Doomsday Great Rebels

Chapter 188 Tigers

Chapter 188 Tigers
"Really? I'm going to try it. If it doesn't work, I'll ask Old Master Jin for advice." Xia Mo smiled and said.

"Tantai Yueji, let this kid in." Lao Jin's weak voice came from the selling gold cave.

"Okay." Tantai Yueji's voice sounded.

At this moment, there was a flash of lightning at the entrance of the Jinjin Cave, and the scenery inside the Cave changed suddenly.

In the selling gold cave, there were only Tantai Yueji and Lao Jin, and Tantai Yueji was feeding Lao Jin the medicine soup with a spoon.

"Come in." Tantai Yueji said coldly.

"Before I come in, I have a few questions to ask you?" Xia Mo said.

"What's the problem? Tell me." Tantai Yueji frowned slightly and said.

"Did you activate the defense device of the Gold-selling Cave just now?" Xia Mo asked.

"So what?" Tantai Yueji said indifferently.

"If I accidentally walked into the gold-selling cave just now, would it trigger the defense device and be turned into flying ash?" Xia Mo continued to ask.

"Yes." Tantai Yueji still responded indifferently.

"Is my life so worthless? You can't even move your fingers to press the switch of the defense device?" Xia Mo snapped.

"What does your life and death have to do with me?" Tantai Yueji sneered and said.

"Well, there must have been many people who died here for no reason before, right?" Xia Mo continued to shout sharply.

"So what?" Tantai Yueji continued, and fed Lao Jin another mouthful of soup, as if she didn't take Xia Mo's question to heart at all.

Xia Mo picked up a stone from the ground and threw it towards the selling gold cave.

I saw that the electric spark did not flicker last time, obviously it is safe to enter the Gold Selling Cave at this time.

Xia Mo walked into the Gold-selling Cave, full of anger, and walked towards Tantai Yueji.

"Give me an explanation, Tantai Yueji." Xia Mo walked up to Tantai Yueji, tried her best to restrain her soaring anger, and asked word by word in a tone as cold as an iceberg.

"What are you? How dare you talk to me like that." Tantai Yueji glanced at Xia Mo, her eyes were full of disdain, and said coldly.

"Do you think I dare not kill women?" Xia Mo stared into Tantai Yueji's eyes, and continued to ask coldly.

"Hmph, it's up to you." Tantai Yueji continued to dismiss her with indifference.

"Okay, I'm not as knowledgeable as you, so give me your silk scarf, and I'll let you go." Xia Mo suddenly laughed back in anger, and said.

"What are you? How dare you make such a request?" Tantai Yueji suddenly stood up like a shrew, and cursed at Xia Mo.

"Your silk scarf, I'm going to order it." Seeing Tantai Yueji's appearance, Xia Mo's heart was filled with the pleasure of revenge.

"Hand it over." Xia Mo said, taking a step forward, approaching Tantai Yueji.

"Boy, you've been so arrogant since you first came here, who will control you in the future? I'm afraid you won't pay attention to Foreman Zhuge Yunfei." Lao Jin said panting.

"It's none of your business here." Xia Mo said angrily, and took another step closer to Tantai Yueji.

At this time, Tantai Yueji looked at the angry Xia Mo, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes, he tightly grasped the clothes on his chest, and took a step back.

"Hand it over." Xia Mo also took a step forward and shouted sharply.

"You're dreaming." Tantai Yueji screamed at Xia Mo.

"Okay, since you don't want to hand it over by yourself, don't blame me for using force." Xia Mo smiled coldly, took a step forward, and immediately came to Tantai Yueji.

Xia Mo stretched out his hand, grabbed the shirt on Tantai Yueji's chest, pulled it hard, and immediately tore the shirt on Tantai Yueji's chest.

The silk scarf was exposed from the torn part of the clothes on Tantai Yueji's chest.

Xia Mo pulled off the silk scarf, turned around and walked towards the door of the Golden Cave.

"You will die badly." Tantai Yueji cursed from behind.

"Hmph." Xia Mo snorted coldly, ignored it, and walked out of the selling gold cave.

"Where should I go?" Xia Mo walked out of the gold-selling cave, thinking with a little anger in his heart.

"Let's go to the mining site." Xia Mo made up his mind and walked towards the mining site.

After a while, Xia Mo came to the pure uranium ore vein that he had just passed, and saw that it was busy here, and everyone was mining hard.

"Boy, don't get in the way of the uncle." A rude and impatient voice sounded behind Xia Mo.

Xia Mo turned his head, and saw a tall and thick miner walking towards him carrying a basket full of pure uranium ore.

"It's easy to say." Xia Mo said, stepping aside.

"You're smart." The miner snorted, and walked past Xia Mo.

"I don't know this brother, is there a place to read here?" Xia Mo asked the miner.

"It's like the mine has everything, but there is no place to read." The miner said impatiently: "Don't disturb my work, just go."

Xia Mo's anger flashed in his heart, and he thought: "You are so rude, don't you just rely on yourself to grow up?"

Xia Mo looked at the miner coldly, with a murderous look in his heart.

"What? Not convinced?" The miner snorted coldly, put the basket full of pure uranium ore on the ground, and looked at Xia Mo with a provocative look.

"Want to fight? Come on." The miner pointed his middle finger at Xia Mo and said disdainfully.

Xia Mo's murderous intent flashed in his heart, and his body moved suddenly, and he immediately threw out a side kick, which hit the belly of this tall and thick miner.

The miner who heard it screamed miserably, was kicked flying, and fell to the ground, spitting blood and twitching uncontrollably.

"You know how good I am." Xia Mo said coldly.

Suddenly, Xia Mo found that all the miners had stopped working and were looking at him coldly.

"What an arrogant boy, let's kill him together." Suddenly, a miner yelled, and everyone surrounded Xia Mo together, intending to gather a crowd to beat Xia Mo violently.

Xia Mo snorted coldly, transformed like a shadow, and shot continuously, knocking down the miners who were two meters away from him to the ground.

After a while, no one tried to approach Xia Mo again, and the remaining miners looked at Xia Mo with fearful eyes.

"Who else is not convinced?" Xia Mo asked proudly.

"I'm not convinced." Tai Sheng's voice came from behind Xia Mo.

"Taisheng, what do you want to do?" asked an old miner.

"Zhuge Yunfei thinks highly of this kid, but this time they offended you miners, I'm afraid this kid will never be able to hang out under Zhuge Yunfei's subordinates again." Tai Sheng laughed.

"I know what you want to do? You just want to subdue me, and then recruit me to work for you." Xia Mo said with a cold smile.

"What a clever boy, I value you again." Tai Sheng said with a smile.

"Why did you fall in love with me?" Xia Mo asked.

"Just because you know how to mine and singled out so many miners alone can be the reason why I want to recruit you to my command." Taisheng said.

"Taisheng, I can't let you get all the good things. This kid, I'm going to decide." Suddenly, Li He's gloomy voice sounded behind Xia Mo.

"Xia Mo is my man. Is it too early for you to talk about letting him quit now, or maybe you don't take me, Zhuge Yunfei seriously?" Zhuge Yunfei's voice came from a distance .

(End of this chapter)

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