Infinite skill system

Chapter 91 The meaning of the drunkard

Chapter 91 The meaning of the drunkard
Lin Yu put down little Lolita and let her run aside first.

The little Lolita ran to the side, and the little gangster thought that the little Lolita would run away, but the little Lolita ran to the wall of the dead end, and then squatted there.

"Look, my cat is this clever."

Lin Yu was not in the mood to listen to him talking nonsense, so he just punched the leader's head.

After Lin Yu experienced the best battle of Avatar, his carrion piled up to 380 layers, and he could open the last dead door of the Eight Door Dunjia.

And in the same way, this also brought Lin Yu an extremely powerful force, and the final result is...


The sound of the neck breaking and the sound of the skull cracking came.

The white man who was hit by Lin Yu bent his head at an angle that normal people can't reach.

The back of the head and the back of the quilt have become zero-distance contact.

"It seems that the strength is still a bit weak, I thought I could break his head..."

Lin Yu's indifferent tone is so harsh to other people's ears.

"You bastard!"

They've never seen anyone do it like this, and one of the blacks just pulled out a pistol.Shooting at Lin Yu. didn't break the defense.

Only after he learned the spirit stone, Lin Yu has been turning it on, and he also knows the use of the uniform issued by the countermeasure association.

Spiritual Art Stone is to form the spiritual energy in the body into a spiritual garment similar to clothes. Wearing it on the body can resist attacks. If the strength is sufficient, even bullets are not irresistible.

When using spiritual arts, instinct and rationality coexist, that is to say, the user will be concerned about the clothes on his body and let the aura appear outside the clothes.

In this case, there will be no problems in general, but if it is a dangerous battle, the user's spirit will often not notice these details, and the clothes on his body will be torn apart by the aura at that time.

Once the control is not good, the aura will appear directly outside the user's skin, and it will affect the clothing according to the situation.

However, the countermeasure association's uniform will not have such troubles. It contains special materials created for supernatural beings. As long as the aura completely penetrates into it, the aura will automatically recognize that the suit is the user's skin.

Of course, this is not something that a person with supernatural powers can do, but a group of people with supernatural abilities is not necessarily the case.

So Lin Yu spent four merit points to buy another set as a spare.

What he is wearing now is the uniform of the countermeasure association, and the pistol can't penetrate Lin Yu's spirit stone at all, so the bullet is also bounced off.


Now, they are really flustered, they can't even be killed by robbing, so what should they do?
Run away!

But can they escape?

The answer is obvious, impossible.

Lin Yu burns the magic power in his body to arouse the blazing soul, and his attack speed soars immediately.

Then he stepped forward and punched them one by one, killing them all.

Because he has been using the spirit stone all the time, blood and other things have been blocked from his skin by the magic power outside his body. Because of the special nature of this suit, the clothes are also clean.

Lin Yu found a hotel to live in. The plot of Transformers lasted about three to four days, so Lin Yu only opened a room for a week.

The next day, Lin Yu got up early in the morning and waited outside Sam's house with little loli in his arms.

Sure enough, Sam came out in the bumblebee, and he also saw Lin Yu.

Rather than seeing Lin Yu, it's better to say that I saw little Lolita.

After all, for ordinary people, little loli is really good-looking, otherwise the five guys from yesterday would not have been trying to snatch little loli away.

"Hey, are you taking little loli out for a walk?"

"Yeah, what about you? Judging by your appearance, you should be going out, right?"

"Ah, I'm going to a party..." At this point, Sam looked at the little loli in Lin Yu's arms and said, "do you want to go together? Take the little loli?"

"Of course, I'm bored anyway."

"That's great!" Sam was very happy, "Otherwise I'll put the little girl in the front row..."

As he said that, he wanted to take the little Lolita from Lin Yu's hands, but when the little Lolita turned around, she avoided Sam's hands.

And also showed a very humane expression of disdain.

"It seems she doesn't want you to hug her."

"Her? Is she a girl?"

In the West, there is no such term as male and female, only boys and girls, and whether it is for people or animals, "he" and "she" are used.

"Of course, don't you think she looks like a boy?"

Looking at the little Lolita, Sam had to say that he was a little fascinated.

If it's with my potion... well, well, there's still some difference.

Half an hour later, after Sam picked up one of his friends, he took Lin Yu to a lake in a park, where many young people were playing, all about the same age as Sam.

Along the way, Sam still didn't give up contact with Little Lolita, but it was a pity that Little Lolita ignored him, expressing her aloof attitude.

After Sam heard the bumblebee on the side of the road, he said nervously to his friend, "Oh my God, it's Mikaela here."

"Let's not mess around, okay? Am I okay?"

Sam said this to his friend after tidying up his clothes, hoping that he was a very good appearance to touch his goddess, and he also thought it would be best to hold a little loli in his hand, so He believed that he would be able to attract the attention of his goddess.

Didn't you see that the eyes of many girls have been attracted by Lin Yu?This is all thanks to the little Lolita.

It turned out that Sam's behavior along the way was based on this idea, relying on the appearance of the little loli, to pick up girls.

No wonder he agreed so readily when Lin Yu made the request.

Looking at Sam's performance, Lin Yu didn't feel anything. After all, he has always been for life, so he has no intention of playing with his girlfriend.

Besides, girls nowadays are more realistic, and Lin Yu is an orphan, so of course not many people like him.

What's more, college life is not as simple as you think. You have to go to self-study in the morning and evening when you are a freshman, that is, it will become more in your sophomore year.

But the premise is that you have not failed a subject, or even graded, are likely to take five days of classes, four of which are full, and there will be course conflicts. In this case, it will be even more difficult for you not to fail a subject.

In short, college life isn't all that rosy.

(End of this chapter)

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