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Chapter 26 Killing a bull is like killing a chicken

Chapter 26 Killing a bull is like killing a chicken

But at this moment, he didn't seem to be able to feel his own pain, so he quickly raised his head and looked at the scene in front of him in horror.

He saw clearly.

Lin Fei actually blocked the bull's punch with one hand!
Butcher Li rubbed his eyes and looked again.

Still that picture.

Lin Fei just stood there, raised one hand, and just like that resisted the huge fist of the bull.

This is like a painting. Butcher Li has recorded it in his heart and will never forget this scene.

And this moment.

All eyes fell on Lin Fei.

All were stunned.

Because, someone actually caught the bull's punch with his hand!
Lin Fei's hand, in front of Man Niu's fist, was as small as a boat before a tsunami.

This is something that has never happened before, because it is simply impossible.

Now, such an impossible picture appeared in front of them, how could they not be shocked?Not shocked?

"You didn't come at the right time."

Lin Fei said: "I found this place with great difficulty, and I'm about to change things, so don't bother me."

Say it.

Backhand punch out!
With a loud noise, the upper half of Man Niu's body exploded on the spot and disappeared.

Only half of his body was left standing there.

The wind blows.

That half of the body fell backwards and never moved again.

"Go behind him!"

Who knows who roared, everyone reacted, and ran to Lin Fei's back, seeking Lin Fei's protection.

Originally, they were all desperate.

But right now.

They saw hope from Lin Fei, the hope of continuing to live!

Even the man who wanted to kill Lin Fei earlier couldn't help swallowing after seeing this scene.

Breaking the bull with one punch?

Is this still human?
He couldn't believe that he wanted to kill Lin Fei before, could it really be done?
At this moment, he also scrambled and ran behind Lin Fei, wanting to get Lin Fei's protection. Lin Fei is now everyone's protector.

These people led all the zombies to Lin Fei's side.

"I'm going to kill until I vomit today."

Lin Fei complained, just slaughtered a street of zombies, and now there is another wave of corpses.

With a kitchen knife in hand!
The wind of the knife immediately slashed forward, directly cutting through the wave of corpses, killing an unknown number of zombies.

There was a knife mark more than one meter deep on the ground, and the cars along the way were split in half by this knife.

"I wipe!"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Is this still human?

Another bull rushed over, and as soon as it got close, it exploded.

Also like that bull just now.

Its upper body was gone, as if it had also been punched by Lin Fei, but no one saw Lin Fei punching it.

What the hell just happened?
"It's you disgusting monster again."

When Lin Fei saw the vomiter, he still remembered that when he was in the hospital, this thing was spitting sulfuric acid at him like crazy, which made him sick to death.

It is also very good at running, and runs after vomiting.

Seeing the vomiter approaching and about to vomit sulfuric acid, Lin Fei threw the kitchen knife in his hand without hesitation.

The kitchen knife spun and flew out, directly splitting the vomiter.

Even with a large group of zombies behind it!

And at this moment, a tongue shot down from the shed, wrapped around a man behind Lin Fei, and lifted him up violently.


A scream.

(End of this chapter)

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