Doomsday Great Rebels

Chapter 68 Clearance

Chapter 68 Clearance
Xia Mo sat on the stool in the training room, sweat drenched his whole body, making him feel extremely hot.

"Please get out of the training room, the air in the training room will be cleaned." In the void, an inexplicable voice said.

Xia Mo stood up and walked out of the training room, feeling unspeakably tired.

Outside the door, Qian Qian stood in front of the window, seemingly thinking about something.

"Sister Qian, I'm very tired, is there a place to take a bath?" Xia Mo asked.

Qian Qian took out her mobile phone and dialed a number. After a while, the call was connected.

"Xiaoqin, come here." Qian Qian said coldly.

After a while, a girl came over.

I saw that the girl was only 17 years old, with a pretty face, a slender figure, black hair, bright eyes and white teeth.

"This customer is Xia Mo, take him to Ruolan Valley Hot Spring." Qian Qian said. ,

"Sister Qian, I understand, I'll do it now." Xiaoqin said, smiling at Xia Mo.

"In terms of beauty, Xiaoqin is not as good as Dong Wanqiu, but it's not bad." Xia Mo thought to himself.

"You must serve Xia Mo well, do you understand?" Qian Qian said coldly, revealing the ability of a professional woman.

"I will handle it well." Xiaoqin said, "Jun Xia, come with me."

Xia Mo nodded and followed Xiaoqin to the roof.

After a while, the two came to the roof.On the roof, a helicopter is preparing to take off.

"Let's go up." Xiaoqin said, boarding the helicopter.

Xia Mo also went up.

"Is the hot spring far from here?" Xia Mo asked, looking into Xiaoqin's eyes.

"It's a 15-minute journey." Xiaoqin said, sitting next to Xia Mo, Xia Mo suddenly felt a soft body leaning against her, which made her suddenly think.

Xia Mo smiled, moved her body, and put a distance between herself and Xiaoqin.

Xiaoqin pushed towards Xia Mo again, and pressed her body against Xia Mo's again.

Xia Mo smiled again, and moved her body again to keep a distance between herself and Xiaoqin.

"A useless man." Xiaoqin said angrily, sat down to the side, and gave Xia Mo an angry look.

Xia Mo groaned slowly:

"Peach Blossom Temple in Taohuawu, Peach Blossom Immortals in Peach Blossom Temple. Peach Blossom Immortals plant peach trees and pick peach blossoms in exchange for wine money. Sober people only sit in front of flowers, and drunk people come to sleep under flowers. Half drunk and half awake day after day, flowers The falling flowers bloom year after year. I hope that when I die of old age, I don’t want to bow before the chariots and horses. The car dust and horses are full of things, and the wine cups and flower branches are destined for hermits. If you compare the obvious to the hermit, one is on the ground and the other is on the sky. If you will Flowers and wine are better than chariots and horses, so why don't you be idle? Others laugh at me for being too crazy, but I laugh at others for not being able to see through. I don't see the tombs of heroes in the five tombs, and there are no flowers and no wine to hoe the fields.

"Is this [Ming] Tang Yin's Song of Peach Blossom Temple?" Xiaoqin said.

"That's it. I like this poem very much." Xia Mo said, moving towards Xiaoqin.

"Bitch man, you looked down on me when I was talking to you, and when I ignored you, you posted it instead." Xiaoqin spat, her face flushed slightly like a peony in the wind.

Xia Mo smiled again, but didn't make a sound.

The two were silent, with only the roar of the plane in their ears.

"It seems that you are a man who treats fame like dirt." Xiaoqin said, looked at Xia Mo with big eyes, and blinked.

"No, what you said is neither right nor wrong. I'm just a man who doesn't pay much attention to fame and fortune, but I still have a heart for fame and fortune in my heart, but this desire for fame and fortune in my heart is just for this The world just does more good things." Xia Mo said.

"Here we are." The pilot turned his head and said.

"Go down." Xiaoqin said, and got off the plane first.

Xia Mo followed.

I saw the plane landed on an airport, and there were hundreds of helicopters on this airport.

Xia Mo had never seen so many helicopters before, so he couldn't help being a little dazed for a while.

"Rand bumpkin, this has stumped you." Xiaoqin spat.

"Go to the hot spring." Xia Mo said, "Why are there so many helicopters here?"

"The hot springs here are the best in the entire Anhui Province, so bigwigs from all over the place will gather here as a place for leisure and business discussions." Xiaoqin said, "How much money do you have?"

"There are only dozens of gold coins left." Xia Mo said.

"I'm so unlucky for my old lady, not only can't make any money, but I have to pay you today." Xiaoqin said, and spat again.

"Then I won't go in." Xia Mo said, turning his head and walking towards the helicopter.

"No, what I said just now was all to lie to you. Don't you know that women like to lie the most?" Xiaoqin said angrily, grabbed Xia Mo's clothes, and held Xia Mo back.

"Sister Qian has transferred the 1000 million imperial gold coins that should be given to you to my account, and let me use them on you. The purpose of your coming here is to rest; the other is to strengthen your use of tadpoles to fight here. The technology of the watch; the third is to see if you can pass the second-level test of the combat watch and become a combat master of the second-level combat watch recognized by Tianyu Continent, Yunsen Continent, Fire Sky Continent, Dousheng Continent, and Poyu Continent." Xiaoqin said angrily: "Of course, the third task is a bit dangerous, you can decide whether to do it or not.

"Since I'm here, I don't want to return empty-handed. I'll go and set up the second-level test of this battle watch." Xia Mo said firmly.

A gleam of appreciation suddenly flashed in Xiaoqin's wonderful eyes.

"Let's go to the hot spring." Xia Mo said, feeling unspeakably tired.

"Okay." Xiaoqin said, leading Xia Mo to the hot spring on the top of the mountain.

This hot spring, called Ruolan Valley, is located on the top of Xuelaifeng Mountain on Lantau Island.

Xia Mo wanted to walk to the top of the mountain step by step, but felt a chill suddenly pervading his body, making his body tremble slightly.

"Is it cold?" Xiaoqin said, she raised her arm, and saw a first-level combat watch on her arm.

At this moment, a red light was released from Xiaoqin's first-level combat watch, covering Xia Mo's whole body.

Xia Mo only felt that her body was warm and indescribably comfortable.

"If I increase the energy output, I'm afraid you will be burned to ashes." Xiaoqin said coldly.

Xia Mo looked at the climbing path, and saw that the climbing path was winding and winding, all paved with bluestone slabs, one piece after another directly connected to the top of the mountain.These bluestone slabs are extremely splendid, but people standing on them not only do not feel slippery, but feel that their steps are very stable on them.

Around the hiking trail, there are dense bamboo forests. On the top of these bamboo forests, there are still some white snow accumulations. From time to time, birds fly up from the white snow accumulations, singing and flying towards the sky.

Xia Mo looked into the valley, and saw a glacier in the valley, and the glacier kept turning continuously, as if made by magic.

Half an hour later, the two arrived at the entrance of the hot spring valley, and saw soldiers with guns guarding the entrance of the hot spring valley.

"Sneered and said to Xiaoqin, with a wave of his arm, the fence shrank, the barricades separated, and a road suddenly appeared in front of Xia Mo and Xiaoqin.

"No, he is a good person." Xiaoqin said angrily.

"Go." The scarred officer waved his hand impatiently and let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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