Doomsday Great Rebels

Chapter 159 Miners

Chapter 159 Miners
Xia Mo was lying on the ground, spitting blood, and twitching weakly.

Garcia totally beat him.

"Okay, go to the mine, this is where you should be." Gongsun Li knelt down and said to Xia Mo.

With a wave of Garcia's hand, Xia Mo flew up, and then slammed into the carriage of the train.

Xia Mo fell heavily on the floor of the carriage, feeling that his bones seemed to be falling apart, he couldn't help but let out a low and painful moan.

The door of the carriage was closed, and after a while, the train started moving, gradually heading underground.

Xia Mo's pain began to subside slowly.

Xia Mo stood up, staggered to the seat, and sat down.

At this moment, the lights in the carriage suddenly went out, and then flashed again.

Xia Mo closed her eyes, but she couldn't completely resist the stimulation of the light, so she subconsciously covered her eyes with her hands, and a scorching heat suddenly came from outside her body.

After a while, the burning heat disappeared.

Xia Mo put down his hand and opened his eyes.

In the carriage, a three-dimensional image appeared, which was a three-dimensional image of the mine mountain range.

I saw that in the [-]D image, mine shafts and veins appeared, and there were still mine carts driving - all the mine carts were marked in the [-]D image.

At this moment, an inexplicable voice came out: "Miner, number 238760, entered the ninth mining area."

Xia Mo looked at the [-]D image, and saw a train driving in a culvert.

"This is the train I'm on, and this mining area is also the ninth mining area." Xia Mo thought to himself.

"The ninth mining area is a dead mining area. Every month, [-]% of the miners will die. I hope you can survive. I wish you good luck." The inexplicable voice sounded again.

Just then, the train gradually slowed down and finally stopped.

car door open

"Hehe, another group of fresh meat is here, great, we are worried that we will not be able to complete this month's mission?" A hoarse voice said.

"Come out," said the hoarse voice.

Xia Mo walked out and looked at the person with the hoarse voice.

I saw that this was a middle-aged man, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, lush beard and hair, wrinkles on his forehead, and a little mutilated ears.

Although his appearance is flawed, he has an outstanding temperament, a straight nose bridge, and piercing eyes. Occasionally, there is a flash of lightning in his eyes, as if he can see through your thoughts at a glance.

This middle-aged man had a mouthful of blood-red teeth. He kept chewing betel nuts and spit a mouthful of bright red saliva on the ground.

Xia Mo looked around, and saw many people came out of the carriage, they all looked panicked, but also a little calm, just like Xia Mo, observing the surroundings with hawk-like eyes.

"Hi everyone." The middle-aged man said with a hoarse voice. Although his voice was hoarse, the volume was not small.

"My surname is Ban, and my first name is Chang. You can call me the squad leader." The person with a hoarse voice said.

"I welcome you here very much. I'll tell you a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" The squad leader said with a smile.

Everyone is silent, no one dares to speak.

Deathly quiet.

"Let's hear the bad news first?" Xia Mo said, his voice was not loud but very clear.

"Very good, you are very courageous, I appreciate you very much, so I will give you something." The squad leader said, with a wave of his hand, a man with the appearance of a supervisor came up and handed a hoe to Xia Mo .

"What's the use of me having a hoe? Is this the only way to mine mines?" Xia Mo asked puzzled.

"Shh." The overseer laughed, put his right index finger on his lips, and shushed.

Xia Mo took the hoe, turned it over and looked it over, and felt that the hoe didn't look big, but it was extremely heavy.

"Looks like it's still a treasure." Xia Mo was secretly delighted.

"Okay, let me tell you what the bad news is." The squad leader said: "In this Ninth Mine, the only rule is that there are no rules, you can plunder, you can kill, as long as you have strength and ability.

"In Shaft No. [-], everyone has to pay one kilogram of uranium ore every day. If you fail to complete the task, you will be whipped—your ass will be whipped to pieces with a rattan cane. Remember that," the squad leader continued. Said.

"Not only that, you have to use uranium ore for three meals a day, and each meal must consume [-] grams of uranium ore, do you understand?" the squad leader continued.

"What's the good thing? Is there a woman to play with?" A prisoner standing in the front row said in a low voice.

At this moment, the squad leader's eyes changed, and a scream was heard, and the prisoner's head exploded, brains and blood splashed all over the surrounding miners.

Everyone nearby vomited, and for a while, the entire mine was filled with a pungent smell.

Xia Mo's eyes changed, and he said in his heart: "Not only is the squad leader very murderous, but his pupil technique is also amazing. He actually exploded this prisoner's brain with only pupil technique."

At this time, the prisoners looked at the squad leader with fear in their eyes. Many of them were trembling, but they dared not make a sound.

"Actually, I'm easy to get along with, as long as you don't make trouble for me, just listen to me." The squad leader said with a smile.

"Well, let me tell you, what is a good thing?" said the squad leader: "In the Rizhao Empire, uranium ore is a scarce resource, so if a miner can dig a large amount of uranium ore, this person is a senior technician of the empire, and will be paid extra by the empire. reward."

"Miners generally have to pay 2.5 kilograms of uranium ore a day, which is sufficient; if you can pay at least 10 kilograms of uranium ore a day, for seven consecutive days, you can be awarded the position of a steel miner."

"If you can deliver at least 25 kilograms of uranium ore a day, for seven consecutive days, you can be awarded the position of a bronze miner."

"If you can pay at least fifty kilograms of uranium ore a day for seven consecutive days, you can be awarded the position of a silver miner."

"If you can pay at least one hundred kilograms of uranium ore a day for seven consecutive days, you can be awarded the position of a gold miner."

"If you can pay at least [-] kilograms of uranium ore a day for seven consecutive days, you can be awarded the position of a platinum miner."

"Miners in different positions enjoy different treatment. For example, iron and steel miners can get double meals; bronze miners can eat meat for each meal; silver miners can not only eat meat but also drink wine for each meal; Miners can not only enjoy meat, wine, but also women; while platinum miners can not only enjoy meat, wine, and women, but they can also go to the downtown area of ​​Longmen City once every ten days, and they will give you [-] imperial gold coins for your enjoyment .”

"This is the treatment you will enjoy, do you understand?" the squad leader said with a smile.

"Understood." After listening to the monitor's words, the prisoners relaxed and said happily.

"Okay, let's leave when I understand, and start working. Today I will let you eat for free, and tomorrow you will follow the rules." The squad leader said, walking in front of Xia Mo.

"Boy, what's your name? Number?" asked the squad leader.

"Squad leader, my name is Xia Mo, number 238760." Xia Mo said.

(End of this chapter)

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