Doomsday Great Rebels

Chapter 54 Cities

Chapter 54 Cities
Xia Mo gradually woke up, it was already late at night, the bright moonlight came directly from the window and shone on Xia Mo's body.

Xia Mo subconsciously looked at his wound, only to see that his wound had recovered as before, and his skin was smooth.

Xia Mo looked out the door, and saw VIP ICU Ward written on the glass door.

The VIP ICU ward is equipped with bedside monitors, central monitors, multifunctional respiratory therapy machines, anesthesia machines, electrocardiogram machines, defibrillators, pacemakers, infusion pumps, micro syringes, tracheal intubation and tracheotomy. Get the first aid equipment you need.

In addition, it is also equipped with blood gas analyzer, microcomputer, EEG machine, B-ultrasound machine, bedside X-ray machine, hemodialysis machine, intra-arterial balloon counterpulsation device, blood and urine routine analyzer, blood biochemical analysis instrument and so on.

"Are you awake?" a soft female voice asked.

Xia Mo looked up and saw Cheng Ruyun standing next to her, holding a writing board in his hand, and on the writing board was a medical record.

"En." Xia Mo said, only felt a scent of epiphyllum emanating from Cheng Ruyun's body, permeating around him, making him feel intoxicated.

Suddenly, Xia Mo felt a cramping pain in his abdomen.

"It's okay, you're probably hungry, right?" Cheng Ruyun seemed to be able to sense Xia Mo's thoughts, and said.

"Are you the successor of Zhizu?" Xia Mo asked Dong Wanqiu.

"I can't tell you that." Cheng Ruyun said softly, her voice was indescribably soft and charming.

"How long have I been in a coma?" Xia Mo asked Cheng Ruyun.

"One week." Cheng Ruyun said.

"So long?" Xia Mo asked in surprise.

At this time, Xia Mo suddenly felt a chill, Xia Mo looked under the quilt, and saw that he was completely naked, without a piece of his body.

Xia Mo's face turned red involuntarily, with his back to Cheng Ruyun, he curled up tightly.

"Facing the ceiling, lie down." Cheng Ruyun said in a commanding tone.

Xia Mo remained motionless.

A burst of epiphyllum fragrance hits, Xia Mo can almost feel the temperature of Cheng Ruyun's body.

Xia Mo felt Cheng Ruyun approaching her, her face turned even redder, and she didn't dare to move.

Suddenly, Xia Mo's ears felt a sharp pain.

Cheng Ruyun twisted Xia Mo's ears.

"It hurts." Xia Mo snorted in pain and said.

"I told you to be disobedient." Cheng Ruyun snorted coldly.

Xia Mo turned around helplessly and lay down facing the ceiling.

Cheng Ruyun picked up a sterilized wet towel that smelled like medicine, and began to wipe Xia Mo's face.

Cheng Ruyun's movements are so gentle.

"Little pervert." Cheng Ruyun spat.

After hearing Cheng Ruyun's words, Xia Mo didn't dare to move.

"The man has lost the battle." Cheng Ruyun said narrowly.

Xia Mo covered her head with the quilt, her face was flushed, and she didn't dare to move.

Cheng Ruyun lifted the quilt covering Xia Mo's head, kissed Xia Mo's lips slightly, and walked out the door with a charming smile.

At this moment, Wang Shuai walked in, saw this scene, and couldn't help snorting.

Cheng Ruyun's face changed slightly, and she also walked out the door.

"Are you satisfied with this bitch's service?" Wang Shuai asked coldly, only to see that he had taken care of his whole body, and he seemed much more comfortable.

"It's okay." Xia Mo said slowly.

"This bitch likes to eat baby chicken, you have to be careful." Wang Shuai said.

"Thank you for reminding me. Actually, I think she's okay." Xia Mo said and smiled.

"Actually, if you dress up, you're really handsome." Xia Mo said without words.

Wang Shuai smiled but didn't make a sound.

"Are you hungry?" Wang Shuai said, "Your injury has healed quickly, and you can move about freely."

After listening to Wang Shuai's words, Xia Mo moved his injured calf without any discomfort.

"Also, your woman has been waiting for you to recover these days. She has spent a lot of energy. You should go find her and have a look at her. She is indeed a good woman." Wang Shuai said.

"Where is she?" Xia Mo asked.

"She's in the family's convalescent room." Wang Shuai said, "I'll take you there."

Xia Mo put on his clothes, followed Wang Shuai, walked to the family members' nursing room, took the elevator, and arrived at the family members' nursing room after a while.

Wang Shuai opened the door of the family's convalescent room, Xia Mo followed Wang Shuai to Dong Wanqiu's bed, and after a while, came to Dong Wanqiu's bed.

I saw Dong Wanqiu's haggard face, curled up, as if she was suffering from great pain.

Looking at Dong Wanqiu's appearance, Xia Mo felt pity in her heart, and couldn't help stroking Dong Wanqiu's blue hair.

Dong Wanqiu opened her eyes and stared at Xia Mo intently.

"Okay?" Dong Wanqiu asked.

"Yeah." Xia Mo replied.

"Are you hungry?" Dong Wanqiu asked.

"Very hungry." Xia Mo replied.

"Let's go out to eat." Dong Wanqiu sat up and put on her shoes.

"I bought a house in the urban area and spent 50 imperial gold coins." Dong Wanqiu said: "After dinner, we will go to see the house."

"Okay, but it's midnight now, is there a place to eat here?" Xia Mo asked.

"Although it is midnight, the city center is still brightly lit." Dong Wanqiu said.

"I have something to tell you. I did something that I'm sorry to you just now." Xia Mo said blushingly.

"Woman?" Dong Wanqiu said.

"Not bad." Xia Mo said.

Xia Mo bent down and kissed Dong Wanqiu's lips, Dong Wanqiu did not avoid Xia Mo's kiss.

"Did you feel it? It smells like another woman's lipstick." Xia Mo said, he told Dong Wanqiu what happened with Cheng Ruyun just now bit by bit.

After listening to Xia Mo's words, Dong Wanqiu bowed her head in thought for a moment, then smiled sweetly.

"It's fine if you don't make an example, you didn't deceive me, that's good, I don't care." Dong Wanqiu said, holding Xia Mo's hand.

"What should we eat?" Dong Wanqiu said softly.

"Up to you." Xia Mo said softly.

"Let's go eat hot pot, there is a 24-hour hot pot restaurant nearby." Dong Wanqiu said.

"Okay." Xia Mo agreed.

"Have you ever done anything sorry to me?" Dong Wanqiu said.

"Before I met you, I liked a woman." Xia Mo said: "She is a brothel girl, but she is also very pitiful."

Xia Mo told Dong Wanqiu about Miss Yun.

"It's indeed a poor woman, you are kind and righteous to her." Dong Wanqiu said to Xia Mo, they came to the door of the hot pot restaurant and walked in.

Although it was midnight, the business of this hot pot restaurant was surprisingly good, and there was a lot of noise in the hall.

Xia Mo and Dong Wanqiu found a place to sit down, and the waiter immediately came over and said, "What do you two want to eat?"

"Mandarin duck hot pot, one piece of chicken, one piece of fish." Dong Wanqiu said.

"Okay." The waiter responded, signed the bill, and walked out.

Xia Mo looked around, and suddenly found that Cheng Ruyun was also having dinner with a handsome man here.

Cheng Ruyun saw Xia Mo, she glanced at Dong Wanqiu, and snorted coldly.

"Is she Cheng Ruyun?" Dong Wanqiu asked.

"Yes." Xia Mo replied.

(End of this chapter)

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