Doomsday Great Rebels

Chapter 77 Escape

Chapter 77 Escape
"Did you succeed?" Xia Mo asked.

"Hehe, success is easier said than done." Leiber smiled sadly, sighed a long time, and said, "The mine of 'Fengming Island' is commonly known as the 'Land of Death'. Every two or three days, someone dies. Death The corpses of those who died were all thrown into the sea and swallowed by the great white sharks under the cliff, not even the bones remained, this method of death is called fish belly torture."

"And the 'Place of Death' located in the northern part of the 'Wushuimen' island is extremely tightly guarded. Everyone must take the 'San Gong San' every day to prevent their courage from functioning. Not only that, in the 'Death The three meals a day for the people in the land of hard labor are nothing more than a limited amount of moldy steamed buns and a little rotten porridge, which can barely support their physical strength, making them unable to gather physical strength to resist guard."

"In the 'Land of the Dead', there are often some mutated mastiffs patrolling. Once a slightly stronger prisoner appears, they will be swallowed by them and bitten into a pile of bones."

"And the most unbearable thing is that the guards in the mine are extremely cruel. They can do whatever they want and kill anyone who offends them slightly. My second junior brother walked a little slower in the process of transporting the ore. At least After saying a word, these guards hung him on a blood-sucking tree, sucked his blood and died."

"Not only that, among the guards, there are also some children who are the disciples of the 'Mist Water Gate'. Although they are less than ten years old, their hearts and methods are no less cruel than those of adults. Guards. I saw with my own eyes that they poured gasoline on an old miner, then ignited the gasoline and burned the old miner alive, while they laughed and laughed, as if killing people was just a fun game for them That's all."

"I spent three months in this place, as if in Avici Hell. Even today, I often wake up from nightmares during these three months."

"And during these three months, I gradually understood that the defense of the 'Land of the Dead' has three layers inside and three layers outside. It is extremely tight. If a person wants to escape, there is no way."

"During my days of hard labor in the 'Land of the Dead', there were several escapes, but these escaped people were captured alive without even breaking through the first layer of defense. Then we miners were called together, These prison escapees were killed in extremely cruel ways before our eyes, not even a piece of flesh the size of a finger was left."

"It's so difficult to escape, Leiber, how did you escape?" Xia Mo asked.

"Escape, hehe, if I tried every means to escape like others, even the smartest person would not succeed, so I used the most stupid way - pretending to be dead." Leiber smiled sadly Said.

"Playing dead? This method must have been used by many people, but can it be successful? Even if you successfully pretended to be dead, but you were thrown off the cliff and fell into the sea, you would not be able to escape the bite of the great white shark?" Xia Mo couldn't help it. Continuing to ask.

"There is a reason for this. One day when No.80 lived in the 'Land of the Dead', I found a plan to escape from the 'Land of the Dead' in a crack in the wall of my cell. In this plan, it is recorded in detail how to use the substance of the 'death place' to make a medicine that prevents great white sharks from biting - water to avoid scattering." Leiber said: "This shows that as long as you escape to the sea , there is a great possibility to escape from 'Fengming Island'."

"And my master, 'Tianlei Jun' - Situ Leiyin, after making up his mind to challenge 'Emperor Fengming' - Murong Nutian, the first thing he did was to teach me the three major aspects of the 'Blood Fiend Gate'. One of the unique skills is the turtle's breath method."

"The Turtle Breath Dafa can cause a person to feign death. The user's blood is coagulated, the breath dissipates, and the body is cold. It is no different from a real dead person. Therefore, it can deceive the guards and throw me into the sea, giving me the possibility of escape. "

"So in the remaining nine days, I collected three items for making water to avoid scattering: laurel stone, black flower, and sun knot wood, and successfully produced water to avoid scattering, swallowed it, and then used the turtle's breath method ,suspended animation."

"Sure enough, the guards were deceived by me. Seeing that I didn't participate in the daily roll call, lying motionless on the bed in the cell, and my body was cold, they thought that I died of hard work, so they threw me off the cliff and into the sea. .As soon as I entered the water, I woke up, and at this moment, the great white sharks also gathered. I will never forget the excited bloodthirsty eyes of those great white sharks looking at me."

"But those great white sharks started to avoid me one meter away from me, and they all moved away from me, and I felt as if I was walking through the gate of hell."

"And then?" Xia Mo asked.

"Then." Leiber said with a sad smile, "I surfaced, and at this moment, I saw a person in the water. Guess who I met?"

"If I had to guess, I probably wouldn't have guessed it, but if I had to say, could it be 'Emperor Fengming'—Murong Nutian?" Xia Mo said thoughtfully.

"It wasn't 'Emperor Fengming' - Murong Nutian, but a woman. The moment I surfaced, I saw a woman also floating from the water. She was like a fairy in the moon palace, but she was naked She looked at me and smiled sweetly. I just felt a wave of heat rising from the dantian. After a while, I just felt my mind go crazy fainted, and passed out." Reber paused, then continued:

"When I woke up, I was sleeping on a bed and this woman, still naked, was lying next to me.

Leiber stopped speaking, his eyes were both sweet and sad, as if he was immersed in the memories of the past.

"I found out later that her name is Murong Yan, and she is the only daughter of 'Emperor Fengming'—Murong Nutian." Lei Bo continued in a low voice.

"Old Lei, hearing what you said, I think something is wrong with Murong Yan's mind? Isn't this something a woman with a normal mind would do?" Uncle Yin asked in surprise.

"You are right, she is indeed a crazy girl, but she is indeed the woman I love the most in my life." Leiber said softly, as if immersed in his own memories.

"What happened later?" Xia Mo continued to ask.

"On that night, 'Emperor Fengming' - Murong Nutian found out about this, and he sent someone to deliver a dagger, asking me to cut off my 80 yuan of meat and send it to him." Lei Bo said: "But the crazy girl Murong Yan snatched the dagger and was about to stab her in the chest."

"What happened next?" Xia Mo asked softly.

"The person who gave the dagger didn't let Murong Yan hurt himself, took the dagger away, and told 'Emperor Fengming' - Murong Nutian what happened, and then 'Emperor Fengming' - Murong Nutian met me. "Reber said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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