Doomsday Great Rebels

Chapter 80 Woman

Chapter 80 Woman
"Feng Sanniang." Uncle Yin suddenly cried out, as if he saw something extremely terrifying.

"Uncle Yin, do you know Feng Sanniang?" Xia Mo asked suspiciously.

"Boy, have you heard of Feng Sanniang's name?" Uncle Yin said with a change of expression.

"I've never heard of it." Xia Mo said.

"It's no wonder that when Feng Sanniang roamed the Tianyu Continent, you were not born yet, so how did you hear her name?" Uncle Yin said:
"Thirty years ago, Feng Sanniang was already a mafia tycoon, ranking first in the Tianyu Continent's black evil list, committing one murder after another. Even the royal family of the Tianyu Continent offered a reward of 30 trillion imperial gold coins, intending to settle the crime." Feng Sanniang's life."

"Thirty years ago, Feng Sanniang was 30 years old, and 35 people were killed by her hands."

"Not only that, what's even more evil is that Feng Sanniang's beauty is overwhelming. She often uses her beauty to lure some righteous people to do many outrageous things, causing these righteous people to be expelled from the school. Get ruined and enjoy it."

"What's even more outrageous is that in order to maintain her youth and beauty, she actually used the baby's liver as a medicine every four hours, and took the most evil pill 'Ji Le San'."

"Feng Sanniang also has another hobby, that is, she likes to slaughter the disciples of famous families."

"Her acts of brutality aroused the public indignation of many decent people, and they joined forces to kill her. According to those who participated in the killing operation, Feng Sanniang was seriously injured by decent people in this operation, but she was still allowed to escape. up.

"But even so, since then, Feng Sanniang has disappeared, and her name has never been seen in the world since then. I only know it today. I didn't expect her to go to the 'Emperor Fengming'——Murong Nu God there."

"Lao Lei, go ahead, everyone wants to hear the rest of your story." Uncle Yin said.

"That's fine, I'll just say something." Leiber said:
"As soon as Feng Sanniang finished speaking, she took a step forward and got closer to me. Although we didn't touch each other physically, I could feel the heat of her body."

"At this moment, Feng Sanniang said: 'What's so good about that crazy girl Murong Yan, I'm much better than her, little brother, don't you think you won't be tempted?'"

"I only saw Feng Sanniang's charming face, she was really indescribably alluring and ecstasy."

"I gave a sneer and said: 'The whore.' Then I took half a step back and left this **** slut."

"I saw Feng Sanniang's complexion changed, and she was about to make a move in an instant."

"What happened after that?" Xia Mo asked.

"I saw a murderous look in this woman's eyes, but at this moment, she suddenly smiled coquettishly, and her voice turned out to be indescribably sweet." Leiber paused, and continued:

"She took another step closer to me, and the distance between us has never been closer. Feng Sanniang exhaled like blue, and I immediately smelled the sweet fragrance from her mouth."

"At this moment, I suddenly felt dizzy, and the image of Feng Sanniang suddenly became blurred in my eyes, but in the next moment, her image became clear again in my eyes. In this way, the image of Feng Sanniang appeared in my eyes It was vague for a while, clear for a while, and constantly changing, and I gradually couldn't tell the difference, and my consciousness gradually lost."

"'Little brother, hug me, kiss me, I'm yours, come quickly.' At this time, that charming female voice sounded again, and I lost control of my mind completely, and walked slowly towards Feng Sanniang .”

"Feng Sanniang giggled, took a few steps back, and looked at me with a playful expression."

"At this moment, to my surprise, Feng Sanniang actually started to take off her clothes. A moment later, a naked and seductive carcass with the fragrance of orchids appeared in front of my eyes."

"I suddenly had a desire in my heart to hug this woman in front of me tightly and have sex."

"I walked forward a few steps in a daze, walked up to Feng Sanniang, and immediately hugged her."

"At this moment, my brain suddenly felt a pain, and my consciousness suddenly woke up."

"I pushed Feng Sanniang away, bit the tip of my tongue with my teeth, and immediately sweet blood flowed down the corner of my mouth.

"At this time, Feng Sanniang suddenly had a vicious look in her eyes, like a black mamba, tightly locking onto my soul."

"I suddenly realized that in the next moment, my life was going to be gone."

"Then something that surprised me happened. Behind Feng Sanniang, a mirror-like dark void suddenly appeared. At the same time, Feng Sanniang suddenly backed away, like a person gliding on the ice. In the blink of an eye, her figure disappeared into the void on that side."

"Space ring." Mark said with gloomy eyes.

"What is a space ring?" Xia Mo asked.

"The space ring can summon a space channel, and this space channel can connect to another space, allowing people and objects to travel between different spaces." Mark said.

"Oh, that's right, I understand." Xia Mo said, "Please continue, Leiber."

"Okay, since everyone is willing to listen, I will continue." Leiber said:
"Feng Sanniang's voice disappeared into the void, and the space channel was closed immediately. I saw a tall and slender figure on a cliff one foot wide in the distance."

"This person is the one I only saw from a distance, but never looked directly at, 'Emperor Fengming'—Murong Nutian."

"I looked at him from a distance, and saw him looking up at the moon with his hands behind his back. Although the cold wind was blowing on the cliff, he remained motionless like a javelin."

"At that time, I felt that he was like a strange peak, straight into the sky."

"However, the moment I saw him, an invisible murderous aura suddenly enveloped me, and I suddenly felt a huge, extremely frightening pressure slowly depriving my six senses. I felt that I was Like a fish suffocated on the shore, unable to breathe any more."

"The pressure was mounting and I felt like my own consciousness was about to collapse."

"At this moment, with a thought in my mind, I began to operate the Turtle Breath Dafa. Immediately, I felt that the pressure on my body was gone, and my whole body was indescribably relaxed."

"'Huh?' 'Emperor Fengming'—— Murong said angrily: 'What a great method of tortoise's breath, you are still one step away from reaching the realm of 'turtle's breath'. With your age, you have reached the level you are now. Realm is not easy, I underestimated you.'"

"At this moment, I just felt a huge force grabbing me, I immediately got off the ground and flew towards 'Emperor Fengming'—Murong Nutian."

"After a while, I came to him. This is the first time I have seen this overlord at such a close distance."

"According to rumors in Jianghu, 'Emperor Fengming' - Murong Nutian is already 50 years old at this time, but when I see his face now, I feel that he is only about 30 years old."

"His eyes are full of vicissitudes, as if he has seen through everything in the world. He seems to have lost interest in this world, and it seems that there is something, like a shooting star, that arouses his interest for a moment."

"And his hands are slender and fair-skinned, like a pair of women's hands. Just looking at them, you can't imagine how much blood these hands are stained with."

"I fell in front of him, and he grabbed my throat. At this moment, I found that Murong Yan was also standing on the cliff, Emperor Fengming'—— Murong Nutian covered her."

"She saw me and suddenly trembled."

"'You all die together.' 'Emperor Fengming' - Murong Nutian said coldly."

"Murong Yan immediately fell off the cliff."

"I roared, rushed towards Murong Yan, and jumped off the cliff."

(End of this chapter)

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