Chapter 329
The originally clear sky was suddenly covered by overcast clouds!

Between lightning and thunder, a cloud of faint blue light descended from the sky like a meteorite!

Sock raised his right hand high, attracting the thunder and lightning into his hand, the blue halo finally showed its true appearance, and merged with Sock's right arm into one!

Armor of God, fully armed!
Tania had never seen a card that could be armed on a player, and asked Sok curiously, "That... what kind of monster?"

"Hey, you'll find out soon enough."

Sock puts himself in a good posture, and instantly rolls up endless rushing winds all over his body, leaps forward, and rushes into the battlefield in person: "Accept the move, Earth Shattering Fist!!!"

With endless divine power, Thok's right hand with the armguard of the gods hammered the "Amazon Swordsman" into powder, and then the castration continued unabated, and another punch hit Tania's face fiercely superior!
With a punch to the flesh, even the skull seemed to be creaking in an instant.

Tania's whole body was like a kite with its string broken, smashing the newly built wall heavily and smashing the rocks into pieces!
Tania, LP: 4000 → 600
"Cough cough..."

Tania walked out of the broken stones unscathed except that her body was a little messy, and rubbed her cheek that was hit, with even more love in her eyes: "What a strong man, what just happened, Even I feel the pain, you are indeed the lover I have been looking for! I have received your love for me, but can you explain a little bit why your life is not damaged? Amazon swordsman Obviously, it can transfer all the combat damage."

"this is very simple."

Sock jumped back to his own field, raised his right hand and said: "The effect of this arm armor is once a round, choose a monster on the opponent's field whose attack power is lower than this card's attack power, and send it to the graveyard. Then the opponent will take damage from that monster's attack power! This is an effect destruction, so of course her ability will no longer work."

"I see."

Tania nodded lightly: "Counting the effect damage and direct attack damage, my health has dropped to a very dangerous value, but..." Tania suddenly shyly covered her chest, her pretty face Wei Hong said: "But why does his heart beat so fast all of a sudden..."

The little penguin sitting on Suoke's shoulder pouted unhappily: "A showman!"

"Master Sock is fighting me with all his strength, so I can't let Lord Sock down!"

Tania changed back to the beast's posture in a second, waved and shouted: "Open the Gaifu card! The 'Pride of the Clan' is activated! The effect of this card is that when the monsters of the Amazon Clan are destroyed, they can be specially summoned from the deck. New Amazons!"

【Pride of a family, trap card, effect: When a monster with the name 'Amazon' on our field is destroyed, special summon a monster with the name 'Amazon' in the deck. 】

"Then, come out!"

Tania drew a card from the deck and put it on the duel board: "'Amazon Queen', summon!"

[Amazon queen, 6 stars, earth attribute, attack: 2400, defense: 1800, effect: as long as this card exists face-up on the field, monsters with the name "Amazon" on your field will not be destroyed by battle. 】

Sock sneered, and waved his hand smartly: "Hmph, just let the horse come here! I cover a cover card, and the round is over!"

"Yeah! It's so cool, it's calling me!"

Tania turned into the posture of a little girl again, with big watery eyes, and said excitedly in a cute girlish voice: "Then, it's my turn..." At this moment, her voice changed again. Once again transformed into a wild carnivorous woman: "Draw a card!"

"First, I want to summon the Amazon Holy Warrior from my hand!"

Tania took out a card from her hand and slapped it on the duel plate, shouting: "The effect of the Amazon Holy Warrior is that every monster with the name 'Amazon' on the field increases her attack power by 100 points suspiciously! And not only that, she can also obtain the protection of the Queen of the Amazons, possessing the undead body that is suspiciously constantly fighting!"

[Amazon Holy Warrior, 4 stars, earth attribute, attack: 1800, defense: 300, effect: for every monster card with the word "Amazon" in its name on your field, the attack power of this card increases by 1 points. 】

"Subsequently, the Field Magic Card - 'Amazon's Deathmatch Field' is activated!"

Tania inserted the newly drawn hand card into the environmental magic area, raised her right hand and shouted: "Please look carefully, Sock! This is the death match between us!"

[Amazon's Deathmatch Field, Environmental Magic Card, Effect: When this card is activated, both players will recover 600 points of life, after the monster duel, pay 100 points of life to give the other player 100 points of life, this effect can be used in a duel , both parties can use it once at will. 】

The dense cage full of thorns instantly covered the entire field!

It's cold, gloomy, and even faintly smells of blood!

Tania, LP: 600 → 1200
Sok, LP: 4000→4600
"So, let's go, Sock!"

Tania pointed at Sock, and shouted sharply: "Go, 'Amazon's Holy Swordsman' launches an attack on 'Obelisk Armor Armor'! The ultimate sword of love! 'Amazon Queen' launches an attack on Sock!" Direct attack! Love captive!"

The Amazon's sharp blade slashed on Thok's right arm. Although the attack power of both sides is the same, but because of the effect of the Amazon Queen, the Amazon Holy Swordsman will not be destroyed!

Immediately afterwards, another ray of light came over, knocking out a full 2400 points of Sok's health!
Sok, LP: 4600→2200
The fingertips of Tania's index fingers touched together, and she blinked lovingly at Sock and said, "The distance between us is getting closer and closer, Master Sock..." In the next second, it suddenly became Meat Girl's voice: "Then, Amazon's Deathmatch Arena, start! This round has two rounds of fighting, so there are two additional Deathmatch! The virtual image will project our phantom on the field, so that both of us can Fight directly!"

"Don't be so troublesome!"

Without saying a word, Suoke directly took away the virtual image of the duel disk and came on the scene in person: "Since you also want to participate in the battle, then I will do as you wish. Let's fight with real people with fists, woman!" said After that, the energy all over Suok's body exploded to its maximum, and his clothes exploded in an instant!

"I can't ask for it!"

Tania was also full of enthusiasm, imitating Sock's appearance, and constantly improving her momentum and strength. Unfortunately, to Sock's disappointment, she didn't succeed in bursting clothes.

The two stepped forward in two steps and collided together like flying meteors!
"The Iron Fist of Love!!!"

Tanya's muscular and strong right arm punched Sock in the face, but Sock didn't move. To the body of the Great Evil God, this was not painful at all!
Tania was taken aback.

She knows how powerful her fist is, if she punches out, even the iron block will be crushed by the hammer, but now...

Before she could think about it, Suoke's counterattack was already coming!
"Evil God Po Yan Fist!!!"

The dark power of the Great Evil God condensed in an instant, carrying a terrifying evil spirit. Sock punched Tania's chest with a backhand, and hit her hard on the ground like a cannonball. The ground made a deafening cracking sound, splashing Countless smoke and dust!
Sok, LP: 2200→1800
Tania, LP: 1200 → 800
(End of this chapter)

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