Infinite skill system

Chapter 83 Start the mission

Chapter 83 Start the mission

"This person is..."

Lin Yu didn't expect the news to come so quickly. He actually saw Bai Ya's news on his mission.

This time, the task Lin Yu received was a C+ level character named "Weird Abandoned Building".

He roughly scanned it, and it basically said that there was an abandoned building with rumors of ghosts in it, and a corpse was found inside.

According to the investigation, they were all the bodies of women who had been missing. According to the forensic judge, they died within two to three days after their disappearance.

But because of the aura, the forensic doctor couldn't determine the exact time.

After all, ghosts and ghosts have already been involved, and there are no exceptions for things that cannot be determined.

And the last woman who disappeared near her was Bai Ya!

Although the Countermeasures Association had already blocked it when it discovered the strangeness here, even so, there were still reports of missing women from time to time, and the most recent missing was Bai Ya.

Fortunately, Bai Ya disappeared today, so there is still a chance to rescue her, but despite this, this mission is still extremely dangerous.

In this mission, some members of the association have already died, so Xiao An is so serious.

This is really a dangerous task that will die if you are not careful.

The next night, Lin Yu came to the mission site according to the mission description.

Because the abandoned building, that is, the haunted house, only responds at night, and the discovered corpses and ghosts are only discovered at night.

It is also because of this that the task will only be carried out at night.

After a day of contact, Lin Yu barely mastered the new cheats and the use of "Spiritual Art · Scissors".

The new cheats are very powerful. It combines the characteristics of the previous cheats. Even if you are walking normally, you are still practicing the cheats, and the effect will be even better when you are engaged in intense activities. If you are in a battle, you can give up the practice. The effect is instead to quickly restore the aura consumed in one's body.

It can be said to be a powerful cheat that is fully equipped for cultivation and combat.

But it is also because of this that it is extremely difficult to practice. If Lin Yu is not what he used to be, he would not be able to get started in one day.

Lin Yu has reached the abandoned building, which has been surrounded by the police. After Lin Yu showed his ID, he also obtained the permission to enter it.

"Oh, here you are."

Xiao An had already been waiting for a long time, and she also brought little loli with her.

As soon as the little Lolita saw Lin Yu, she jumped on him immediately, and climbed onto Lin Yu's shoulder in a short while.

"How did you bring it here?"

Lin Yu couldn't figure it out, shouldn't little Lori stay in the research institute?
"She is now a member of China, so we have no reason to restrict her personal freedom. Do you want to be her guardian?"


Lin Yu couldn't turn his head around. Why did he suddenly talk about this matter, and the guardian?Are you sure you're not kidding me?

"I'm not joking, and I'm not in the mood to joke now, so you said whether you want to be her guardian? After all, she is only wary of you."

Lin Yu thought about it, and felt that it would be no problem to keep such a kitten, so he simply agreed. As for the time-traveling event once a month, he just took her with him.

Anyway, she is a cat now, and no one can understand what she is saying, even if she is discovered, it doesn't matter.

"Okay, then let's go in and bring little Loli. Her abilities are useful."

Because this place is far away from people, Lin Yu also opened the silent language. He felt that there was a secret energy flowing in the black abandoned building in front of him.

Lin Yu and Xiao An walked into the building. Little Lolita jumped off Lin Yu as soon as she came in. She opened her eyes wide and kept scanning, as if she was on guard for something.

"Little Lolita, this is..."

"She seems to be able to see ghosts, that's why she came here for this mission. And she also joined our countermeasures association, but she doesn't have much authority, but she can also get merit points."

Probably that's why she joined this dangerous mission.

Little Lolita is now considered a monster. If she still had a higher proportion of the beast part, then she would definitely not participate in this event.

But because she became a spirit, she also had thoughts that beasts didn't have. As for what she was thinking...Of course Lin Yu didn't know.

After all, little loli still can't speak.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Lin Yu always felt that someone was watching them, but when he turned his head, he didn't find anything.

And little lolita has the same action as Lin Yu.

Lin Yu and the beast walked into a room. Although it was dilapidated, it could still be seen that it used to be a girl's room.

There is a photo on the table in the room, which looks like a family portrait, but the appearance of the people in the photo can no longer be seen clearly.

Xiao An looked at the bed in the room, and suddenly said: "Wait, the bed is still warm, someone was there just now!"

Lin Yu stepped forward to take a look, and found that, as Xiao An said, the bed was warm.

However, Lin Yu didn't discover anything about his skills, but after all, there was an example of Baggins before, so Lin Yu was not very surprised.


Little Lolita suddenly turned over the family portrait, pointed at the date on the back and called out to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu picked up the family photo, looked at the date on it, and found that it was taken a month ago.

Could it be... a month ago this person lived here? !
Impossible, but this place seems to have been deserted for a long time!
"Mr. Xiao, do you know how long this house has been abandoned?"

Xiao An looked at Lin Yu and said, "It seems that you have already discovered that this fact, it has only been abandoned for a month."

"But, it doesn't look like it at all."

"Yes, it doesn't look like it at all, but it is what it is."

Xiao An took the family portrait from Lin Yu, put it on the table, and continued: "No matter how you ask the residents here, they will say that this place has been deserted for a while. Although the specifics are different, they are probably all in this way."

"But one of us raised a question, so we checked the files, only to find that the building had been abandoned a month ago... and the residents inside... are now missing .”

(End of this chapter)

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