Doomsday Great Rebels

Chapter 21 Torture

Chapter 21 Torture
"Mayor Mei, why should you be so polite? If one day our five-provincial alliance wiped out Qingyun Town, I will definitely say something nice for Mayor Mei so that Mayor Mei's life will not be worse than death." Li Kai said with a sneer.

"I, Zhao Yue, will always remember the hatred of disposing of my right hand." Fatty Zhao Yue snorted coldly.

"If I'm not mistaken, this beautiful building should belong to your alliance of five provinces." Mei Tian said solemnly.

"The trick is really good, it's true." Li Kai said proudly.

"Young Master Li Feng, let's put away your murderous spirit. Harmony makes money. If you have anything, we can discuss it." Wang Momo said, picked up the pipe and took a puff, slowly exhaling a puff of smoke.

Li Feng grabbed the void with his left hand, Xia Mo suddenly felt his body lighten up, and the terrible pressure disappeared immediately.

The tax police also stopped their movements, and they all stood there dumbfounded like wooden statues.

"Why don't we just leave it like this? If one person dies on both sides, neither owes anything to the other." Mei Tian said, "This matter ends here. As for Zhao Yingxiong's injury, I, Mei Tian, ​​am willing to find someone to heal him, and Send [-] imperial gold coins as compensation."

"Mayor Mei really knows how to be a man, and our five-provincial alliance has no objection." Li Kai suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Major Mei, you want the tax police to swallow this breath." Li Feng said sharply.

"Naturally, I will compensate the tax police. I hope the tax police can give Mei some face, and I will continue to investigate the attack on the tax police." Mei Tian said in a deep voice.

"Since Mayor Mei has spoken, I will give Mayor Mei a face, and hope that Mayor Mei will not let our tax police down." Li Feng said.

"But I have something to say first, the three heroes of the Five Provinces Alliance, I will let you go after I thoroughly investigate that you have nothing to do with the attack on the tax police. Although the Five Provinces Alliance is powerful, it is still inferior to the Rizhao Empire. One." Li Feng said coldly: "I don't know where I can find the three heroes if necessary?"

"We live in the Meili Building. You can come to us anytime you want. But don't think that we are afraid of your tax police. I am doing it to Mayor Mei." Li Kai said, walking upstairs, Wang Yang and Zhao Yue Follow closely.

Li Feng looked at the three of them, the resentment flashed in his eyes.

After watching the three of them enter the room, Li Feng turned his head and said to Nanny Wang, "I don't know what your name is?"

"My name is Wang Jia, you can call me Wang Momo." Wang Momo said politely.

"I, Li Feng, have one thing that I don't understand. It seems that you are not someone who knows different arts, but why can you resist my murderous aura?" Li Feng asked.

"The tobacco I smoke contains mambo grass, and the smoke of mambo grass can resist any mental attack." Wang Momo said, she picked up the pipe, took a puff, and spit it out at the tax police who stood still.

As soon as the tax policemen smelled the smoke, their eyes lit up, and they fell to the ground one by one.

"Mr. Li Feng's soul-stirring is really powerful, he can manipulate people's consciousness to such a degree." Wang Momo took another puff of cigarette.

"It's easy to say, Wang Momo, you are well-informed." Li Feng said, his eyes looked at Xia Mo.

"I don't know what to call this hero?" Li Feng said to Xia Mo.

"My name is Wang Hu." Xia Mo said.

A sharp light flashed in Li Feng's eyes.

"Why are you lying? You are clearly not Wang Hu." Li Feng shouted sharply.

Xia Mo was startled, and thought: "How does he know that I'm lying?"

But Xia Mo's face was as calm as before.

"Why should I lie?" Xia Mo said coldly.

"Then you have to ask yourself." There was a flash of hostility in Li Feng's eyes, and Xia Mo suddenly felt that his soul was tightly grasped by the devil's claws, unable to move, and extremely uncomfortable.

Xia Mo tried hard to open his mouth and make a sound, but he couldn't do anything.

Cold sweat oozed from Xia Mo's skin, and after a while, Xia Mo's clothes were wet, and the sweat on his forehead dripped down his cheeks and onto the ground.

"Where were you last night?" Li Feng whispered, his words seemed to have magical powers, making Xia Mo have the urge to pour out everything.

At this moment, Xia Mo suddenly found that he could make a sound, and he couldn't help moaning.

"Hold it, I must hold it back." Xia Mo warned himself in his heart, he tightly grasped the corner of his clothes, and let his nails pierce into the flesh.

"Let's talk, let's talk, it will be comfortable to say it." Li Feng continued to whisper, continuing to seduce Xia Mo.

Pressure and temptation are currently oppressing Xia Mo's heart, causing him to collapse.

"I live in a farmhouse twenty miles away from here." Xia Mo said with difficulty, frantically restraining his desire to tell everything.

"Why didn't our tax police see this farmhouse on the road?" Li Feng smiled charmingly and said in a low voice.

"They didn't live on both sides of the road, but in a mountain valley about five kilometers away from the road." Xia Mo continued, her nails pierced her skin, and a bead of blood oozed out and flowed to the ground, causing pain lift his spirits.

"How do you know them?" Li Feng asked.

"My father and them are very good friends, so I also got to know them." Xia Mo said with difficulty.

"If I want you to go to their house with our tax police to verify whether what you said is true, would you be willing?" Li Feng continued.

"Yes." Xia Mo nodded, feeling as if he had reached the limit of his patience.

"Li Feng, this kid has been poisoned by the blood scorpion, so he won't live long." Hou Si said, "He does have kung fu and strength, but he can't even beat me. How could he kill so many of us? I'm too worried."

"It's better to kill thousands of people by mistake than to let one go." Li Feng said coldly, took out a metal box from his pocket, opened it, and took out a pill from the box.

"This elixir can detoxify, but it can only last for 24 hours. If you don't come to me to get the antidote at that time, your poison will definitely break out, and your intestines will be pierced, and your death will be miserable." Li Feng Senran said.

"Where can I find you?" Xia Mo asked.

"It's in the Tianzihao room of Qingyun Inn." Li Feng said, "Waiting Si, let's go."

The tax police who were sitting on the ground all stood up and walked out the door.

At this moment, a man broke in and bumped into Hou Si's body.

"You're courting death." Hou Si slapped the man violently, knocking the man to the ground.

But the man didn't care about this, he scrambled into the house, looked at Wang Momo and said, "Wang Momo, is Miss Yun okay?"

"Zhuge Yun, can't you see? Your Miss Yun is lying on the ground." Nanny Wang sneered.

After listening to Wang Momo's words, Zhuge Yun stood numb as if struck by lightning. He turned his head in disbelief and looked at Miss Yun on the ground.

"Who killed her?" Zhuge Yun asked with tears in his eyes.

"It's the tallest tax police officer, who has a wronged man and a debtor, and his name is Hou Si." Nanny Wang said, taking another puff of cigarette.

Zhuge Yun knelt down on the ground powerlessly, and crawled to Miss Yun's side with hands and feet, hugged the cold girl Yun's body tightly in his arms, and wept softly.

"I killed the tax policeman, you can find me." Zhuge Yun roared at the tax policeman like a wild beast.

(End of this chapter)

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