Whole Corpse Evolution

Chapter 70 70. Monthly Exam

Chapter 70 70. Monthly Exam

Walking towards the school, Ming Nan soon forgot what happened just now, not to mention, after some exercise, she felt refreshed, and even her stomach was not full.

Time goes by like this. Ming Nan goes to school, goes home, and goes to school at two o'clock every day. He eats meat and drinks soup when he has nothing to do, watching his activity increase bit by bit.

Although such days are boring, they are very fulfilling every day, and at the same time, his cultural knowledge has not fallen behind.

Anyway, although evolution is important, cultural lessons are equally important,
After all, if you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid to travel all over the world!
As for the mutant wolf, after Ming Nan ate it for a week, he finally finished eating it. The whole mutant wolf did not include what Minghua and his wife ate, which added 326 points of activity to him, and his activity reached 573 points again.
Although because he gave the mutant meat to his parents, he was still 27 points short of getting the box again,

But Ming Nan doesn't regret this at all. She doesn't even think about it or care about it. After all, what is more important than her parents' bodies?

In a blink of an eye, it's the first monthly exam for entering the second year of high school. After this monthly exam is over, you can go to get the mutant meat again. Thinking about it makes people look forward to it...

After that incident with the three tattooed youths, Ming Nan never encountered harassment again. It seems that the classmates he "squeezed out" must have given up?

Ming Nan didn't care much about this.

Regarding this monthly exam, the school has added a special exam subject - going out of town!
Of course, for those students who have just entered the second year of high school, it is impossible for the school to really let them go out of the city to take risks. Their destination this time is in the suburbs outside the city, which is between the first checkpoint and the second checkpoint. , the buffer zone between the city and the outside of the city.

The school didn't expect the students to do anything like this, it was just to let the students get familiar with the environment outside the city first, so that they could adapt in advance and prepare for the future college entrance examination.

Students are not allowed to be absent from this monthly exam. Of course, if you plan to drop out, the school has no objection.

Like catching ducks to the shelves, students in the second and third grades of high school all got on the trucks bound for the outside of the city and set off in different directions.

Just like the students in Class 3, Grade [-] at that time, most of the students were curious from the beginning, and the atmosphere of the whole class became silent as the surrounding corpses gradually thinned out, and all the corpses became anxious...

Looking at the reactions of the students in the class, Ming Nan suddenly felt that the school's arrangement made sense.

Just like the last high school senior year, the newly added experience outside the city arranged by the higher authorities came too suddenly, only a few months in advance, so that the school and students were caught off guard for a while, and there was no time to prepare.

This led to the elimination of nearly half of the students without even leaving the school. Although the principal was involved in this, in Ming Nan's view, for those students who were eliminated in advance, the principal's actions would also It's really for their own good.

Even for those students who left the city, if it wasn't for that incident, Shi Lei let them pass through in the end, otherwise, most of the students would fall in this test.

But this time, the school was prepared to train the students of their two classes in advance to let them adapt early. In terms of time, it was much more sufficient. At least the students had a process of acceptance and buffering in their hearts.

And this month, for Ming Nan, the most uncomfortable thing is how to hide her adaptation period in a low-key manner,
Ming Nan is very helpless about the sudden disappearance of body parts from time to time, or even the disappearance of the whole person, but there is no good way to solve it.
like now!
"Ming Nan, what do you think the outside of the city is like?" Sitting beside Ming Nan, Yue Quan looked longingly at the scenery outside the car,
After waiting for a while without getting a response, Yue Quan was shocked when he turned his head and saw that there was no corpse beside him!

"Ming Nan? Xiao Ming? Where's your corpse? I'll wipe it! Don't scare me, why did you disappear when you were next to me just now!"

"Ming Nan!! Come out quickly! Don't scare brother!"

After yelling on the spot for a long time, but still did not get a response, Yue Quan became more and more anxious, rushed to the joint between the body and the front of the car, and slapped him hard.
"Teacher! Teacher Tang! Ming Nan is gone!!"

After he slapped the whole truck, the fight was silent, only his anxious roar and slapping sound remained,
Standing there, Ming Nan looked at Yue Quan's reaction, annoyed and funny, but more moved, especially seeing Yue Quan's anxious reaction,

Touched, sometimes you don’t need to do something earth-shattering, maybe it’s just an insignificant little thing, which can be engraved in people’s hearts and imprinted in their hearts...


But it's really not that Ming Nan wants to tease him, the key is that the adaptation period is playing tricks at this time, Ming Nan can't get out at all!

As if he heard Yue Quan's slapping sound, the truck that was going forward suddenly stopped and stopped directly on the side of the road. Tang Junguo opened the small window at the joint, looked at the anxious Yue Quan,

"What happened? You're yelling!"

"Teacher Tang, Xiao Ming, ah! No, Ming Nan is gone!" At this moment, Yue Quan's face was pale, his already pale face became even paler, with cold sweat dripping from his forehead, and he said incoherently.

At this moment, Ming Nan's adaptation period finally passed, which made him heave a sigh of relief, and hurried to the front, pulling Yue Quan past him,

"Mr. Tang, it's okay. I'm here. I accidentally fell asleep just now. I didn't pay attention..."

Tang Junguo looked at Ming Nan helplessly, nodded at him, closed the small window, and signaled the driver to continue driving. He knew about Ming Nan's situation, but he couldn't do anything about it.

As the truck continued to drive, the students in the back of the truck seemed to be resurrected again, regaining their corpse energy, and suddenly became lively.

"Damn it! You scared me to death, tell me next time you fall asleep! Brother Bai is worried! A waste of emotion!" After finishing speaking, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and at the same time secretly wiped the corners of his eyes, his pale face Recovered a little bit... Bai?

"Okay, okay, isn't this a bit of motion sickness? Don't worry, what can happen here." He patted Yue Quan on the shoulder and said in relief. A flash came to Nan's mind.

Shaking his head, he shook off the messy things in his mind. Two months had passed since that incident. Ming Nan believed that the guards must have eliminated all the factors of instability, so the school dared to let them Out of town.

Stumbling along the way, the truck finally drove to the first checkpoint. Under Tang Junguo's command, all the students got off the vehicle and gathered, standing where they were and waiting for his arrangement.

"So far, except for a few corpses, the other students have performed pretty well! This is the first time for everyone to go out of the city. I don't need you to do a good job to be brave.

The main purpose of this trip is to adapt to the environment. It lasts for one day and is limited to a radius of 5 kilometers. I hope everyone will not run around.

This is a positioning bracelet, one for each student, if you are in danger, just press the button above, and we will know your location later! "

Looking at the students in front of him, Tang Junguo explained the precautions in the future, especially when it came to using the bracelet, his face was extremely serious.


(End of this chapter)

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