Doomsday Great Rebels

Chapter 186 Indifference

Chapter 186 Indifference
Zhuge Huoyun walked in front, Xia Mo followed him, the two just walked in tandem, neither of them spoke.

Half an hour later, the two came to the pure uranium ore vein that they had just fought over.

I saw this pure uranium ore vein, and there are already hundreds of miners working hard to mine it.

"Hey, Zhuge Huoyun, the young foreman, came so early today. Does it look like something big is going to happen in the No. [-] mine?" Many miners raised their heads, stopped working, and greeted Zhuge Huoyun.

"Hmph." Zhuge Huoyun snorted coldly, but did not answer.

"It seems that something serious has happened." All the miners stopped working, and some muttered to themselves, looking at Zhuge Huoyun in unison.

"Hmph." Zhuge Huoyun still snorted coldly, but still didn't answer.

"Young foreman, if you have any difficulties, tell me, and let the brothers give you advice, what do you think?" Several old miners said.

"The higher authorities require that the production of pure uranium ore increase by 50% this month." Zhuge Huoyun said with a sigh.

"The higher authorities demand a 50% increase in the production of pure uranium ore this month? Are they crazy?" the miners said loudly.

"If this amount is not reached, one hundred miners under each foreman will be executed, and even my father will have three fingers chopped off." Zhuge Huoyun said.

"Is there such a thing? The higher-ups might as well shoot us to death." The miner roared.

"There are even worse things. Lao Jin was plotted against by Li He with a scorpion-tail needle, and he was unable to mine in a short period of time. How can this gap be filled?" Zhuge Huoyun sighed again.

"Then foreman Zhuge Yunfei, is there any way?" A very young miner asked timidly.

"Of course, it's the one behind me." Zhuge Huoyun pointed at Xia Mo with his finger, and said coldly.

"Brother, what level of miner are you?" An old miner asked Xia Mo.

"Steel miners." Xia Mo said.

"Hahaha." All the miners laughed.

"Do you know that the people who collect pure uranium ore here are at least bronze miners." The old miner who was talking to Xia Mo just now glanced at Xia Mo and said disdainfully.

"Let us see a hoe?" The old miner said to Xia Mo.

"Yeah, let us see a hoe?" The miners said one after another.

"Okay." Xia Mo said, and took out the spirit hoe hanging on his back.

Xia Mo walked to a vein of pure uranium ore and stood still.

At this moment, Xia Mo raised his posture, let out a loud roar, and swung down a hoe, immediately hoeing off a piece of pure uranium ore.

Zhuge Huoyun walked up to Xia Mo, bent down, picked up the ore, weighed it, and showed contempt.

"A little more than five kilograms, I thought you were amazing, but you are also a weak chicken." Zhuge Huoyun said disdainfully.

"Let me try again." Seeing the disdainful eyes of Zhuge Huoyun and the other miners, Xia Mo felt angry.

"Okay, I'll let you try again." Zhuge Huoyun said with a sarcastic smile.

Xia Mo walked to another vein of pure uranium ore, stood still, and stretched his posture.

Xia Mo let out a loud roar, and made a three-hit combo, and only heard three loud noises, and immediately chiseled off three huge uranium ores.

"How many kilograms?" Xia Mo asked out of breath.

"A total of about [-] kilograms, and there are still some skills, but in terms of meeting the requirements, it is still far away." Zhuge Huoyun suppressed some disdain, but the contemptuous eyes still made Xia Mo feel very uncomfortable.

"Boy, you have the strength of a gold miner! We admire you a little." The old miner looked at Xia Mo with less contempt and more admiration.

"Hmph, it's just average, let me show you my mining strength." Zhuge Huoyun took out the rune hoe from behind and said coldly.

"Xia Mo, don't think that you are the only one who can walk like a cat. I want to show you what a real 'walking like a cat' is." Zhuge Huoyun said. Three hoe swung down.

There were three loud bangs, and several extremely huge pieces of pure uranium ore were hoed down by Zhuge Huoyun.

"Young Foreman Zhuge Huoyun is really powerful. Each of these three pieces of pure uranium ore weighs about [-] kilograms." The old miner exclaimed: "It seems that I haven't seen you for a while, Young Foreman, your mining skills are really getting better and better." .”

"Xia Mo, cat walking is only the first move of the ultimate mining technique, and it is also the simplest and most basic move, you just memorize it." Zhuge Huoyun took a long breath.

"It seems that Zhuge Huoyun is more proficient in using the leprous cat step than me. It is not only more powerful than me, but also consumes less courage. It seems that Zhuge Huoyun really has the capital to be proud." Xia Mo thought in his heart: "It seems that he has surpassed him in a short time. Simply impossible."

"Xia Mo, let me show you another trick, to let you know what is a real master of the ultimate mining technique." Zhuge Huoyun said, taking out a pair of gloves from his waist.

I saw that this pair of gloves was made of blue-dot titanium alloy. The gloves were quite long, covering the elbows, and covered with huge energy rune stones.

"Look, Xia Mo, these gloves are called uranium mining hands." Zhuge Huoyun walked to a vein of pure uranium ore, and put his palms on the vein of pure uranium ore.

In the next moment, the uranium picking hand worn by Zhuge Huoyun slowly began to light up, and Zhuge Huoyun also closed his eyes tightly, frowning slightly, showing pain on his face.

About 15 minutes later, Zhuge Huoyun turned from stillness, and suddenly backed away.

I saw that the place where the uranium mining hand touched suddenly began to collapse. After a few minutes, a hole appeared in the vein of pure uranium ore here.

Chunks of fine and pure uranium ore also poured down from the cavity, and after a while, no more fine and pure uranium ore particles fell down.

"Young Foreman Zhuge Huoyun, I am afraid that you have collected 150 kilograms of pure uranium ore, which is really amazing." Many miners stopped mining and looked at Zhuge Huoyun with admiration.

"It's not enough." Zhuge Huoyun smiled coldly, pulled out the rune hoe from behind, and pounded the hole a few more times, more pure uranium ore particles fell down.

"Good guy, this time, enough 220 five kilograms of pure uranium ore can be collected." Everyone praised.

"Young Foreman Zhuge Huoyun, your trick is really beautiful, teach us sometime." Everyone continued.

"Mine your mine well, the time has come, there are plenty of opportunities." Zhuge Huoyun continued.

"Foreman Zhuge Huoyun, let the brothers share the pure uranium ore you collected today. We want to add more dishes tonight." Among the miners, Xiao Yi's voice came.

"Yes, yes, foreman Zhuge Huoyun, just take care of us." The voices of many miners came.

"Xiao Yizi, you know how to be human, anyway, I will satisfy your wishes, and I will share these piles of pure uranium ore with you." Zhuge Huoyun said.

"This Zhuge Huoyun is generous and scheming. It seems that he has attracted many people. I must be careful when dealing with him in the future. I must not offend him." Xia Mo thought to himself, making up his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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