League of Legends Fury Upgrade System

Chapter 99 Exploring the Lair

Chapter 99 Exploring the Lair
As his words fell, the eyes of the others were also looking in that direction, and some of them couldn't help but let out a soft breath.

"What, what kind of monster is this?"

"The whole body seems to be completely condensed from energy, there is no physical body at all?"

"Its breath seems to be very weak, is it injured?"

"The frost all over here, is it made by it?"

"Master Eighth Deacon, could it be that he died at its hands?"

Speaking of this, some lizard monsters with weaker strength were startled and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Instead of retreating, the protector showed excitement in his eyes, and he raised his feet and approached the monster step by step.

"Lord Protector Jiang, be careful!" Someone couldn't help reminding, but only got a sneer from the protector.

careful?I am a strong person in the realm of the eighth-rank Martial King, and after my transformation, my strength can even step into the ninth-rank Martial King. Why should I be afraid of a weak monster?

That's right, this person's surname is Jiang, one of the so-called two protectors, and Mo Feng's target.

In addition to this Protector Jiang, there were two other people present who were also Mo Feng's targets. Those two were also in the realm of Martial Kings, a Tier [-] Martial King and a Tier [-] Martial King.

In short, no matter who these three targets are, Mo Feng is not able to deal with them now. Even if Mo Feng uses the Werewolf Avatar and the talent of catastrophe, he is definitely not an opponent.

Of course, if the other party is careless, Mo Feng may get away with killing one. Just like the sixth deacon Ge Luo before.

At this moment, the Falcon Spirit stood quietly in the distance, shrugging his head, looking weak and weak, even the breath on his body was faint, as if the energy condensed in his body would dissipate at any time.

Seeing Guardian Jiang approaching him, Falcon Spirit let out a symbolic growl, and then his whole body suddenly fell limp to the ground.

Jiang Hufa laughed, and appeared beside Ying Ling in an instant.

Maybe because he felt that the monster in front of him was too weak, Guardian Jiang didn't dare to make a violent move, fearing that he would accidentally kill the monster, so he placed his hands above the eagle spirit's head to prevent it from flying away. He shouted, "Get the iron cage!"

"Yes, Dharma Protector!"

At that moment, a lizard monster quickly sent the iron cage to Protector Jiang's side.

Jiang Hufa suppressed the excitement in his heart, carefully grasped the eagle spirit's wings, felt the touch of the palm, couldn't help but said to himself: "This body is really composed of energy, maybe the iron cage can't hold it?"

Thinking of this, he simply held up the eagle spirit with both hands, a layer of energy gathered in his palms wrapped the eagle spirit in it, and then quickly walked towards the crack in the ground.

As for the eighth deacon who died tragically, he never took it to heart.

A waste that has not even reached the state of Martial King, it will die when it dies, so the master will not care about it, right?

After a while, all the lizard monsters left, and the place fell into silence again. As time passed, the frost left by the magic crystal arrow gradually melted, and the area was filled with a rising layer of mist.

On the other side, Mo Feng still maintained his invisible wings skills, completely hiding himself without moving a bit.

He breathed a long sigh of relief, and said with a low smile: "It's a fluke. If those lizard monsters attack the Eagle Spirit, I still have no way to let the Eagle Spirit enter the crack of the ground. After all, the Eagle Spirit will dissipate once it is attacked!"

As he spoke, streaks of blue light kept flashing in the corners of Mo Feng's eyes, and pictures appeared in his mind one after another. These pictures...are the pictures in the cracks in the ground.

Everything that happened just now was Mo Feng's arrangement. He predicted that the novel monster would be very attractive to the lizard monster, so he specially let the eagle spirit perform a scene.

As long as the eagle spirit enters the crack in the ground, he can easily see the situation in the crack through the sharing of the vision of the eagle spirit. Wouldn't it be more sure to make a decision before moving?

As for the death of the eighth deacon, it was just to complete the mission, and also to make the appearance of Eagle Spirit appear more natural.

The seam is more than [-] meters deep, and after passing through the long and narrow seam, there is a wide space below.

One after another torches were inserted on the surrounding stone walls, illuminating the space in a dim yellow. The figures of lizard monsters were busy in it, or they were carrying iron cages containing monsters one by one, or they were using sharp sharpeners on the high platform. Mystical symbols are engraved on the dagger.

There are a total of six high platforms, and similar symbols are engraved on each of them. Those symbols are combined to form strange and inexplicable formations, and mysterious energy emanates from them.

In the corners of this space, there are several large pools, in which there is blood, and there are still corpses in the blood, including monsters and human women.

On the other side, a group of naked women curled up in a corner, their bodies were dirty, their feet were tied with iron chains, and their eyes were full of horror.

These are just pictures in this wide space. There are many tunnels on the surrounding stone walls that lead to unknown directions, but the situation in the tunnels cannot be seen by Eagle Spirit for the time being.


There was a sound of shackles colliding, and then a muscular human man walked out of a tunnel under the pressure of two lizard monsters.

The man looked a little weak, except for moving his feet with difficulty, he couldn't do anything else at all, let alone resist.

A moment later, he was taken to the center of the six high platforms by the two lizard monsters.

There are six high platforms, like a six-pointed star, and there is also a formation in the open space in the center of the high platform. At this time, the formation is at the man's feet.

"You demons, you will die!" the man weakly yelled.

"Unfortunate death? Hehe, I don't know how many times I have heard this sentence. But we are all living well!"

A lizard monster sneered, then looked at the women who were chained in the distance, and suddenly said: "Is that woman your wife? I remember you and her were arrested together!"

After that, he quickly walked towards those women, lifted one of them up, and then directly grabbed the woman's hair and dragged her to the man.

"Naked, just looking at it makes people drool!"

The scarlet tongue of the lizard monster licked the corner of its mouth, screamed, and bit the woman's chest. Its sharp teeth tore a piece of flesh off the woman's chest.

"You, ah, I'm going to kill you!" The man roared frantically.

As for the woman, she had already passed out from the pain, and her whole body was bloody and horrible.

At this time, Jiang Hufa just passed by with Yingling's body in his hands, and couldn't help frowning: "The number of women is running out, don't play to death!"

The lizard monster laughed dryly, and quickly said: "Yes, Lord Guardian!"

(End of this chapter)

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