Doomsday Great Rebels

Chapter 190 Tigers

Chapter 190 Tigers
"Excuse me, foreman Zhuge Yunfei, after learning the tiger step, what kind of mining skills do you want to learn next?" Xia Mo asked, cupping his hands at Zhuge Yunfei.

"Young man, do you want to reach the sky in one step so soon?" Zhuge Yunfei said slightly displeased.

"Foreman Zhuge Yunfei, I don't mean that, I just want to know more about the ultimate mining technique." Xia Mo argued.

"Brother Xia Mo, I just want to tell you that the handbook of the ultimate mining technique that Lao Jin gave you only records catwalk and tigerwalk, do you know that?" Zhuge Yunfei said foreman.

"Oh, that's right." Xia Mo said.

"Hey, brother Xia Mo, it's not that we don't trust you, it's just that this ultimate mining technique, even if you learn it step by step, will take a lot of physical energy, let alone you who are so eager for success? It will also be bad for your body. Good." Zhuge Yunfei sighed and said.

"Actually, Foreman Zhuge Yunfei, I don't mean that. I don't want to fight for something for myself. I just want to master the mining technology as soon as possible and solve problems for Foreman Zhuge Yunfei." Xia Mo said.

"Hehe, brother Xia Mo, I'm very grateful for your kindness, but I can't eat a fat man in one bite. If disaster comes, I'll just bear it silently." Zhuge Yunfei said with a sigh.

"Time is passing by bit by bit, but our task has not yet been completed. Is it true that Zhuge Yunfei, the foreman, will lose a few fingers, or let a hundred miners die?" Xia Mo was eager said.

"Brother Xia Mo, you are really a good person. Don't you have the slightest displeasure when the miners target you?" Zhuge Yunfei said.

"Foreman Zhuge Yunfei, in fact, these miners are not bad people. Besides, I was wrong about this matter. Fortunately, it didn't cause too much trouble. Just treat it as a misunderstanding, and let everyone just expose it." Xia Xia Mo said.

"Brother Xia Mo, you really have a good heart. Well, let's talk about this matter here, come, brother Xia Mo, I will teach you how to walk like a tiger." Zhuge Yunfei said, picking up the rune hoe.

"Come on, brother Xia Mo, watch my every move." Zhuge Yunfei said, holding up the rune hoe high up, and put on a stance.

Suddenly, Zhuge Yunfei shouted loudly, moved his body, hoeed three times in a row, and roared twice in a row, and hoeed on the vein of pure uranium ore.

I saw the rune hoe colliding with the pure uranium ore veins. Immediately, sparks appeared, and the pure uranium ore veins were not damaged at all.

"Foreman Zhuge Yunfei, what's the matter?" Xia Mo asked incredulously, "Could it be you, who can't do anything about this pure uranium ore vein?"

"Hehe, brother Xia Mo, what do you think of my fierce tiger step?" Zhuge Yunfei didn't answer Xia Mo's question, but changed the subject and asked.

"Foreman Zhuge Yunfei, you are right, the tiger walk is indeed quite similar to the cat walk, but your roar seems to have the power of a tiger." Xia Mo said.

"Now you're talking in the jargon. If I can make this fierce tiger step, it all depends on these three roars." Zhuge Yunfei said with a smile.

"These three roars, are they also learned?" Xia Mo asked.

"Since you brother Xia Mo is humbly asking for advice, I might as well tell you that the difference between the tiger walk and the cat walk is really more than the three roars." Zhuge Yunfei continued.

"Then what's the specific difference?" Xia Mo asked.

"You have to know that when a person is exercising vigorously, he must shout loudly, otherwise, his body will be suffocated. Brother Xia Mo, do you understand?" Zhuge Yunfei said with a smile.

"So it's like this. What you mean is that the tiger walk can stimulate people's potential more than the catwalk." Xia Mo said suddenly.

"That's what it means, brother Xia Mo, you really know everything." Zhuge Yunfei praised.

"Okay, brother Xia Mo, let me show you the power of my tiger step." Zhuge Yunfei said.

As Zhuge Yunfei said, he used the rune hoe to hit the planing point of the pure uranium ore vein that had been planed just now. Immediately, three large pieces of pure uranium ore fell down. It seemed that the total was at least five hundred kilogram.

"Foreman Zhuge Yunfei, please teach me how to walk like a tiger." Xia Mo cupped his hands at Foreman Zhuge Yunfei, and said respectfully.

"Okay, brother Xia Mo, I will teach you the tiger step now." Zhuge Yunfei said, "Come over to my side."

"As ordered." Xia Mo said, walking to Zhuge Yunfei's side.

"Brother Xia Mo, close your eyes." Zhuge Yunfei said.

"Okay." Xia Mo nodded and closed his eyes.

"I'm going to tap seven of your acupuncture points and seal them up. You have to break through these seven acupuncture points one by one with courage, understand? Brother Xia Mo." Foreman Zhuge Yunfei said.

"Okay." Xia Mo said.

In the next moment, Xia Mo only felt slight pain in the seven acupoints on his body, it was clearly Zhuge Yunfei who was sealing his acupoints.

"Brother Xia Mo, you slowly attack the sealed acupoints. I have other things to do, so I won't guide you here anymore. I will estimate the time. After you unblock the sealed acupoints, I will arrive Come here and continue to guide your practice." Zhuge Yunfei said: "Don't worry about it, the protective device in the Jinjin Cave will naturally protect you."

"Okay, it's good that you know, you don't need to talk." Zhuge Yunfei said, leaving Xia Mo.

Xia Mo heard Zhuge Yunfei's footsteps walking farther and farther, and slowly sank down, hitting his sealed acupuncture points.

But Xia Mo suddenly found that at this time, he was unable to gather courage, and even couldn't sense his own courage.

"How could this be?" Xia Mo thought with a sinking heart.

"Try again." Xia Mo continued to think in his heart, gathering courage.

Suddenly, like a flood, the courage in Xia Mo's dantian rushed to the eight extraordinary meridians in his body, and he lost control.

In the next instant, Xia Mo's meridians swelled violently, as if they were about to explode.

"How could this be?" Xia Mo was startled, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

At this moment, the force that hit Xia Moqi's eight meridians suddenly gathered in the dantian, and rushed towards Xia Mo's sealed acupuncture points.

"Okay, the first sealed acupuncture point has been released." Xia Mo felt the changes in his body, and his heart suddenly relaxed, and then followed by ecstasy in his heart.

This courage to break through Xia Mo's sealed acupoint seemed to be guided by an inexplicable force, and continued to attack the next sealed acupoint.

In just 10 minutes, Xia Mo's seven sealed acupoints have been unlocked, leaving only the last one.

"Okay, if it's a dragon or a snake, it depends on the last acupoint." Xia Mo thought excitedly.

Suddenly, Xia Mo felt a pain in the seventh acupoint, as if someone had stabbed it with a silver needle, and the strength of his body suddenly lost control.

"What's going on?" Xia Mo thought painfully.

Xia Mo opened his eyes, only to see Tantai Yueji standing in front of him, looking at him with a sneer.

"So what if I did it? I'm going to abolish you." Tantai Yueji said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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