Game of Thrones Upgrade System

Chapter 63 Cotton Lane Appears

Chapter 63 Cotton Lane Appears
As he spoke, Ke Dun helped the cat viper who was kneeling on the ground, and lightly punched him on the chest.

"I'm not here to exercise his willpower and endurance!"

Cat Viper smiled and said to his old master Coton.

"I heard you just said that my good grandson has a kind of supernatural power. What exactly is it?"

Cotton said and sat on a chair.

"It's like this. He has an ability that has never been seen on the mainland of Cardeas. He can actually upgrade his own anger talent level."

Cat Viper said to Ke Dun in every detail.

"Can it be upgraded?"

Kirton said in disbelief.

"That's right, I didn't believe it at first, remembering that when he was just born, he was only a D-level anger talent, but some time ago when I rescued him from a gang of assassins nearby, he was already a C-level talent." A-level anger talent, and when I saw him a few days ago, he was already A-level, which made me have to believe it."

Cat Viper said to Coton.

"Haha, good! As expected of my grandson, he has such supernatural powers. It seems that my Ryan family is about to rise again!"

Ke Dun said with a smile, his expression also revealed a kind of irrepressible excitement.

"What about you, Mr. Cotton?"

Cat Viper is still full of questions about Coton, who has been dead for nearly 20 years and suddenly appeared here again, and has many things he wants to ask him.

"Cut! Do you think I will be poisoned to death by mere poison? I just don't want to kill each other with my younger brother. For the sake of family peace, what's the point of giving up the throne? It's rare for me to be idle these years. These days I traveled the entire Cardias Continent, and I just wanted to come back to take a look recently. I stopped by Wangshi Shuangfeng to see my old friends. When I passed by here, I witnessed you ravaging someone I haven’t met yet. Good grandson scene."

Cotton briefly explained what happened to him during this time.

"So you've actually come a long time ago? Then why haven't you shown up so long?"

Cat Viper asked Ke Dun in surprise.

"For 20 years, the world has gradually forgotten me. What am I going to do? By the way, my good grandson will be counting on you from now on. When he comes next time, you have to be good. Teach him for me, do you understand?"

Cotton said to Cat Viper.

"Since you are back, wouldn't it be better for you to teach him yourself?"

Cat Viper poured a cup of hot tea for Coton, placed it next to Coton and asked Coton.

"Me? Let's forget it. I'm not suitable to be a teacher. You are much better at being a teacher than I am. I believe it's definitely the best choice to entrust him to you. Also, I don't want to appear in front of their eyes anymore. After all, in their memory, I have been a guy who has been dead for 20 years. How bad it is to appear again, right? I will help them in the dark Enough."

After Kirton finished speaking, he picked up the hot tea that Cat Viper had poured for him, took a few sips, and was full of expectations for Jason's future.

"Ah~!" Jason, who was walking on the road, would be sneezing constantly.

"Third brother, what's the matter with you? Do you have a cold? Why do you keep sneezing?"

Villian blinked her big watery eyes and asked Jason.

"Uh, I don't know. It shouldn't be a cold, right? I don't feel uncomfortable when I sneeze?" Jason rubbed his itchy nose and said to Weilian.

"Does that romantic girl miss our third brother?"

Marty, who knew Jason's previous romantic history from Galatie, joked.

"Go, go, don't talk nonsense, that's already in the past tense, don't keep mentioning it!"

Jason gave Marty a push and said to him.

"After we come back to Sagos, let's change our title to the young lord. After all, the young lord is also the deputy city lord of Sagos. It's not good for us to call him third brother like that. "

Galady said to Marty, and looked at Jason with questioning eyes.

"Well, what the elder brother said is indeed reasonable, so let's do it like this. When there is no one else, you should still call me the third younger brother. When there are outsiders, you can still call me the deputy city lord!"

Jason also agreed with Calradi and said to everyone.

"Then can I still be called my third brother? I think calling me third brother is more kind than calling me the city lord, the young lord."

Villian blinked her eyes, looked at Jason with a pitiful look and said in a low voice.

Jason's whole body turned numb when he saw Villian's appearance, let alone rejecting her.

"Okay, okay, no matter when you call me third brother, okay?"

Jason smiled and pinched Weilian's face and said.

"Well, I knew the third brother would not reject me!"

Weilian jumped up and down happily.

In fact, there will be a problem that is bothering Jason.

He only has one B-level anger crystal now, and he doesn't know whether to upgrade Ma or Weilian first.

Marty has always been serious since he followed him. If it wasn't for Marty's vigilance that night, maybe his corpse is about to rot now, but Villian is so cute, which makes Jason really Because he didn't know how to choose, he simply didn't mention this matter, and Marty and Villian didn't ask him either.

But he was afraid that Marty and Villian would think that he was not willing to use this B-level Rage Crystal to upgrade them, so Jason decided to speak out and let everyone discuss who to upgrade.

"Cough cough!"

Jason coughed twice, attracting everyone to look at him.

"I still have a B-level anger crystal that we got from defeating the wolf-toothed porcupine. Do you think it's better to upgrade the horse first, or Wei Li'an?"

Jason told everyone that he wanted to see everyone's opinions.

"Why don't you give it to Sister Weilian first?"

Marty's voice is getting smaller and smaller, after all, he has given up once, and this time he really doesn't want to give up this opportunity to upgrade.

"Actually, it doesn't matter who comes first, as long as I'm upgrading, won't it be a matter of time?"

Jason said with a smile, breaking the somewhat stiff atmosphere.

"Let's upgrade the second brother. After all, the second brother has always been one of us who has been in the front line. Let's upgrade him first. No matter how you say it, his role is much greater than mine. It's okay if I wait, anyway. Are there brothers protecting me?"

Villian gave a lovely smile.

"What Wei Li'an said was, let's upgrade the horse first, Wei Li'an has our protection, it doesn't matter if you wait!"

Galady also echoed Villian's words.

"That's good! Then I'll upgrade the horse!"

(End of this chapter)

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