Chapter 109

The setting sun filled the sky, like blood.

A mushroom cloud several hundred meters high rose above the heads of the Youshan people, covering the entire Youshan team.

"It's so strong." Xia Mo thought in his heart: "If you talk about the explosive power of a single 'glass ball', it's probably thousands of times stronger than my fog blast technique."

"I don't know much. Do you think your Tadpole Fighting Rune Watch is so powerful? Do you see it? This is the real weapon of war." Dr. Li Yu saw through Xia Mo's heart and said disdainfully.

Xia Mo looked into the battlefield, and saw that the smoke dissipated in the battlefield, and the Youshan tribe was in order. The eight "glass balls" did not seem to have caused any harm to the Youshan tribe.

"What's going on here? Under such a violent explosion, the people of Youshan tribe are not injured at all. This is too surprising." Xia Mo thought with a sinking heart.

"Boy Xia Mo, this is nothing unusual. Have you seen the troops of Dian Guangya, a member of the Youshan tribe?" Dr. Li Yu asked.

"I see, isn't there something strange about the Lightning Arrow's troops?" Xia Mo asked, looking at Dr. Li Yu.

"It's not just strange, it's very strange." Dr. Li Yu shook his head and said, "Did you see that they were carrying a silver-white mechanical backpack? This is their eighth-level rune weapon—the electric light shield. "

"What kind of weapon is the Lightning Shield?" Xia Mo continued to ask in confusion.

"Electric shield, an eighth-level rune weapon, can be constructed into a substantial electric shield formed by lightning. It can not only protect the user, but also release a shield-shaped lightning shock wave to defeat the opponent." Dr. Li Yu said:
"Not only that, but the Lightning Shield can also be used in combination. Have you seen the Lightning Arrow Troop of the Youshan people carrying a silver-white mechanical backpack? That is the Lightning Shield rune weapon."

"At the moment when the 'nuclear bomb', the 'glass ball' in your mind, exploded above the heads of the Youshan people, the Youshan people combined the eighth-level rune weapon, the electric light shield, to resist the explosion." A 'nuclear bomb' attack."

"Why didn't I see the Lightning Shield combined?" Xia Mo asked.

"Because the Youshan people are very skilled in combining lightning shields, they only started making combined lightning shields a moment before the 'nuclear bomb' exploded, in order to save the energy of the lightning shield."

"Then what's the difference between the rune weapon and the battle rune watch?" Xia Mo suddenly asked, his heart moved.

"Hehe, the difference between rune weapons and battle rune watches is that rune weapons are not like battle rune watches, which require energy rune stones. This is the most important difference between rune weapons and battle rune watches. Secondly, The output of rune weapons is the same as the lethality of the battle rune watch, and the rune watch requires more courage. In other words, the battle rune watch requires more courage from the user." Dr. Li Yu said: "Little Stupid, do you understand?"

At this moment, the nuclear bomb was reloaded again, and eight nuclear bombs were thrown at the Youshan tribe again.

With a loud bang, another eight nuclear bombs exploded above the heads of the Youshan people, stirring up dust.

After a while, the smoke dissipated, Xia Mo looked at the Youshan tribe, and saw that the Youshan tribe was intact and did not suffer any injuries.

The Youshan tribe roared excitedly, making all kinds of insulting gestures at the congregation of the Bliss Dojo, shouting loudly.

Lin Fang, who was standing on the head of the mammoth, had a cold look in his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, the thunder machine was activated instantly, and another eight nuclear bombs flew towards the heads of the Youshan people.

After the smoke dissipated, the eight nuclear bombs dropped by the thunder machine still had no effect.

The Youshan people laughed wildly, and continued to make all kinds of insulting gestures at the congregation of the Bliss Dojo.

"It seems that the future of the members of the Bliss Dojo is not good!" Gongsun Li looked at the members of the Bliss Hall and said meaningfully.

"What kind of machine is the thunder machine? And what about the nuclear bomb?" Xia Mo asked.

At this moment, the thunder machine threw eight nuclear explosive bombs on the heads of the Youshan people again. There was only a loud bang, and the electric shield appeared, as if cracks appeared.

"Xia Mo, do you want the Youshan clan to win, or the Bliss Dojo to win?" Gongsun Li said, seemingly not hearing Xia Mo's question.

"The congregation of the Bliss Dojo insulted Xiaoqin and attacked me, and now they even regard Xiaoqin as a blood sacrifice, so I absolutely hate the people of the Bliss Dojo." Xia Mo said, his eyes flashed sharply: "And the Youshan tribe is not a good thing, their war is just black eating black."

"My opinion is different from yours. Although as you said, this is just a war of gangsters eating gangsters, but I hope the Bliss Dojo wins." Gongsun Li said.

"Why?" Xia Mo asked.

"Because the Youshan people are related to Lishan." Gongsun Li said coldly.

"You mean that the Youshan people are related to Lishan, why do you say that?" Xia Mo asked in surprise.

"Because of the Demon Ping Shou." Gongsun Li sneered, and said: "The reason why the Demon Ping Shou can master the secret method of the Ni Mie Sect must have been allowed by the immortal demon monk——Shi Kuang Seng. The Undead Demon Monk—Shi Kuang Monk does this."

"So that's the case, it's really suspicious." Xia Mo nodded and looked towards the battlefield.

On the battlefield, the thunder machine had already dropped the last eight nuclear bombs, and the electric light shield flashed and burst immediately.

"Roar..." The congregation of the Bliss Dojo roared, making bloodthirsty cries.

"The energy of the electric light shield has been consumed, so let's look at the cavalry troops of the congregation in the Bliss Dojo." Gongsun Li said.

"You didn't believe that the members of the Bliss Dojo would lose, so why did you put your hopes on the members of the Bliss Dojo?" Xia Mo asked puzzled.

"A person with courage will fight desperately in any extremely dangerous situation, just like you met Dong Wanqiu when you were helpless, and I met you when I was helpless." Gongsun Li said meaningfully.

"Boy Xia Mo, let me tell you what is a thunder machine and what is a nuclear bomb?" Dr. Li Yu said.

"Thunder machine is a kind of trebuchet. Do you think why such an old thing is used in this day and age?" Dr. Li Yu said with a smile.

"Boy Xia Mo, have you heard of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction?" Dr. Li Yu said.

"The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, what kind of treaty is this?" Xia Mo asked puzzled.

"The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction is a treaty signed by governments to control the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction." Dr. Li Yu said:
"For example, let me talk about nuclear explosive bombs first. Nuclear explosive bombs are made of minerals called nuclear explosive crystals, but the nuclear explosive crystals used in nuclear explosive bombs have been purified. The power of nuclear explosive crystal explosions It is extremely huge, and it can blow up the entire development center with only one kilogram, kid, are you afraid?"

"Okay, let me talk about the key points, in case you don't want to listen. The reason why you don't use a stronger projectile device to throw nuclear bombs is to limit the lethality of this weapon?"

"You can think about it, if it is allowed to use aviation equipment or other weapons to drop nuclear bombs, it is unimaginable how powerful it can be. Therefore, in order to limit the power of this weapon, governments of various countries have to restrict the use of this weapon , signed and implemented the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction."

"So it's like this, I understand." Xia Mo suddenly realized.

(End of this chapter)

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