Yu-Gi-Oh fake card king

Chapter 410 Goodbye, World

Chapter 410 Goodbye, World
one year later

It was raining.

Sock sat up from the hospital bed, looking through the window at the dark clouds and sky outside the house.


Finally...it's over.

It has been ten years since I came to this world, and I have gradually grown from the boy I was then to the adult I am today.

Subtle changes have taken place in my mood and attitude towards life.

But I'm afraid I won't be able to change my bad temper for the rest of my life...


The sound of the door opening came from behind.

Suoke didn't look back: "Is it Pegasus?"

"It's me!"

The beautiful girl walked to Suoke and sat down, holding a box of lunch in her hand, smiling like a flower: "I guessed that you would wake up today, so I bought you food in advance, No, take it."

Sok turned his head away.

The passage of time has left no trace on her face.

She was still as beautiful as when I first met her.


Looking at the box lunch in the girl's hand, Suoke recalled in his mind the most bitter and unforgettable dog meal in the dream, with a complicated expression on his face, and then he was relieved.

After receiving the lunch box, the top layer was filled with her favorite dried fish.

Inexplicably, the eyes are a little moist.

Putting down the lunch box, Suoke smiled and looked at the girl: "Let's talk about the box lunch later, did anything happen while I was in a coma?"

"Yes, I have."

The girl counted on her fingers: "Half a year ago, the mafia wanted to kidnap Kagurazaka, but was beaten to the bum by Kagurazaka's 'absolute obedience demon'. Gasos borrowed the D round..."

Suoke was taken aback: "A real graduation duel?"


The girl smiled slyly, and took out a video tape from behind: "How about it, do you want to watch it? The final episode of GX in the original book is still unfinished and there is an outcome? I asked Pegasus to quietly install it in the D round." The video equipment recorded the whole process!"

Suoke's eyes lit up: "Of course I have to watch it! You still understand me!"

The girl gave Sock a look of understanding. After the two high-fived, they put the videotape into the VCR that came with the ward. Then they sat down on the hospital bed together with great interest and pressed the play button with anticipation.


In the past three years, due to the appearance of Sok, Yucheng Judai did not experience the test of the illusion and light fluctuations in the original work.

But after regaining the memory of the Overlord, Judai gradually grew into an adult.

Not long ago, when Oliha first invaded, the new space man who was the immune system of the universe finally appeared in front of Judai.

Let Judai understand the mission and responsibility on his shoulders.

Duel is a ritual to define life and death, and it is also a weapon to balance the universe and bring peace to the world.

With this awareness, Judai felt the weight of the dueling disk on his arm.

I can no longer enjoy the joy of dueling as before.


That is wrong!

No matter what you carry, the duel brings smiles and joy to people, and it must never be forgotten!


Except for himself, the king cannot be defeated by anyone, and this point is clearer than anyone else in Suoke's heart.

So when the curtain finally came to an end and the BGM of the tenth generation switched to the exclusive BGM for the Pharaoh in an instant.

The ending is needless to say.

Yucheng Judai was defeated.

However, it is worth mentioning that in the last scene of the original book, when the Pharaoh called God, there was only one card left in Yucheng Judai's hand. The differences turned into chestnut balls.

Although it has no effect on the result.

In fact, Sock has always had an idea.

Could it be that since the first episode of GX, Yugi Muto had considered the duel in the last episode, so he sent a feathered chestnut ball over in advance, and stuck in Judai's hand at a critical moment.

However, in this world, even if Muto Yuki gave Chestnut Ball instead, Judai did not make a comeback, which dispelled Sock's despicable idea of ​​using himself to judge others.


Three years have passed.

Suoke's body was finally intact, and his soul was stronger than ever.

The journey to another world has come to an end, and it’s time to say goodbye to this world.

one night.

Without notifying anyone, Sock held the little penguin in his arms and stepped into the cross-world transmission data flow he was called upon.

In the endless light, the bodies of Thork and the little penguin gradually flew into the sky, and the data was turned into countless fragments, floating to a higher dimension.

Silently looking at the land.

The childhood dreams, the memories hidden in the depths of my mind that can never be erased come to my heart one after another.


Niuwei: "Boy, have you paid the protection fee?"

Game: "You have great strength, classmate Suoke..."

Jounouchi: "Damn muscular bastard!"

Kyoko: "Thank you, classmate Suoke!"

Haima: "Answer me! The Blue-Eyes White Dragon you used are all fake cards, right!?"

Judai: "Teacher Suoke, you hit me again..."

Kagurazaka: "Oh!? The sun god's spell?"



What a bad memory...

But...it's a pleasure to meet you...


"Hey, Penguin..."




Suoke's eyes were dim, and he smiled embarrassingly: "A long time ago, I quietly farted in front of your nose while you were asleep at night..."

The little penguin smiled softly: "It's okay, I know."

"you know?"

Suoke was taken aback immediately, looked down at the little penguin in his arms, and asked in surprise, "Aren't you angry?"

"Of course I'm angry."

The little penguin raised his head and winked playfully at Suoke: "So do you know why you had diarrhea for a month during that time?"

Sock: "..."


The lens gradually zooms out.

Quiet and peaceful.

No one knows what kind of wars and conspiracies have occurred outside the universe.

The years are quiet, just because there are people carrying a heavy load in the darkness that cannot be reached by the eyes.

The Great Evil God, who once caused troubles to most people in the world through extortion, has now quietly left this world. Everyone on this planet...


Night in America is morning in Egypt.

As an important figure of the Egyptian Antiquities Bureau, Isis was preparing to open the museum, but inexplicably, her right hand suddenly trembled slightly, and a feeling of loss suddenly filled her heart.

Malik behind him was keenly aware of Isis' strange behavior and quickly asked: "What's wrong, sister?"


Isis put her hands on her heart, lowered her head, and said with a bitter smile, "I'm just a little tired..."


Dressed in leather, the peacock dancer leaned on the banks of the Seine, as if she was already a queen.

The cool night wind rolled up waves, caressing her long golden hair.

The moon is as cool as water.

Looking at the moon in the sky, tears flashed in the haze.


Dueling Academy
recess time.

Xiang Lu took the time to come to the long-empty "Great Evil God Black" dormitory, cleaned it as usual, and waited day after day for the man who was like a god coming down to earth to save himself and his younger brother.

While wiping the photo frames placed on the table, it seemed as if he heard the Qingming of Bailong suddenly.

Putting down the photo frame, Hibiki opened the window and looked out.

The sky is green, the grass is green, and there is nothing.

But what she didn't realize was that at this moment.

The only photo of Sauk in this world placed in the photo frame behind him - the back view of throwing the chair towards the auditorium has quietly faded, and the picture gradually disappeared...

I still remember, it was a long, long story...

Now we have finally come to the end...



(End of this chapter)

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