Doomsday Great Rebels

Chapter 104 War Eagle

Chapter 104 War Eagle
War Eagle Hongji howled sharply, turned into a huge war eagle, and rushed towards the demon bottle guard, the speed was extremely fast.

"It's so fast. In terms of speed, he is the one with the fastest attack speed among the masters I've seen. Even the speed of Xiao Xie Huang Li Po can't match him." Xia Mo's heart sank, Heart said: "Watching the Xiaoqin from Zhanying Hongji is like pulling a brick out of the wall with bare hands.

"It seems that the best time for me to save Xiaoqin is to wait for the members of the Youshan tribe and the congregation of the Bliss Dojo to fight each other." Xia Mo thought in his heart, clenching his fists.

"Hehe, I still miss your concubine, boy, wine is a gut-piercing poison, sex is a bone-scraping steel knife. Money is a tiger that descends from the mountain, and anger is a root that causes trouble. Is a mere bitch worth your life?" Dr. Li Yu disdained said.

"Although I only got along with Xiaoqin for one day, we got along well, so I will risk my life to save her." Xia Mo said firmly.

"Too young and too simple." Gongsun Li said coldly.

"Xia Mo, to tell you the truth, it's fine if you give up your own life, but don't let our hard work on you go to waste." Li Yu said, "What do you think this is?"

Dr. Li Yu rolled up his sleeves, and a watch appeared in Xia Mo's eyes.

"Unexpectedly, you, Dr. Li Yu, also use the battle rune watch." Xia Mo was slightly surprised, and said, "I think Dr. Li Yu, you also have a lot of experience in the application of the battle rune watch."

"Boy, I was wrong. Not only was I wrong, but I was wrong by a thousand miles." Dr. Li Yu shook his head.

"Then what is this?" Xia Mo asked puzzled.

"This is not a combat rune watch, but a communication rune watch. The function of the communication rune watch is that it can communicate with people in the entire communication network." Dr. Li Yu said: "Not only that, if Longmen City If a foreign master enters, people in our communication network will monitor him as soon as possible."

"That's why you got hold of my action information in the first place, and that's why Qian Qian asked Xiaoqin to take me to the development center to strengthen. It turned out that it was all arranged by you." Xia Mo said with a jump in his heart.

"Hehe, Xia Mo, you are finally smart. In fact, all of this was arranged by Commander Gongsun Li. How about it, how does it feel to be played with in the palm of your hand?" Dr. Li Yu laughed.

"It seems that I can't get out of this net, and I can only go to the dark with you." Xia Mo sighed in his heart, thinking that he just wanted to live in this troubled world in peace, but he didn't expect to be caught in this troubled world. In such a big crisis.

"Xia Mo, there is one more thing you don't know. There is a satellite in the sky above the Rizhao Empire. It is currently monitoring the war between the Youshan people and the members of the Bliss Dojo, and it is broadcasting live to humans on the entire earth." Dr. Li Yu said leisurely. : "So let's just watch the battlefield."

"The trick used by the demon bottle guard just now is Lihe Island's ultimate secret technique - flame incarnation, turning a person into a flame and attacking the opponent, but it's strange, this trick can only be used when the body is completely mutated, the demon bottle guard The body is a low-level mutated physique, so how can you use this unique skill?" Gongsun Li said with some doubts.

At this time, the battle bear Thor had already returned to the battle formation.He took out a glass bottle full of pills, poured out a handful of pills from the glass bottle, and swallowed it in one gulp, while someone next to him handed over a bottle of medicinal wine, Zhan Xiong Sol took the medicinal wine and drank it down.

At this moment, the whole body of Zhanxiong Sol was red, and the burn on his chest began to improve after a while, and healed completely after a while.

Sol Bear Sol stood up, looking at the situation on the battlefield with piercing eyes.

At this time, the war eagle Hongji had already exerted his speed to the extreme, his body turned into an afterimage, and the sharp point kept tearing open the flesh and blood of the demon bottle guard, leaving the demon bottle guard covered in blood.

As for the war eagle Hongji, he kept making sharp calls, as if he was disturbing the consciousness of the demon bottle guard.Not only that, every bit of flesh and blood he bit off from the demon bottle guard was swallowed into his stomach.Every time he swallowed a piece of meat, War Eagle Hongji let out a shrill cry of excitement.

"The Demon Ping Shou is huge. Compared with Zhanying Hongji, his speed is inferior, and his flesh and blood can only be pecked by Zhanying Hongji bit by bit." Gongsun Li said with a sigh.

"That's not necessarily the case. Although agility fighters are born to suppress strength fighters, but at the level of the demon bottle guard, the strength fighter demon bottle guard may not be afraid of the agility fighter Ying Hongji." Li Yu said.

"What's the matter with the fighters of strength and agility?" Xia Mo asked puzzled.

"Every fighter has his own fighting style. Some people exercise their strength, such as the demon bottle guard and the bear Sol; some exercise their agility, such as the eagle Hongji; some exercise their intelligence and use spells, such as Say Dong Wanqiu." Dr. Li Yu continued: "In terms of different fighting styles, the agility department restrains the strength department, the intelligence department controls the agility department, and the strength department controls the intelligence department. So, as you will see later, the demon bottle guard How did you defeat War Eagle Hongji."

At this moment, the Demon Ping Shou yelled, swiped the Fire Zhan Dao three times in a row, and three huge red light slashed, attacking the war eagle Hongji.

"Good guy, 'Heaven, Earth, and Human are three cuts', the Demon Ping Shou looks really angry." Gongsun Li looked at the battlefield and said in surprise.

"What is the 'Three Slashes of Heaven, Earth and Humanity'?" Xia Mo asked puzzled.

"'Three Cuts of Heaven, Earth and Man' is a high-level fire spell. It is not only extremely powerful, but also has a tracking function, just like the radio spell in the electric spell. Although it is not as powerful as the radio spell, it is still quite powerful. It's sharp." Gongsun Li said.

At this moment, the "Three Slashes of Heaven, Earth and Man" was very close to Zhanying Hongji.

"Good guy, I can't escape." Gongsun Li shouted.

At this moment, Zhan Ying Hongji's body suddenly turned into three, narrowly avoiding the "Three Cuts of Heaven, Earth and Human".

With a bang, a red beam of light from the "Three Slashes of Heaven, Earth and Man" hit one of Zhan Ying Hongji's body, and this Zhan Ying Hongji's body was blown to pieces.

In an instant, another red beam of light from the "Three Slashes of Heaven, Earth and Man" hit another body of Zhanying Hongji, and this Zhanying Hongji's body was also blown to pieces.

At this moment, there was only the body of War Eagle Hongji left on the battlefield.

"Good fellow, 'three transformations in one body'." Gongsun Li muttered to himself. ,

"'One Body Three Transformations' is the supreme skill of the Skyhawk Gate. People who learn it will instantly transform into three bodies, two of which are virtual and one body is real. Not only that, the user is using the 'One Body Three Transformations' At the same time, teleportation will occur, although it is difficult to control the direction and distance of teleportation, but the skilled user can also completely control the direction and distance of teleportation." Gongsun Li said: "Generation of the rivers and lakes is produced by talents, each leading the way. One hundred years, it seems that my time is about to pass."

Seeing Gongsun Li's waning mood, Xia Mo couldn't help feeling bleak, thinking that after 20 years, he would feel the same emotion as Gongsun Li.

At this moment, the remaining last ray of the "Three Slashes of Heaven, Earth, and Human Beings" shot towards War Eagle Hongji again.

Murderous intent flashed in Zhanying Hongji's eyes, and he retreated instantly, and then raised his height sharply, letting the last follower of the "Three Slashes of Heaven, Earth and Human Beings" rush forward by himself.

Fighting Eagle Hongji quickly rose to an altitude of 1000 meters, made an n-word tactical move, and then turned around sharply, with a howling sound of breaking through the sky, and plunged towards the demon bottle guard.

"Cyclone Break." Gongsun Li said in a deep voice.

"What is Cyclone Break?" Xia Mo asked.

"Cyclone breaks, through rotation, agitates the air, forms a vortex, and finally divides the victim." Gongsun Li said.

"What a cyclone, what a war eagle Hongji." Xia Mo sighed.

"In the future world, these three people may not be your opponents, why should you sigh?" Gongsun Li said with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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