was impossible for me to take care of other people. Entering that room was just a coincidence because I needed a relatively safe place."

"Is it a coincidence?" Officer Hu looked at Tan Yi for a while, "You did have a lot of coincidences that night."

Tan Yi knew what the other party was referring to.

In their group, someone was first cut off from the roof of the iron shed, and then encountered a fire soon after. No matter how cleanly the mysterious power of the real online movie crew handled the details, the logic would inevitably be doubted.

"Compared to the probability of one in tens of millions of people winning two lottery draws in a row, what happened to us is not surprising, is it?" Tan Yi said indifferently.

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation." Officer Hu put the recording pen into his purse: "I wish you a speedy recovery. I hope that when we meet next time, you will not be lying in the hospital."

"As an ordinary citizen, facing the criminal police is still very stressful. So I'm not really looking forward to meeting again." Tan Yi said with a smile.

After sending Officer Hu away, Cui Wenxiu asked in wonder, "It seems that you don't like him very much?"

"No one likes being investigated." Tan Yi waved his hand, "He's suspicious of us."

Cui Wenxiu and He Yushi looked at each other, and He Yushi said nervously, "But we didn't do anything."

Tan Yi sighed and recounted his experience that night in detail.

When Tan Yi mentioned that he was almost killed by Chachai and Xia Xue, He Yushi's face turned pale.She was imagining that if Tan Yi had been replaced by herself, she might have disappeared from this world.

"In fact, as long as the crew erases the existence of the first man in green who died due to the tin roof, there will be no such troubles. And this is what makes me confused, because of such an obvious omission, It shouldn't exist.

"Either way, it's a burden on the crew to eliminate someone's existence at will, so the crew will try to avoid doing so when it's irrelevant to the overall situation.

"Or, it's a deliberate reminder from the crew."

"What reminder?" Ji and He asked in unison.

"I don't know. Anyway, for the next mission, if possible, let's try to choose a mission that is far away from Sagawa."

Speaking of this, He Yushi nodded and said: "In this way, one of the next missions will indeed be far away from Sara Chuan."

"Has the new mission been released?" Tan Yi hadn't had time to check all the new news just now. Now he was a little surprised to hear that there was a new mission.

"This is not giving time to breathe at all." Tan Yi complained while flipping through the phone.

"Random task [-]: I'm right behind you (unlocked)"

"Random Mission [-]: The Disappearing Sea Ship (Unlocked)"

"Random Mission [-]: Costumes (Unlocked)"

"Please select a task you want to take on. Unselected tasks are considered abandoned and will never appear again in your task list. The task time must not exceed December 12."

Compared with the previous round, this round of random task descriptions has an additional time limit for task selection.

There is only one month to make a choice.

Tan Yi looked at his calf, which was hung in the air and had a plaster cast on it.

"My leg is..."

"Broken bones, nothing serious." Cui Wenxiu replied.

Tan Yi felt relieved and focused on the task again.

"It seems that the only mission that may need to be performed in other places is this 'disappeared sea ship'."

"Yeah." He Yushi frowned, "The other two tasks, just looking at the names make people feel uncomfortable, like filming a ghost movie."

Tan Yi was speechless, thinking that the disappearing ship might not be materialistic.

"Okay, now that we've decided, let's make some preparations. Draw a card!" Tan Yi made a decisive decision.

I didn't draw cards before. Firstly, I couldn't accept the supernatural power emotionally, and secondly, I was afraid of drawing something bad.But after a round of missions, drawing cards became something that must be done.

"Let me go first." He Yushi bit her lip, "I didn't do much in the mission, so let me find the way first when drawing cards this time."

Tan Yi didn't object. In fact, it didn't matter whoever smoked first.What He Yushi said was actually just hinting to Tan Yi that he hoped that in the future missions, Tan Yi would help him as much as he could.

Tan Yi understood He Yushi's gesture of goodwill, but as soon as his thoughts changed, Tan Yi asked, "What was the reward you received in this mission?"

"My task completion evaluation is 'extremely poor', and I was only awarded one chance to draw a card." He Yushi was a little annoyed, "What about you, what's your evaluation?"


Tan Yi dug up his mission evaluation and showed it to the two of them.

Comparing the two, Tan Yi found that he had received one more evaluation "Bu Yao's approval" than He Yushi, and thus had one more ability "Bu Yao's blessing".

And there are two chances to draw cards for your normal evaluation.For He Yushi's extremely poor evaluation, there is only one chance to draw a card.

"It seems that the task rewards are not static. The crew will give us different rewards according to the quality of the task completion. The more we pay, the greater the gains, and the greater the gains, the faster the improvement, forming a virtuous circle. And , there may also be some small rewards that are not notified in advance, like the 'Bu Yao's Blessing' I received.

"The completion of our mission this time is not high, so there is no additional reward. Now I am more and more curious about the additional reward."

Tan Yi looked at the reward description with burning eyes.

"Okay, it's useless to talk so much." He Yushi opened the door of the ward, looked around the corridor of the hospital, and said after making sure that no one came to disturb her, "I'm going to start."

With a flick of her finger, He Yushi's cell phone emitted a burst of dazzling light.

(End of this chapter)

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