Doomsday Great Rebels

Chapter 9 Revenge

Chapter 9 Revenge
Xia Mo lay in the deep pit, looking at the sky helplessly, the sky was still clear, but Xia Mo didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

"Xia Mo, I never thought we would die in this way." Wu Feng laughed, coughed a few times, and blood flowed out.

The soil continued to pour down, gradually filling the pit.

On the top of the deep pit, merchants are shoveling soil under the threat of tax police.

Inside the deep pit, Xia Mo and many other residents of Qingyun Town who were seriously injured and dying were buried.

"Death before leaving the teacher, it will make the hero burst into tears." Xia Mo coughed, smiled sadly, and spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.

"People are going to die, and they still recite poems. It's really fun. Later, you will taste what it's like to be buried alive." Li Fei said with a sneer.

"Even if I can't touch you in this life, I will eat your flesh and gnaw your bones in my next life." Wu Feng looked at Li Fei with hatred in his eyes.

"You're still being brave at this time." Li Fei snorted coldly, picked up a shovel, and with one swing, cut off half of Wu Feng's head.

Wu Feng's brain and blood splashed Xia Mo, and for a while, Xia Mo felt the smell of blood in his lips.

"Wu Feng." Xia Mo shouted, unable to move her body, tears flowed helplessly.

At this moment, a woman's charming smile came.

Xia Mo's heart sank gradually, because he felt that familiar figure would appear, but Xia Mo couldn't bear the appearance of Miss Yun in front of him at this moment.

Miss Yun's familiar figure still appeared. She circled around several tax police officers, laughing loudly, with an extremely charming and professional smile on her face.

Miss Yun took a sip of fine wine from time to time, then kissed the man next to her, and poured the fine wine into the man's mouth.This obviously aroused the desire of the men around him, and they surrounded Miss Yun.

The soil gradually buried Xia Mo.

Xia Mo felt that she was about to suffocate.

"This bitch will definitely die within a week, let's have fun." Hou Si suddenly appeared and said, spitting at Xia Mo who was buried in the pit.

Gradually, Xia Mo only felt that he was out of breath, as if his nasal cavity was blocked by blood, he tried to struggle hard, but it was of no avail.

Xia Mo's whole body was deeply buried in the soil.

At this moment, the chaos instrument suddenly emitted light, covering Xia Mo's body.

In a daze, Xia Mo's consciousness came to his familiar space again.

"Are you in this space again?" Xia Mo asked himself, he opened his arms, flew towards the obelisk in the distance, and arrived in front of the obelisk in a short while.

Xia Mo erased the icy window grilles on the obelisk, and the face of the master who had experienced many vicissitudes appeared in front of Xia Mo's eyes again.

At this moment, the obelisk suddenly opened, and Xia Mo's master suddenly opened his eyes.

"Master, Wu Feng, Aunt Liu and many people in Qingyun Town are all dead." Xia Mo said in pain, tears dripped down to the ground.

"I saw it in the Chaos Instrument, Mo'er, you did your best." Xia Mo's master sighed.

"Master, I'm useless." Xia Mo said with a sob.

"Mo'er, do you want to avenge them?" Xia Mo's master asked.

"I think, Master, you tell me a way, and I'm willing to pay any price." Xia Mo said eagerly, holding Master's arm.

"Okay, you see that there is no strengthening chamber with the words "tempered body", go in first and strengthen your body." Xia Mo's master said.

"I'm going right away." Xia Mo wiped away her tears, and quickly walked towards the strengthened cabin with the words "Body Tempering", turned over and lay down in the strengthened cabin.

"Mo'er, strengthening is extremely painful, you must hold back and don't give up halfway." Xia Mo's master urged.

"Master, I know." Xia Mo said.

At this moment, colorful tubes were inserted into Xia Mo's body, and the strengthening began.At this moment, Xia Mo felt a huge pain, which almost made him faint.

After the pain passed, Xia Mo gradually felt a sense of relief. Although the relief was extremely subtle, it was like a breeze blowing across the water, which made people feel refreshed and happy.

But in the next instant, another burst of great pain hit, almost causing Xia Mo to groan in pain.

Repeated this several times, the pain and comfort came alternately, Xia Mo felt that he didn't even have the strength to struggle.

Suddenly, an inexplicable voice rang in Xia Mo's ear: "Physical strengthening stage, level ten, body tempering completed."

Xia Mo struggled to get out of the reinforced compartment, suddenly staggered and fell to the ground.

Xia Mo's master came over and stretched out his hand to touch some spots on Xia Mo's body. Xia Mo immediately felt his energy recover, and he struggled to stand up.

"Mo'er, your current physique is far beyond that of ordinary people, but you can't defeat Li Fei when you meet him. Master will teach you another set of claws, which can restrain Li Fei's Five Lightning Piercing Palm." Xia Mo's master said.

"This set of claws is called Dragon Claw Hand, and there are only three styles, namely, Dragon Claw, Dragon Claw, and Dragon Piercing Claw." Xia Mo's master said, "Dragon Claw can catch Li Fei, and Dragon Claw can hold Li Fei. After removing Li Fei's joints, the Dragon Piercing Claw can penetrate Li Fei's body."

Xia Mo's master said, and began to demonstrate the three claw moves, and then taught Xia Mo how to learn the dragon claw.

Xia Mo practiced these three tricks non-stop, becoming more and more proficient, Xia Mo's master couldn't help but nodded in agreement.Xia Mo was in the middle of practicing, when suddenly it seemed as if he had stepped on the ground, and he suddenly woke up.

It was already midnight at this time, Xia Mo could only hear the crisp chirping of insects, and a crescent moon hung in the sky, allowing people to distinguish things in the distance.

As for Xia Mo, she found herself next to a hot spring. Xia Mo was startled, and suddenly found herself near the Tianchi Hot Spring in Qingyun Mountain, Qingyun Town.

"How did I get here?" Xia Mo asked in surprise.

"Congratulations, Captain, I got another beauty." Suddenly, Li Si's voice came from a distance.

"If we hadn't had an argument with her and poured wine all over her face, we still wouldn't be able to see through her disguise. Captain, you can come now." Li San said again in an obscene voice.

"Captain, I still want to come here to play, isn't the scenery here good?" Li Si said with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's just let you hug me, I still have to fight." A familiar voice came, but it was Li Fei's voice.

Xia Mo suddenly became nervous. He sneaked out of the cave and looked towards the source of the sound. He saw several shadowy figures on the platform of the cliff in the distance.

"Go to the hot spring for me, I don't want others to watch." Li Fei's voice came again, and as soon as the words fell, these people all walked towards him.

Not long after, Xia Mo saw clearly the people who came, they were Nu'er, Li San, and Li Si. They walked to the hot spring and soaked in it.

Li San and Li Si looked at Nu'er with obscene eyes, and Nu'er looked unhappy, but obviously, Nu'er's unhappiness was not because of Li San and Li Si's unscrupulous eyes.

"Son, what's so great about Mr. Li playing with a woman, men are not like this? Just relax." Li Si said.

"Nu'er, although you are Mr. Li's lover, if you are lonely, you can let us accompany you. Li Si and I both like it." Li San stared at Nu'er without any scruples and said.

Nu'er's face changed, but after a while, she smiled coquettishly again, and hooked Li San and Li Si.

Li San and Li Si looked happy and walked towards Nu'er, and after a while, they came to Nu'er.

Suddenly, Nu'er stretched out his hand and grabbed Li San and Li Si's throats, and with a murderous look in his eyes, he immediately crushed the throats of Li San and Li Si.

Li San and Li Si looked at Nu'er in disbelief, groaned in pain, and fell down.

"Would you like me to play with you?" Nu'er said with a charming smile.

"Son, what's the problem?" Li Fei asked.

"It's nothing." Nuer still said with a charming smile.

At this moment, Xia Mo shot a throwing knife, piercing Nu'er's throat.

Nu'er's laughter stopped abruptly, and she fell down powerlessly, sinking into the water without a sound.

Xia Mo looked at Li Fei.

Li Fei was taking off his clothes, Xia Mo walked over quietly, and gradually walked behind Li Fei, trying to push Li Fei off the cliff.

At this moment, Li Fei turned around suddenly, and stabbed Xia Mo's chest with a saber like a poisonous snake.

Xia Mo didn't even think about it, he dodged Li Fei's saber, and the Dragon Grasping Claw used his backhand to grab Li Fei's wrist, and hit Li Fei's elbow with an uppercut.

With a click, Li Fei's saber fell to the ground, and Xia Mo's entire elbow was broken.

Li Fei was severely injured by this, and without even making a sound, he quickly kicked out a side kick, aiming at Xia Mo's lower abdomen.

Xia Molong unscrewed his claws, stretched out his hands quickly, grabbed Li Fei's calf, and took off Li Fei's strength, and then twisted Li Fei's knee joint with one force.

Li Fei was seriously injured again, but he still didn't even groan. The Five Thunder Piercing Palm hit Xia Mo's heart in an instant.

Xia Mo evaded Li Fei's final special attack, and used a dragon piercing claw, which immediately pierced Li Fei's chest and took out Li Fei's heart.

Li Fei snorted in pain, knelt on the ground weakly, his eyes were full of vicious light, and said: "If you kill me, our Li family will definitely let you die."

Xia Mo sneered, stepped forward quickly, and hit Li Fei's chest with a step-by-step side kick. Li Fei screamed, and was kicked flying horizontally, falling down a bottomless cliff.

"Wu Feng, Aunt Liu, folks in Qingyun Town, I, Xia Mo, have avenged you." Xia Mo thought, and knelt down towards Qingyun Town.

(End of this chapter)

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