League of Legends Fury Upgrade System

Chapter 71 Come out, let's do it!

Chapter 71 Come out, let's do it!

"Reminder: Players beheaded the ninth-level boss-level monster, the giant fire rock ape! Gained 31000 upgrade experience points!"

The giant fire rock ape's body fell to the ground, splashing layers of smoke and dust.

Mo Feng panted slightly, and looked at the corpse with a complicated expression.

"Fortunately, my catastrophe talent has been upgraded to the second level. If it were still the first level, I'm afraid I wouldn't be its opponent yet!"

He said something to himself, although the attack just now seemed short-lived, in fact, Mo Feng used the catastrophe talent three times in a row in just one second, which killed the Giant Fire Rock Ape.

The three catastrophe talents directly consumed his three layers of grudge.

But it's all worth it, so worth it!

"Reminder: Congratulations to the player for obtaining the League of Legends game equipment Moonlight Curse Blade!"

Equipment Name: Moonlight Curse Blade

Grade: Grade C

Attributes: Greatly increase the attack power, and the output bonus to magic skills is stronger!

"Tip: Congratulations to the player for obtaining the special building in the League of Legends game, the crystal defense tower!"

Building Name: Crystal Defense Tower
Building grade: C grade

Attributes: After summoning, the building appears directly at the location selected by the player, and can automatically lock the enemy with light beams. It is powerful!This building cannot be moved after it is constructed, please be aware.

The system reminded twice in a row that the giant flaming rock ape gave Mo Feng two pieces of equipment, which made Mo Feng overjoyed.

The Moonlight Curse Blade, although not very strong in the League of Legends game, is one of the few pieces of equipment that is absolutely gorgeous. I think Mo Feng was deeply impressed when he saw the picture of the Moonlight Curse Blade on the Internet. .

"I have the Atama's Halberd now, so I might as well give it to Xu Meizi to use this Moonlight Curse Blade, which is easy to use. The attributes of the Moonlight Curse Blade are more effective for magic skills, and it happens to be that of Janna of Stormrage. The skill belongs to the magic category!”

"The carvings are exquisite, the hilt is gorgeous purple, and the body of the sword also exudes a faint purple light. After seeing it, sister Xu will definitely like it very much?"

Mo Feng thought to himself, and after glancing at the gorgeous long sword in his hand, he put it away.

"There is also a crystal defense tower, which is good, not bad!"

When hunting monsters yesterday, Mo Feng had already exploded a crystal defense tower. At that time, he was amazed for a long time. Even this kind of building could be exploded. Could he not be amazed?

It's just that I never thought that just one day later, another one exploded.


"Tip: The player's current experience is 800170/800000, and the upgrade conditions have been met. The player's current level is a fifth-level martial artist!"

"Prompt: The player has successfully upgraded, do you want to restore all status?"

Sure enough, it has been upgraded!
The corner of Mo Feng's mouth curled up. He had used his calamity talent continuously just now, which consumed a lot of money. This time, the pipe exploded again.

"Reminder: The upgrade reward is being drawn randomly. The result of this draw is the League of Legends character summoning card!"

"Tip: Congratulations to the player!"

Another summon card?Awesome, keep it for now!



With a long roar, Mo Feng twisted his body, his muscles suddenly swelled, and then hairs like steel needles drilled out of his pores.

Warwick the bloodthirsty hunter, the werewolf incarnate!


After turning into a werewolf, Mo Feng's speed became even faster, holding the Atama's halberd tightly in his ferocious palm, and continued to rush forward with a fighting spirit.

After two days of frenzied killing, day after day passed, and finally reached the sixth day!


In the middle of the dense forest, a werewolf with a height of more than three meters stood on the edge of the wet swamp, and the corpses of several monster beasts were scattered at his feet.

"Is the time up? It's time to leave the Yeying Mountains. I don't know how many monsters Dongfang Can and the others have driven away!"

Taking a deep breath, Mo Feng turned his head to look at the distant sky.

Six days, like a savage.

At this time, his body was completely covered by coagulated blood, and his whole body exuded a stench. Occasionally, a few flies surrounded his body, and he cut them off with a single halberd.

Slashing flies with a halberd, awesome!
His body twisted, and after a moment he transformed from a werewolf into a human body, then turned around and headed to the left.

There is a small lake over there, Mo Feng intends to clean it up before leaving here.

Why only go for six days in the middle of the Nightshade Mountains?Didn't the people from the Luoxia Sect arrive at Beifeng City within seven days at the earliest?
It will take some time to return to Beifeng City from the Yeying Mountains, and Dongfang Can and the others have driven groups of low-level monsters out of the Yeying Mountains to wait for Mo Feng, so Mo Feng naturally has to return a day earlier.


Water splashed everywhere, Mo Feng's body got out of the water, and he fell onto the lakeside.

"Finally a human being!"

The corner of Mo Feng's mouth curled up, and he looked down at the eight faint lumps on his abdomen. Then a wave of heat surged out of his body, evaporating all the water droplets.

Skill Name: Ignition
Skill level: first-order special skills

Proficiency: 210/1000
Tips: Improving proficiency can increase skill level. Once the level is increased, it will become more powerful. Players are asked to experience it by themselves.

That's right, what Mo Feng used just now was the summoner's ignition skill in the League of Legends game, but with a slightly changed method to evaporate the water droplets on his body.


There was a sound of metal rubbing, and a set of gorgeous battle armor appeared on Mo Feng's body.

Afterwards, a pair of flashing combat boots, as well as cloaks, wristbands, accessories, and pieces of equipment were summoned from the system space.

In just a short moment, Mo Feng had changed into another appearance.

"Luoxia Sect ha ha!"

On the outskirts of the Yeying Mountains, the area where the Mo family hunted Dabi.

Although this is only the outer area, the mountains are also undulating, dense forests are arranged, and the smell of damp and corrosion is everywhere.

The beast roars sounded like a signal, igniting more monsters.

The sound of roaring came and went, and there were countless monsters running through the dense forest. Wherever they passed, giant trees were bumped and toppled, and the ground was trampled and pitted.

At the outermost edge of the dense forest, groups of people held various weapons in their hands, watching nervously the group of monsters surrounded.

Although these monsters are only low-level monsters, if they really go crazy and rush towards them, they will definitely suffer heavy losses.

Fortunately, this hunting area is very large, and they only need to roughly guard some places to prevent the monsters that were driven in from leaving.

"It's already the limit, there is no way to drive more monsters in!"

A voice sounded, and it was Dongfang Can who spoke.

At this time, he and his younger brother Dongfang Pei were standing at the forefront of the crowd, staring solemnly at the depths of the dense forest.

For six days, for a full six days, their spirits were tense, but until now they still don't know what Mo Feng is going to do.

Why do you want to drive away so many monsters?

(End of this chapter)

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