Doomsday Great Rebels

Chapter 83 Touring

Chapter 83 Touring
"What happened after that?" Xia Mo asked nervously.

"Behind..." Leiber smiled miserably, and said:

"I went out of the cave and looked out, do you know what I saw?"

"On the sky, there are densely packed purple-clothed monks. There are as many as a thousand of them. These monks look dignified, as if they are facing life and death."

"I suddenly realized that I am not the only one who intends to seize the soul fruit of the underworld today. Seeing how well prepared these monks are, they must be determined to obtain it."

"I looked down again, and at the bottom of the mountain, there were many corpses of lay people in different clothes, and purple-clothed monks were also mixed in. It must be that the lay people fought with these purple-clothed monks, and each of them killed themselves in vain."

"Looking at the monks' clothes, I suddenly remembered the identities of these monks. They are members of the Nirvana sect of the Rizhao Empire's protector religion."

"Do you know the origin of the Nirvana Sect?"

"The Nirvana Sect was founded by the Prophet Sangha. The Prophet Seng's unique secret technique is the 'Skill of Immortality'. As long as the user has even one cell, it can be restored to its original state without any injury. "

"And the national teacher of the Rizhao Empire—"Immortal Demon Monk" Shi Kuangseng is the head of the Nirvana Sect. It is said that he mastered the "Skill of Immortality" 20 years ago, and he has rarely met opponents since then."

"I saw so many monks floating in the air at that time, so I knew that all of these monks were more cultivated than me. If I come here, I'm afraid I'll be close to death. It's more or less auspicious."

"And on the ground, there were thousands of laymen standing, and they looked at the monks of the Nirvana Sect in the sky with gloomy faces."

"At that time, I hid tightly behind a rock, tightly held my breath, and waited and watched."

"At this moment, I saw an old man floating into the air from the ground, and said coldly to these monks: 'My heartless old man Fan Yang, I want to ask all of the Ji Mie Sect, do you want to kill them all?' "

"'So what if you kill, so what if you don't kill?' An ethereal voice came, and it was difficult for me to distinguish where the voice came from. With just this hand, I knew that the speaker's cultivation might not be as high as that of 'Emperor Fengming' ——Murong is furious."

"'That means killing?' Fan Yang said coldly, 'You Nirvana Sect paid so much money, it must be because you are determined to get the soul fruit of the underworld? I'm afraid that if you kill us, you will do it yourself Lost two souls and five souls."

"'All reborn in bliss,' said the disembodied voice again."

"In an instant, the sky showed an incomparably gorgeous brilliance. When the purple-clothed monk flashed his lightsaber, he saw the bloody aura condensed on the ground. At this moment, all the lay people died unexpectedly."

"Ni Mie Sect actually has such a skill—these laymen who come to snatch the soul fruit of the underworld must be very mediocre, and they died so easily?" Xia Mo asked in surprise.

"How hard is it to understand? The Nirvana Sect really has such strength." Lei Bo lowered his voice and continued:
"At this moment, something even more unbelievable happened. The entire Pluto Island suddenly experienced an earthquake, and the landslides and ground cracked. The rock I was hiding in suddenly tipped and pinned me down. But it’s extremely uncomfortable.”

"At the next moment, my body suddenly lightened, and the mountain where the rock that was holding me down suddenly collapsed. I volleyed a few times on the falling rock, avoided the falling rock, and stood on the ground.

"Just when I was not on my feet, I suddenly heard a deafening roar. In this huge roar, the clouds piled up in the sky suddenly turned into five colors, reflecting the entire Pluto Island brilliantly."

"I suddenly felt an indescribable coercion oppressing my back. In an instant, I felt a scorching heat getting closer and closer to me, as if it was the fire of the underworld, trying to take my life. Suddenly , I saw a cave right under my feet, and I stepped a little bit immediately and entered this cave."

"A huge black flame devoured the position I just occupied."

"I took out the Tai Chi mirror in my arms, and stretched out the hand holding the mirror out of the cave. In the mirror, I saw a huge black dragon rampaging in the sky. This black dragon was so huge that it spread its wings and even covered the entire Pluto Island. Hold on, it keeps spraying black flames, and even the clouds piled up in the sky are blown away by its breath."

"I suddenly realized that the mountain peak where the cave I just passed was formed by the accumulation of stones that suppressed the dragon."

"I saw the giant dragon roaring wantonly, and swarms of black fireballs fell from the sky. The monks flying in the sky couldn't avoid it. Under the attack of the fireballs, they were like a group of wasps that had been stabbed in their nests, and they behaved chaotically. group."

"And this black flame is extremely domineering. As long as it is contaminated with a little bit, it will not be extinguished. Many purple-clothed monks fell from the sky and turned into a pair of dry bones while still in the air."

"Not only that, the black dragon also used its long tail to sweep towards the monk in the air. Once the purple-clothed monk was swept by it, it immediately turned into a cloud of blood mist, leaving no bones left."

"And the black dragon's claws also grabbed the monk flying in the air with great agility. Once pinched, the purple-clothed monk turned into a ball of blood."

"What about the tree of the underworld?" Xia Mo asked nervously.

"The tree of the underworld is located on the top of Pluto Island. It is as high as 30-storey buildings. The entire tree of the underworld is surrounded by black mist, and there are sharp wind howls from time to time. Got up, not only that, the tree of the underworld shook more and more violently, and the rocks at the root fell down the mountain one by one, smashing the dead lay people and the corpses of purple-clothed monks into powder." Leiber lowered his voice and continued said:
"I realized at that time that the existence of Pluto Island was already counting down. My heart was beating harder and harder. At this moment, the roots of the tree of the underworld suddenly burst out with blood."

"The blood flowed to the top of the tree along the meridians of the tree of the underworld. The entire tree of the underworld was shining brightly, and the meridians were clearly visible. The entire tree of the underworld was like a lighthouse standing in the night sky, shining brightly. "

"At this moment, I suddenly discovered that all the meridians are gathered in the center of the tree of the underworld, and the center of the tree of the underworld exudes a bright light."

"With a heartbeat, I climbed up the tree of the underworld, intending to climb to the confluence of the meridians. Because I have a very strong intuition, the soul fruit of the underworld is there."

"However, just as I was about to approach the meridian gathering place of the tree of the underworld, there was a sudden explosion, and a person rushed out from the meridian gathering place of the tree. This man was dressed in a red monk robe, and his whole body was covered with blood."

"He seemed to have no strength at all, and fell straight down. At this moment, suddenly, the black dragon in the air made a sharp turn, opened its mouth, and swallowed him."

"I immediately knew that the monk in red had collected the soul fruit of the underworld. But I was not reconciled. I rushed into the meridian of the tree of the underworld to a wild beast."

"At the confluence of the meridians, a channel has been blasted out. Surrounding the channel are some whip-like plants, exuding a strong fishy smell. It is highly poisonous at a glance."

"As soon as I entered, I saw piles of bones, but the clothes were still there. These clothes include lay clothes and monk robes. They must have been whipped, and the flesh turned into blood."

"I didn't care about anything at this time, I only knew how to move forward. I stepped over the bones of countless people, and after a while, I came to a small room. In the center of the small room, there was a wooden round platform, which exuded bloody red. Light, on the round platform, there are three emerald green leaves, but the leaves are empty."

"I thought of 'Emperor Fengming'——Murong Nutian's description of the soul fruit of the underworld, and I suddenly lost my mind. The soul fruit of the underworld was picked away."

(End of this chapter)

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