Whole Corpse Evolution

Chapter 27 27. Rescue

Chapter 27 27. Rescue
The first time I tried, I was unprepared. I didn't expect that the strength after evolution would increase so much. I didn't master the balance and strength of the body.

Otherwise, he would have dealt with 'Wang Juan' at the first blow, instead of just creating a crack on the back of her head!
With the increase in the number of fights with 'Wang Juan', Ming Nan became more and more familiar with the physical changes brought about by evolution in the following battles, and became more and more handy, and his body control became more and more smooth!
Ming Nan also discovered that the nails on his hands and feet became like animal claws after evolution, extremely sharp and flexible. He only discovered these in a short period of time, and the other wonderful things were too short to appreciate.

When he needs ten nails, he can easily and quickly climb up every tree by controlling the pop-up, and he can also cooperate with his super leaping ability to pounce on 'Wang Juan'!
Flying stab, Ming Nan gradually understood the meaning of this classification name.

Hiding in the dark again, Ming Nan leaped to the top of a tree not far from 'Wang Juan', her nails on her hands and feet popped out, hooked on the trunk, covered her figure with branches and leaves, and waited silently for the opportunity!

I don't know if it's because of excitement or just completed the evolution, the high-intensity attack just now, at this time, Ming Nan didn't feel a little tired, and his condition was so good!

Ming Nan enjoys the current feeling very much, and has been working hard to evolve into it. Isn't this moment?

Of course, if you change the scene, it will be even more wonderful!

This time Ming Nan didn't attack rashly. Just now, he noticed the difference of 'Wang Juan' at this time. When her eyes started to turn red, her speed, strength, reaction speed and other physical qualities suddenly changed. The time has been strengthened a lot,

As for the ability of 'Wang Juan', Ming Nan can only tell from her appearance that her evolutionary category may be sharp claws, but she doesn't know much about her current state, so she doesn't dare to act rashly for the time being...

Glancing at the two corpses of Han Shuoyang next to 'Wang Juan', Ming Nan found that the red-eyed 'Wang Juan' seemed to be losing her mind, and she who was already a little crazy became almost crazy now!
She completely forgot about Han Shuoyang and Lu Yahui beside her, with blood-red eyes full of tyranny, they kept scanning back and forth, looking for traces of Ming Nan,
It seems that he will not give up until Ming Nan is found out.

Finding the right opportunity, Ming Nan used his feet to fly down from the tree. When he was in the air, he kicked off the tree next to him, and used the trunk to exert his strength again, making his speed even faster!
But this time, his goal is not 'Wang Juan', but to rescue the two corpses of Han Shuoyang, first rescue them, so that there is no worries,
Everything around quickly retreated, Ming Nan leaped to the side of the two corpses of Han Shuoyang in an instant, picked up one with one hand, Ming Nan kicked again with both feet, and took the two corpses of Han Shuoyang away from the side of 'Wang Juan' in an instant!

Seeing the two corpses of Han Shuoyang being rescued by Ming Nan, 'Wang Juan' let out a high-pitched and crazy roar and became even more violent!
After chasing for a certain distance in the direction of Ming Nan's escape, 'Wang Juan' watched Ming Nan save the two corpses. Even if Ming Nan carried the two corpses with her and increased the load, her speed could not catch up with Ming Nan. Nan,
'Wang Juan' stood on the spot and roared angrily, venting her anger towards where they were just now, waving a pair of sharp claws crazily!

After a while, everything within 2 meters around her was destroyed by her, all the trees were destroyed instantly, and the ground was full of claw marks...

With the two corpses of Han Shuoyang sandwiched between them, Ming Nan's speed is still very fast, and from time to time he stares at the tree next to him to speed up his speed.

"Is she crazy?"

Looking at the maddened 'Wang Juan' and hearing the faint roar coming from behind, Ming Nan said with some fear.

"No, this is the characteristic of the sharp claw... When the sharp claw is injured, the eyes will turn red. The more serious the injury, the redder the eyes will become, and the more violent it will be. At the same time, all the functions of the body will increase dramatically. !
However, ordinary corpses that have evolved into sharp claws will not completely lose their minds like her,

The main reason why she is like this now is because she is out of control! "

Han Shuoyang said hoarsely, his voice was extremely weak, and when he mentioned the out-of-control person, his tone was obviously aggravated, with strong hatred.

"Out of control?"

Somewhat curiously, Ming Nan has heard about out-of-control people twice, once in a textbook on the theory of evolution,

There was another time when Tang Junguo mentioned it in evolution class, when he mentioned the out-of-control person, his tone was almost exactly the same as that of Han Shuoyang at the moment,
Also solemnly tell them that if they meet out-of-control people who can be eliminated, they must be eliminated immediately.

If he couldn't eliminate it, he immediately went to the law enforcement team. Although he didn't understand why, seeing Tang Junguo's serious expression, Ming Nan secretly took this matter to heart.

"Yes, out-of-control! Remember, every out-of-control is a lunatic! There is no cure for a lunatic!
Once found, it must be resolved immediately!Cough...cough..."

After saying this, it seemed that the injury in his throat was affected. Han Shuoyang coughed violently, as if he was about to cough up his lungs. Seeing that his injury was serious, Ming Nan didn't feel comfortable asking, so he secretly kept these in his heart ,
Taking the time to look at Lu Yahui's injuries, he found that he was still in good condition, but the anger in his eyes kept burning, showing that he was not in a calm mood at the moment.

Ming Nan put down the two corpses until he could no longer see 'Wang Juan', and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hurry up and help the other corpses, get rid of the mutant dogs first, I'm worried that 'Wang Juan' will go crazy, and they will suffer!"

"Okay!" Ming Nan also knew the seriousness of the matter, if 'Wang Juan' was allowed to help the mutant dog solve the other guards, then the three of them would face double threats from the mutant dog and 'Wang Juan'.

So we must get rid of the mutant dog before 'Wang Juan' wakes up!
"Help me look after Pang Bin!"

Just when Ming Nan was about to leave, Lu Yahui suppressed the anger in his heart and said to Ming Nan.

Looking at Lu Yahui at this time, compared to the indifferent and confident person who just started from school, he looks very downcast without his legs.
However, he still cares about the safety of his friends all the time. For this, Ming Nan approves of his corpse and thinks he is a good corpse.

After making an OK gesture to Lu Yahui, Ming Nan kicked hard, and he jumped suddenly, disappearing in front of them in the blink of an eye.

"Teacher Tang has taught a good student!"

Looking at the place where Ming Nan disappeared, Han Shuoyang said with emotion.

Hearing Han Shuoyang's words, Lu Yahui's eyes flickered, and he nodded subconsciously. At this moment, they could only pin their hopes on Ming Nan!
"Don't be too pessimistic, I have already contacted the gathering place, and the captain is probably on his way with people!"


(End of this chapter)

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