Doomsday Great Rebels

Chapter 46 Trading

Chapter 46 Trading
Xia Mo and Dong Wanqiu were walking in the corridor on the first floor.

In the corridor on the first floor, Mei Tian's servants came and went. Occasionally, a servant touched the servant's buttocks, which caused the servant to laugh and curse.

"Before the Qingyun Town Mercenary Group was established, the biggest wish of the townspeople in Qingyun Town was to become Mei Tian's servant and serve Mei Tian, ​​because he gave the most generous salary." Xia Mo whispered in Dong Wanqiu's ear.

"A generation of heroes." Dong Wanqiu said with her lips parted.

The two went up to the second floor, only to see two strong men standing at the entrance of the stairs on the second floor.These two strong men are [-] meters tall, with strong muscles, like giant bears.

They looked at Xia Mo, then at Dong Wanqiu, their eyes stayed on Dong Wanqiu, sweeping back and forth, revealing a lewd smile.

They suddenly stretched out their giant palms, their five fingers forming claws, towards Dong Wanqiu's chest.

Dong Wanqiu sneered, but she couldn't see how she made a move. With a wave of her hand, two sharp lights sank into the right palms of the two giant men.

"Ah." The two giants wailed, grabbed their right hands tightly, fell to the ground, and rolled around on the ground.

At this time, a beautiful woman suddenly appeared in front of everyone, drew out the double knives behind her back, swung the two blades out, and unloaded the right hands of the two giant men.

But the wailing of the two giants didn't stop, on the contrary, the more they screamed, the more miserable they were, they kept rolling on the ground, and after a while, they stopped moving again.

"Do you know how much trouble you have caused? They are from the Youshan tribe." The beautiful woman inserted the knife into her back, her tone was like the ice of the first month.

"You mean they are from the Youshan tribe?" Dong Wanqiu sneered.

"One of them is called Ao, the other is called Ni, they are all warriors of the Youshan tribe." The beautiful woman said, walked to the corpses of the two giant men, squatted down, and saw that the severed arms of the two giant men had already disappeared. It began to rot, and after a while it turned into a puddle of pus.

"Take their corpses out and feed them to the dogs." Mei Tian appeared in front of Xia Mo and Dong Wanqiu at some point, and said coldly.

All the servants looked at Dong Wanqiu and Xia Mo with fear on their faces, and hurriedly carried Ao Heni's body out, the faint sound of vomiting could be heard from the servants.

"I don't know what to call this sister?" Dong Wanqiu said to the beautiful woman.

"Just call me Mrs. Mei. I might as well tell you that the Youshan people are extremely united, and if they suffer a loss, they must get it back." The beautiful woman said to Dong Wanqiu, smiled coldly, turned and left.

"Please go inside and talk." Mei Tian made a gesture of invitation to Xia Mo and Dong Wanqiu.

Dong Wanqiu and Xia Mo followed Mei Tian to the living room on the second floor of Mei's house.

The two walked into the living room of the Mei family, and saw that the living room was covered with a thick cashmere carpet with extremely exquisite patterns. The furniture in the room was made of high-quality sandalwood, and the cups and utensils were made of crystal. Extraordinary luxury.Inside the house, there were several handsome maids standing aside, with their heads bowed, waiting for Mei Tian's orders at any time.

Mei Tian waved his hand, and the waiters all walked to the door, and after a while, only Mei Tian, ​​Xia Mo and Dong Wanqiu were left in the room.

"I don't know if there is anything I can do to help you." Mei Tian said, unscrewed a bottle of whiskey, took out three crystal glasses, poured some wine into them, and handed them to Xia Mo and Dong Wanqiu.

"We just want to buy a house from Mayor Mei Tianmei." Dong Wanqiu said.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are Xia Mo." Mei Tian said to Xia Mo.

"It is indeed me." Xia Mo said, her heart was as calm as water.

"My name is Dong Wanqiu. I have been engaged to Xia Mo since I was a child. This year is the time to get married, so I came to find my husband and come here to get married."

"I started studying medicine at the age of seven, and now I have studied medicine for ten years. It is not difficult to heal my husband's body."

"I am good at acupuncture and moxibustion. I wonder if Mayor Mei Da would like to give it a try? So that you can believe what I say is true?" Dong Wanqiu continued.

"That's for the future, let's not talk about it." Mei Tian said: "I don't know where you want to buy a house."

"Just anywhere." Dong Wanqiu said.

"I want to buy Hidden Dragon Au." Xia Mo raised his head, drank the fine wine in his glass, and said decisively.

"It's just a piece of waste land, what's the use of having it?" Mei Tian said, and poured some wine into Xia Mo's cup, signaling Xia Mo to drink it.

"I've made up my mind." Xia Mo said, drinking the wine in his glass in one gulp.

"Since my husband has already agreed, I agree, but I don't know how much Mayor Mei will offer?" Dong Wanqiu said.

"Although Hidden Dragon Col is a wasteland, it covers an area of ​​[-] square kilometers. The price is not low, about [-] million imperial gold coins." Mei Tian said.

"Mayor Meida has a good tone, and the astronomical figure came immediately, so it's worth not to do this business." Dong Wanqiu said coldly.

"Why should Miss Dong be angry? I have a compromise." Mei Tian said.

"I don't know what mayor Mei Da mean by the compromise method?" Dong Wanqiu asked.

"Since you are able to bring Xia Mo back to life, you must have some secret elixir, why not give me a quarter, and I will give you a [-]% discount on the land price of Hidden Dragon Col." Mei Tian said.

"That's good, I have a bottle of Yan Wang Pill in my hand, I can give you two pills, and give you the life of Mayor Mei Da." Dong Wanqiu said.

"Yan Wang Dan, a ninth-level pill, can heal the injury completely as long as there is one breath, but it can't detoxify. Compared with the tenth-level pill, Tianwang Haohua Pill, it is only inferior to the tenth-level pill, and the black market price is 100 million imperial gold coins. City, deal." Mei Tian said, took out the title deed from the safe, signed it, pressed her fingerprints, and handed it to Dong Wanqiu.

Both Dong Wanqiu and Xia Mo signed their signatures and put their fingerprints on it, in duplicate, with each party holding one copy.

Xia Mo's heart couldn't help being excited, and he thought: "I'm finally a man with a family."

Dong Wanqiu took out ten gold crystals, paid the bill, and the two carefully kept the land deed, and walked out of Mei Tian's apartment under the fearful eyes of Mei Tian's family.

"Let's go to Hidden Dragon Col." Dong Wanqiu said.

Xia Mo nodded, took Dong Wanqiu's hand, and walked towards Hidden Dragon Au.

A wild dog howled and ran past Xia Mo, followed by several young men with sticks.

"Do you want to know about my childhood?" Xia Mo said.

"Let's hear it." Dong Wanqiu smiled slightly, and took out the hand that was holding Xia Mo's palm.

"I was an orphan since I was a child. Fortunately, I was taken care of by my master, but my master left me six years ago. Since then, I have lived a half-starved life. One winter, there was a severe drought in Qingyun Town. I Almost starving, met a wild dog who was also starving, because we both wanted to live on each other's flesh, so I wrestled with it, almost got bitten to death by it, but I ended up killing it, eating Eat its meat and survive the famine." Xia Mo said.

"Another time, I was so hungry that I ran to eat Guanyin Soil and almost died of hunger. At that time, I thought that I could be a full ghost even after death." Xia Mo continued.

Dong Wanqiu didn't speak, but took Xia Mo's hand and walked towards Hidden Dragon Ao together.

(End of this chapter)

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