Chapter 72
King Mo Dan wants to learn alchemy from Wang Yuan?
Everyone looked at Wang Yuan dumbfounded, the head of the sect had just started alchemy, and only refined a furnace of Bigu pills, Mo Li, the dignified alchemy king, picked up the elixir thrown by the head, and wanted to learn alchemy.

"Sect Leader, you can't go, this must be Li Li's plan to delay the attack."

Tangning grabbed Wang Yuan's sleeve and said, she didn't believe that a Bigu Pill could attract the attention of a Pill King.

Han Zhi also came over and talked.

"This is strange, Sect Leader, why don't you wait, anyway, we have a large formation, and Mo Li can't attack or hurt us."

Several disciples also came to dissuade Wang Yuan, they didn't want Wang Yuan to believe Li Li's words, after all, this matter sounds too mysterious, a alchemy king wants to learn alchemy from the master who just came into contact with alchemy.

Wang Yuan patted Tangning's hand and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart, do you not believe in my alchemy? Look, the majestic alchemy king wants to learn alchemy from me, and you still doubt me."

Wang Yuan's words made Tangning smile, but Tangning insisted on speaking.

"No, I still don't agree with you going to see him, even if it's within the big formation, it's too dangerous."

Wang Yuan patted Tangning's palm and walked into the formation.

"Mo Li, the dignified Dan King, can't keep his words. Even if he doesn't keep his words, wouldn't there be any way for me to escape? Well, if you are really worried, just follow me into the formation."

Looking at Wang Yuan's back, Tangning bit her lips lightly, and finally couldn't help but followed, and they entered the formation together, leaving behind a group of uneasy disciples.

Wang Yuan led Tangning into the formation. After several turns, he finally saw Li Li who was staring at Bigu Dan's research.

Seeing Wang Yuan, Mo Li smiled and stood up.

"It makes you laugh. I originally came to attack the noble family, but now I want to ask for alchemy skills. It's really weird. But don't worry, the noble clan was killed. When I go back, I will start a relationship and help you Go to this killing order."

"Look, Head Wang, the main material for refining Bigu Pill is Lingu, which contains many impurities. Even if you refine the medicinal materials of Linggu into dregs, you can't completely remove the impurities in Bigu Pill, but you The elixir is crystal clear, Master Wang, how did you do it."

Mo Li patted his chest and promised that he would get rid of the killing order for Wang Yuan. As soon as the promise was completed, he chased Wang Yuan to ask the reason for refining the crystal clear Bigu Pill.

"Removing impurities naturally requires a special method, otherwise, even if you clean all the impurities, you will not be able to smelt such a crystal clear Bigu Pill."

A bigu pill, Wang Yuan had refined it at least a thousand times, and he was very familiar with the tricks in the middle. He said the tricks in the middle, and at the same time signaled with both hands, made a starting gesture, showing the alchemy technique to Li Li.

"So it is!"

Mo Li slapped his thigh, his face full of sudden realization.

"It turns out that the trick lies in this place, which requires a special technique."

"Master Wang, can you borrow the alchemy room of the noble sect? I want to test the method you just mentioned and see how it works."

Just as Wang Yuan was about to agree, Tangning behind him suddenly pulled him back. The expression on his face was self-evident and he couldn't agree.A person as powerful as Mo Li almost turned the world upside down in the mountain protection formation, and if he entered the sect, wouldn't it be even more invincible.

Wang Yuan patted Tang Ning's hand to express his comfort, and then reached out and pressed the identity card. The card was activated, and the mountain guard formation slowly subsided, revealing the surrounding scene. Not far away, it was the gate of Tianmen.

"Let's go, let's go to your alchemy room."

Before the formation completely subsided, Mo Li dragged Wang Yuan to go to the alchemy room to test the alchemy technique he had just learned, and wanted to refine the elixir.

Wang Yuan had no choice but to take Mo Li into the alchemy room. The three of them arrived at the alchemy room. When they saw the alchemy furnace in the center, Mo Li was also taken aback. The alchemy furnace was so big that it was bigger than the alchemy furnace he usually used. many times larger.

"Let's go to this alchemy room, but the despicable faction is poor, and this medicinal material really can't be provided."

Wang Yuan led Mo Li into the third alchemy room and spoke.

"That's all right, I have the pill with me."

Mo Li excitedly walked to the alchemy stove, reached out and pressed the treasure bag, and various medicinal materials appeared in his hand, and were placed on the shelf.


Wang Yuan wanted to remind Mo Li that Mo Li had already started refining medicinal materials and purifying medicinal liquid.

Wang Yuan saw that Mo Li was concentrating on alchemy, so he also looked at the alchemy formula, and decided to practice refining Nalingqi Pill.With Mo Li, the alchemy king, there is a problem to discuss with him.

After memorizing the alchemy formula, Wang Yuan walked into the virtual training room, put his hand on the alchemy furnace, and began to refine the Naling Qi Yin Pill.


There was a crisp sound in the pill furnace, and black smoke with a burnt smell spewed out, which failed.


It still failed the second time, but this time it took a little longer and the medicine was better fused.


Failed a third time.

fourth time, fail
The fifth time, failed

No. 60 times, Wang Yuanxing's refinement of medicinal materials and integration of pharmaceuticals.

Strangely, there was no burnt smell this time.


Wang Yuan only felt a soft sound in the pill furnace, and the strong fragrance of the pill came out from the pill furnace.

It finally became a pill!
Wang Yuan was overjoyed, he didn't expect to make the alchemy on the first day, it seems that alchemy is interlinked, he has mastered the secret of refining Bigu pill, and used it to refine Naling Yinqi pill, the effect is also very significant.

Strike while the iron is hot, Wang Yuan did not rest, and continued to refine the Naling Yinqi Pill. Now that he has mastered the trick, Wang Yuan decided to be more proficient. You must know that alchemy not only depends on talent, but more importantly, perseverance.

Alchemy is a boring action. If you don't have enough perseverance, you won't be able to make a high-grade pill in the end.

The next day

Mo Li did not leave the alchemy room, and continued to make alchemy in the alchemy room.

Wang Yuan also entered the alchemy room, and continued to refine the Naling Qi Pill in the virtual training room. Yesterday he was able to guarantee the success rate of the alchemy, and today Wang Yuan wanted to find out his own alchemy tricks.


three times

The quality of the Naling Yinqi Pill refined by Wang Yuan is getting better and better, and at the same time, Wang Yuan's techniques are becoming more and more concise and refined.

"Brother, take a break"

After Wang Yuan finished refining once and was about to start the next one, Tang Ning's voice sounded behind him. Wang Yuan turned around and saw Tang Ning coming in with a tray. On the tray was a bowl of ginseng soup.

Wang Yuan drank the ginseng soup, looked outside, the alchemy room was quiet, only the occasional sound of medicinal materials melting from the next room.

Another day passed, no wonder Mo Li was able to become the alchemy king and was respected by others. His perseverance in alchemy alone was worthy of Wang Yuan's admiration.

After drinking the ginseng soup, Wang Yuan called out the system and watched the formula of Soul Condensing Pill.

After memorizing the alchemy formula by heart, Wang Yuan started the virtual training of Soul Condensing Pill.

First furnace, failed
[-]nd furnace, failed
[-]rd furnace, failed
Fourth furnace, success
Soon, Wang Yuan mastered the refining of Soul Condensation Pill, every furnace will produce pills, but because of Wang Yuan's caution, he continued to simulate in the virtual training room.

After a long time, the sound of alchemy from next door finally stopped, and Mo Li came out and said hello to Wang Yuan.

"How about it? What kind of elixir is this refining? I heard that the head of the king started alchemy only a month ago, and he is already able to refine the Naling Qi Entraining Pill. What a genius."

"Do you know that the key to refining Naling Yinqi Pill is that when the two medicines are fused, you have to fuse the two separately, and finally combine the medicinal liquid of Yinlingcao, so that the quality of the elixir will improve a lot of."

Mo Li talked about his alchemy experience.

Wang Yuan nodded. According to what Li Li said, he still has room for improvement.

"But I combined the three medicinal liquids and got..."

The two began to exchange experiences, and the more they talked, the more speculative they became, and occasionally entered the alchemy room for refining, trying to convince each other.

After another few days, both of them felt that their alchemy experience had reached a certain level, and Li Li then thought of his mission.

"Master Wang, I see your strength. It is easy to complete the entry task. Why haven't you completed it?"

Li Li thought of his mission and asked Wang Yuan about it.

Wang Yuan smiled helplessly.

"It's really not that we haven't completed it. The task we received has no deadline, and we have already completed the task. The mountain gate is opened in Qingyang Town. How could we not complete the task?"

When it came to this matter, Wang Yuan was a little annoyed. He had done everything well, but in the end he missed a task and didn't finish it.

Mo Li was taken aback.

"This is being tricked by someone. No, I can't take the blame. This is a catastrophe that will destroy the family. I definitely can't take the blame."

As a friend of alchemy together, Li Li suddenly became angry for his friend.

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(End of this chapter)

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