Doomsday Great Rebels

Chapter 107 Fight Again

Chapter 107 Fight Again
Morning sun, morning glow, wind.

The Demon Bottle Watchman laughed loudly as he looked at Sol the Bear and Hongji the Eagle.

At this moment, his abdomen swelled suddenly, and he opened his mouth, a long flame sprayed towards the war eagle Hongji.

This flame is actually black, and this flame is so long that it looks like a fire dragon, screaming in surprise.

"This black fire dragon technique is common in terms of technology, but users who have achieved such awe-inspiring power are rare. It seems that the magic man's bottle guard is extremely powerful and has reached a very terrifying level." Gongsun Li said in a deep voice.

"Black Fire Dragon Art, what is the difference between this Black Fire Dragon Art and ordinary Fire Dragon Art?" Xia Mo asked.

"Hehe, the so-called black fire dragon technique is to use courage to create black flames and then release them. The difference of black fire dragon technique is that once the black flame touches the number of people, it cannot be extinguished. The black flame will disappear only when the attachment is burned to ashes." .” Gongsun Li said.

"Xia Mo, you have learned a lot by now." Dr. Li Yu said.

"Thank you Commander Gongsun for your advice." Xia Mo said.

"It's easy to say." Gongsun Li nodded slightly.

Xia Mo looked at the battlefield, and saw the fire dragon released by the demon bottle guard on the battlefield, chasing Zhanying Hongji. Zhanying Hongji kept doing extremely difficult tactical evasive actions, trying to get rid of the fire dragon of the demon bottle guard.

"It's useless. Facing intelligence-type fighters, agility-type fighters are born to suffer." Gongsun Li shook his head and said.

"That's why the Demon Ping Shou is a fighter of the strength department and a fighter of the intelligence department. He is not afraid of fighting Xiong Sol with a fighter of the strength department, and he is especially victorious against a fighter of the agility department who fights with Eagle Hongji." Xia Mo said.

"That's the reason." Gongsun Li said.

I saw that at this time, the fire dragon was getting closer and closer to Zhanying Hongji, and it was about to run into Zhanying Hongji.

At this moment, Zhanying Hongji suddenly accelerated, his speed was twice as fast, and rushed towards the Youshan clan's team.

"It seems that Zhanying Hongji wants to kill people with a knife, and uses his own speed and the fire dragon released by the demon bottle guard to attack the Youshan tribe's team." Gongsun Li said.

At this moment, a sharp sound resounded, and Cyclone Break appeared again, rushing towards the Youshan people.

Suddenly, a wall of fire appeared in front of Zhanying Hongji, and Zhanying Hongji let out a sharp whistle, and rushed out of the wall of fire.

Another wall of fire appeared in front of Zhanying Hongji.

War Eagle Hongji passed through again.

The walls of fire appeared one after another, and the war eagle Hongji passed through one after another.

After passing through the seven walls of fire, Zhanying Hongji had already become a burning man.

"It seems that Zhanying Hongji wants to do his best." Gongsun Li murmured.

At this moment, Sol the War Bear yelled, and the Ice War Hammer was thrown, hitting the face of the Demon Bottle Guard.

The demon bottle guard chuckled, and the ice hammer came out of his body.

"It's blurry again. When I meet a master who can blur, I don't know how to deal with it?" Xia Mo was startled.

"With your current strength, it's too early to think about this issue, let alone you are so young." Dr. Li Yu laughed.

"Are you eighteen this year?" Gongsun Li asked, staring intently at the battlefield.

"It's almost nineteen." Xia Mo said.

"Too young is too simple. With a brain like yours, if you practice in the Jianghu, you probably won't live to be twenty." Gongsun Li said coldly.

Xia Mo looked towards the battlefield, and saw that on the battlefield, the war eagle Hongji had already got rid of the black fire dragon.The War Bear Sol released the ice mist, which extinguished the flames on War Eagle Hongji's body.Not only that, he also threw a walnut-sized pill at War Eagle Hongji.

Zhanying Hongji pecked, swallowed the walnut-sized pill, and swallowed it in one gulp.

At this time, Zhanying Hongji's body was glowing slightly red, and the wounds on his body healed at a very fast speed.

"Bear King Pill." Gongsun Li said, "It seems that Zhan Xiong Sol has a lot of good things."

"Do you know that when Commander Gongsun fought with Zhanxiong Sol, it was because he lacked the pills compared with Zhanxiong Sol, so he was weak and lost." Dr. Li Yu said: "If Zhanxiong Suoer Er, like Commander Gongsun, does not have pills to replenish energy, so it is not certain who will win and who will lose in the fight back then?"

Xia Mo nodded and looked towards the battlefield. On the battlefield, the war bear Sol picked up the ice hammer and kept gathering energy. The whole ice hammer kept releasing ice charges.

The demon bottle guard, on the other hand, looked at the war bear Thor coldly, with the fire-cutting knife in his hand lying across his chest, and he was constantly gathering fire attribute loads.

Suddenly, the two shouted at the same time, releasing the ice and fire in their hands respectively.

I saw Sol's ice hammer turned into a cone-shaped ice bomb, and quickly attacked the body of the demon bottle guard.

And the fire-slashing knife of the demon bottle guard swung five blood-red beams of light, and attacked the war bear Sol.

In an instant, the ice bomb and the light slash formed by the ice hammer collided.

There was a bang, and ice and flames shot out.

The cone-shaped ice bullet formed by the ice hammer pierced through the five blood-red light slashes of the Demon Bottle Guard, hit the Demon Bottle Guard, and immediately sealed the Demon Bottle Guard in ice.

At the same time, War Eagle Hongji turned into a human form, holding an ice dagger in his hand, and quickly carved spells on the frozen demon bottle guard.

"Ice Burst Wushuang." Gongsun Li shouted in surprise.

"It is indeed Ice Storm Warriors." Dr. Li Yu also said in surprise.

"What is Ice Storm Warriors?" Xia Mo asked.

But Gongsun Li and Dr. Li Yu didn't answer his question, they just watched Zhanying Hongji's every move intently, as if Xia Mo wasn't by their side.

At this time, the war bear Thor is constantly releasing ice mist, increasing the ice charge on the body of the demon bottle guard, thicker and heavier.

A moment later, after the war eagle Hongji finished carving, he suddenly took a few steps back, precariously on the verge of falling.

"His mental strength has been exhausted to such an extent. If this spell is released, it will really be a big deal." Xia Mo thought in his heart.

At this moment, the runes on Demon Ping Shou's body were constantly reddening, first light red, then reddish, then dark red, and finally blood red.

After a while, these runes suddenly flickered, like a timer bound with explosives, counting down the seconds.

The frequency of the runes flashing is getting faster and faster, and it is almost dizzying.

"Explosive." Zhanying Hongji shouted.

There was a loud noise, and a huge mushroom cloud rose, and a blood mist appeared, and the entire body of the demon bottle guard was blown into pieces.

"Okay." The congregation in the Bliss Dojo roared.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

I saw the fragments of the demon bottle guard's body, as if they had been given life, they suddenly gathered together and slowly gathered into a human form.

This human figure was a mess of blood and flesh at the beginning, and then the flesh and blood slowly spliced ​​together, and finally turned into a body.

And the heart of this body beat suddenly, making a cooing sound.

"The art of immortality." Gongsun Li shouted: "Why does the demon bottle guard have the art of immortality?"

"It seems that the Demon Ping Shou and the Nirvana Sect are involved again." Dr. Li Yu said thoughtfully.

At this moment, Sol the War Bear leaped high, and the ice hammer gleamed, and quickly hammered towards the body of the demon bottle guard.

The moment the ice war hammer touched the demon bottle guard, the war bear Sol suddenly showed a ferocious expression.

Only the painful groans of War Bear Thor was heard, as if he was in great pain.

"The art of blood sucking." Gongsun Li shouted: "This is the secret of the Nirvana sect that can absorb life force, the art of blood sucking."

(End of this chapter)

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