Chapter 150
In the haze, Xia Mo gradually woke up.

"Where am I?" Xia Mo asked herself.

It was dark, and the air was filled with an unpleasant musty smell.

"Is it the detention room?" Xia Mo thought.

"Maybe." Xia Mo continued to think, suddenly felt a discomfort in his lungs, and coughed.

"Is it bothering you? You cough every night, do you want to die?" A rude male voice suddenly shouted.

Xia Mo looked at the place where the sound came from, but in the darkness, he couldn't see clearly.

Xia Mo couldn't help coughing again.

"Do you want to die, are you still coughing?" The rude male voice continued to growl.

"Hong Xiong, what are you doing so loudly? Brother Qiang was woken up by you, isn't it Brother Qiang?" A sharp male voice said, laughing dryly a few times.

"I don't care about Mice Qiang. I will punish anyone who disturbs my sleep." The rude male voice snorted coldly.

"Sleep and sleep, don't make noise, we'll talk about it at dawn." A gloomy male voice said.

Xia Mo couldn't help coughing again.

"You're still coughing, see if I don't kill you?" A big man rushed over from where the sound came from.

Xia Mo jumped up and rolled over, ready to meet the impending challenge.

But as soon as Xia Mo's feet touched the ground, his knees softened and he fell to his knees.

The big man Hong Xiong kicked Xia Mo's chest, kicking Xia Mo into the air and knocking him down on the bed.

Xia Mo fell powerlessly on the bed, twitching unconsciously.

"If I don't give you a taste, you don't know how powerful I am. Cough, try coughing again?" the big man roared angrily.

"What's wrong with my body? Why can't I move?" Xia Mo felt the sharp pain in his abdomen and thought.

"At this time, I don't want to make extra troubles, so as not to lose my life." Xia Mo thought in his heart, holding back his cough.

"You're smart." Hong Xiong snorted coldly.

"Hong Xiong, you are making such a fuss, do you still pay attention to me as a cell boss? You must know the rules here. If you want to be attractive, you have to get my consent." The gloomy male voice continued.

"You're a shit prison boss, how about your fat concubine, you can be this prison boss?" Hong Xiong said disdainfully.

"Hong Xiong, you are getting more and more presumptuous." The gloomy male voice snapped.

"Hmph, what can you do to me?" Hong Xiong snorted disdainfully.

"Okay, okay, Hong Xiong, don't talk about it, everyone, go to sleep, do you still have work tomorrow?" The sharp male voice laughed dryly again, and said: "Hong Xiong, Younger Sister Yang will come to see you tomorrow, even if you can Even if you win against us, you don't want to appear in front of you with a bruised nose, do you? Let her worry."

After hearing this sentence, Hong Xiong mumbled a few times, went back to the bed, and lay down. After a while, there was a heavy snoring sound.

Xia Mo lay on the bed and slowly fell asleep.

After an unknown amount of time, Xia Mo suddenly felt a tingling pain in his head and woke up immediately.

In front of him, a thin man was stabbing his temple with a silver needle.

"Boy, does it hurt?" said the hideous man.

Xia Mo looked at this person, and saw that this person had a pair of ferocious triangular eyes, extremely light eyebrows, extremely small ears, a sunken nose bridge, lips as red as blood, and a mouth full of jagged teeth.

"You are Mouse Qiang?" Xia Mo wanted to stand up, but he couldn't.

"Bastard, you can call Brother Qiang's nickname." The sharp male voice that sounded last night appeared again, and Xia Mo couldn't help but look at this male voice.

I saw this man, short and thin, with a pair of rolling eyes, a pair of protruding ears, his facial features were clenched together, and many teeth were missing.

"It would be really strange if a mouse can be used as a nickname for a human being." Xia Mo said with a smile.

The man looked at Xia Mo, stepped forward suddenly, and kicked Xia Mo in the face.

Xia Mo snorted, hit his head against the wall, and suddenly felt a sharp pain.

"Brother Qiang gave you the needle, which is the ancestral silver needle technique, which can magnify the pain you suffer. Boy, how does it taste, don't you enjoy it?" The man said with a sneer.

"Boy, get up and go to work." The man said with a sneer.

"I don't know your name, but I will repay your kindness to me in the future." Xia Mo said coldly.

"My name is Shuzai, remember it." Shuzai said, kicking Xia Mo's face again.

Xia Mo snorted again in pain, his whole body twitching.

In the cell, everyone laughed.

"Shu Zi, you have done a good job. Next Sunday, I will let you have a taste of a woman." Mouse Qiang said with satisfaction.

"Hong Xiong, come out, your watcher is here." A guard walked to the prison door and shouted loudly.

"Okay, I'm here." Hong Xiong said, and happily walked out of the cell door.

"Boy, you deserve your life. If Anna didn't say hello to me, I would have killed you a long time ago." Mouse Qiang snorted coldly.

"Brother Qiang, ask him to peel the eggs." Shu Zai said.

"Good idea, boy, come with me." The mouse said, pulling Xia Mo up, then kicking Xia Mo staggeringly, and walked out of the prison door.

Not long after, Xia Mo came to a warehouse door, Mouse Qiang greeted the guard, opened the door, and led Xia Mo in.

"You take a good look at the paintings on the wall, and then follow the instructions on these paintings. When I am satisfied, I will lead you out." Mouse Qiang said with a sneer, then closed the door and walked out .

Xia Mo looked around the warehouse, and saw that inside the warehouse, there were boxes stacked on top of each other. In the center of the warehouse, there was a huge table with two scrapers inserted on it, and a chair beside the table.

Xia Mo walked to the box, opened the lid of the box, and saw that the box was filled with shells one after another. These shells were cylindrical and neatly stacked one by one.

Xia Mo looked at the painting on the wall again, and after a while, he understood what he was going to do.

There are two pictures on the wall, which concisely explain what Xia Mo will do next.

The first picture, depicts a man opening the front end of the shell, then starting to scrape the ammunition inside, and filling the scraped ammunition into a glass container.

The second picture depicts a person reinstalling the front ends of the removed shells, and then putting them into boxes one by one and stacking them.

After Xia Mo understood, she sat on the chair and began to disassemble the shells. After a while, she finished dismantling one shell.

Xia Mo kept dismantling the shells, and after an unknown amount of time, gradually, the glass container was filled with scraped ammunition.

It was already noon.

Not long after Xia Mo stopped working, Mouse Qiang came.

"You did a good job. You alone did the workload of us for a week." Mouse Qiang said with satisfaction: "Let's go eat."

The two walked out of the warehouse and came to the cell. The guard opened the door and the two walked in.

I saw a bowl of dirty porridge on Xia Mo's bed.

Others were drinking the same dirty gruel.

Everyone looked at Xia Mo with half a smile.

Xia Mo walked to the bed, picked up the porridge, frowned, and drank it.

Suddenly, Xia Mo felt an indescribable nausea, and his stomach turned upside down.

"Haha." All the prisoners laughed.

"Do you know what a peeled egg is? Is it as disgusting as eating a lot of preserved eggs, because you have received too much radiation from the ammunition." The mouse cub laughed and gave Xia Mo a hard kick.

"Let him go." Hong Xiong's voice suddenly sounded.

(End of this chapter)

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