Chapter 364
"Honey, I'm hungry!"

False Illusion's entire delicate body leaned on Sock's shoulders, coquettishly coquettish eyes.

Suoke nodded: "Okay, whatever you want to eat, I'll treat you."

Illusion pursed his lips and thought for a long time, then narrowed his eyes into two crescent moons and said: "I want to eat the highest-grade and most delicious food! KFC, McDonald's, Pizza Hut... French fries, Coke, hamburgers..."


Suoke cast a blank look at the girl: "So in your mind, do these things count as high-end..."

False Illusion was shocked and said: "Oh!? Doesn't it count!? These are all Western food, how luxurious! A meal costs fifty or sixty!"


Suoke looked at the serious expression of the illusory illusion, nodded and said: "It is indeed very high-end! But those things can be bought everywhere, why don't I take you to eat something different today, how about it?"

The illusory phantom is as good as he is, and said with a smile: "Okay! As long as you have dinner with my dear, there will be no problem anywhere!"

"In this case……"

Suoke reached out and opened the navigation manual, and looked for the food module: "This western restaurant seems to be quite good, why don't we go to eat steak at noon today..."

But before he finished speaking, Suoke saw the price of steak on the menu again...

Thirty thousand yen per kilogram?

For ordinary people, this is already a sky-high price.

However, Sock has never been short of money, so he didn't think much of it, but he was more sure that this store was indeed a high-end consumer place.

After thinking about it, Sokla was about to walk towards that western food restaurant holding the hands of illusory illusions.

But before taking two steps, Suoke suddenly remembered that when he went out this morning, he seemed to have forgotten his wallet...

So Suoke touched the little head of the illusory illusion: "Wait here, I'll go to the ATM to get some money." Then he turned around and walked towards a Rolls Royce luxury car parked by the side of the road...

Looking at Suoke's back, the illusory phantom suddenly rubbed his eyes and scratched his head in confusion:
"Why do I suddenly feel like my dear is going to buy me oranges..."


When he came to the window of the Rolls-Royce, Sock smashed the glass with his fist, and took out a thick handbag from the passenger seat.

The car owner sitting in the driver's seat next to him was confused at the time.

I have never seen such a robbing and robbing in this life, letting go of myself!
After watching Suoke dumbly for a long time, the car owner suddenly reacted, got out of the car and rushed towards Suoke, angrily saying: "Hey! You bastard, how dare you do it in front of others in broad daylight?" robbery……"


Suoke turned around and said inexplicably: "It's called robbery only in front of you, otherwise it's theft, you idiot!"

"Huh? What you said makes sense..."

The owner of the car was a big fat man who seemed to weigh more than 500 kilograms. He was taken aback by Suoke's words, and subconsciously nodded in agreement, but then he came to his senses and stomped his feet in a breakdown: "No! No! You dare to rob in the street , Is there any royal law!?"

But wait until someone asks yourself this sentence!

Suoke was overjoyed at the time, slapped his chest, and shouted loudly with confidence: "I am Wang Fa!"

What a fun!


The fat man jumped anxiously, but then he looked at Suoke's appearance, and was taken aback suddenly, as if he remembered something, and asked tentatively: "Suo...Student Suoke?"

Or an acquaintance?

Suoke raised his eyebrows, put his hands on his chest, and looked at the fat man up and down: "Why, do you know me? Let me tell you first, I have always denied my relatives, and I don't give face to anyone. If you are not my classmate, you can just pay it back. If you want It’s really my classmate, today I will drive your car away too!”

If... it really is him! ! !
This extremely arrogant tone, and this lawless robbery...

Except for the great evil god of nightmares of the capitalists in Quantong nanomachi back then, there is absolutely no one else!

The big fat man was so frightened that his fat body trembled violently, and he repeatedly waved his hands to deny: "Hold... sorry! I seem to have admitted the wrong person! Hahaha... I seem to have said something inexplicable just now, please forget those... "Speaking of this, the fat man didn't dare to take the wallet anymore, and turned around very carefully and low-key to prepare to leave.

But Suoke reached out and held down the fat man, rubbed his chin and thought, "If I don't know someone, you have no reason to be so afraid of me..."

The fat man almost collapsed, wishing he could slap himself twice: "Misunderstanding! What a big misunderstanding!"


Suoke raised his eyebrows, and said with a half-smile: "...Then your wallet?"

The fat man was about to cry, and tremblingly said: "I accidentally dropped that wallet on the ground...Since it fell on the ground, it is an ownerless item. If you found it, the wallet should belong to you... ..."

"well said!"

Suoke nodded in satisfaction, patted the fat man's shoulder, and said with a sneer, "I didn't remember it just now, I suddenly felt a little familiar when you ran away... Hey! Classmate Jingtian, I remember the bet back then... You seem to owe I’m 500 million, right? Let me do the math, you owe me more than 100 billion now… tell me, how are you going to repay the money!?”

Jing Tian's legs went limp, and he knelt on the ground, crying blind with snot and tears.

After all, he was recognized by the devil!
After seven years of running away from the world, why didn't I think of moving? ?
I blame myself for being lucky, thinking that I would be safe after Suoke disappeared, but I couldn't hide what should have come. It has been seven years, and I was still caught by this devil!
God wants to kill me!
Jing Tian had a tragic face, his fat and bloated body curled up together, his hands tightly covering his head, and he shouted at Suoke as if accepting his fate: "Come on! Just don't hit your face!"



10 minute later.

Sock drove the world-limited Rolls-Royce Phantom, carrying the illusory phantom to the top dining place in Tonkino Town——Quintessence (perfect model)
Although it was a little regrettable that a big hole was broken in the window of the co-pilot, the demeanor of breaking the sky was still clearly visible, shocking the audience!

Holding Phantom's little hand, the two stepped into the restaurant gracefully, and a waiter immediately arranged the best seats for Thok and Phantom.

Just looking at the car, you can tell that these two have extraordinary net worth!

I don’t know if he is the son of a consortium or a politician who covers the sky with his hands?

Under the awed gazes of everyone in the restaurant, Sock picked up the menu... Damn it, I can't read French!
Then throw it away.

"I heard that your Kobe steak is very famous here, let me give you ten catties first!"

A cold light flashed in Suoke's eyes, and he said with the fierceness of a superior: "Be very mature! I am afraid of diarrhea after giving birth!"

(End of this chapter)

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