Infinite skill system

Chapter 73 Reaching the Destination

Chapter 73 Reaching the Destination

Although the black brother acted familiar, Lin Yu was not familiar with him. In addition, in order to match the information provided by the ID card, Lin Yu deliberately looked at him with a very unfriendly look.

"Who are you?"

"No way, Lin, we've worked together before! Why did you just forget about me?"

The black man's face is exaggerated, as if he can't believe that Lin Yu has forgotten him.

"It's me! Weber, have you forgotten?"

Weber also talked about his cooperation with Lin Yu, while Lin Yu looked at the information provided by the ID card, and finally confirmed that Weber had indeed cooperated with him, but the friendship was not deep.

"Well, I forgot."

After Lin Yu finished speaking, he didn't plan to talk to him anymore, but Wei Bo was persistent and kept talking beside Lin Yu, making Lin Yu upset.

"To shut up!"

"Okay, I shut up!"

Although the identity card provides Lin Yu with an arrogant personality, he is not a bloodthirsty person. Obviously, Weber also discovered this, so he behaved a little unscrupulously, but he also saw that being in the rain was really annoying. Well, if it continues, he will be beaten to the point where he can't take care of himself.

It seems that he knows how to advance and retreat.

Lin Yu is now thinking about the planet Pandora, and when he talks about Pandora, the first thing he thinks of is the "Holy Mother" most believed by the natives of Pandora, a real god, or should I say consciousness.

In terms of science fiction, it may be Gaia consciousness, and in terms of Xianxia, ​​it should belong to the category of Tiandao. This made him very curious, and he wanted to see what kind of existence the Virgin on Pandora was. .

Soon, a huge blue and green planet appeared in front of Lin Yu. He looked at the planet in front of him seriously. There was no doubt that this was the Pandora planet.

"Hey Lin, look at that."

Weber touched Lin Yu's shoulder and signaled Lin Yu to look at a man who was just woken up not far away.

Lin Yu looked over with an impatient expression. He saw a man in his early thirties who was also suspended in the air due to weightlessness, but his legs were horribly slender, which was a symptom of muscle atrophy.

"It's this guy named Jack, who just came to Pandora to have a meal."

Weber twitched the corner of his mouth, his expression very disdainful.

Lin Yu just glanced at it and lost interest. Of course he knew why this man named Jack appeared here, but he didn't have much interest in paying attention to it.

Avatar movies are very interesting. Most of the movies that show aliens are almost all alien life forms that have high technology and start wars on the earth. However, Avatar does the opposite. Aliens have no technology at all and use only Cold weapons, on the contrary, the earth people have super high technology, and launched a war in Pandora.

In fact, no matter what angle you look at, races with high technology will always invade each other. Simply put, if you fall behind, you will be beaten. This sentence also makes sense.

The staff in the spaceship clapped their hands, which attracted everyone's attention, and immediately said: "Okay, guys, hurry up and get into the landing machine, you are ready to land."

The spaceship will not land on Pandora. What will land everyone is just a landing machine in the spacecraft.

On the landing plane, all the people were preparing quickly, put on combat uniforms, and assembled in unison. Jack was naturally much slower because of the atrophy of his legs, which made him unable to move.

Although his legs are paralyzed, Jack is not a person who will bow to his fate. Therefore, he advocates doing many things independently, showing that he is not a useless person.

Soon, the landing machine detached from the spaceship and flew towards Pandora. After landing, all the members lined up, and as the door of the landing machine opened, many mercenaries came out of the line curiously to see, Pandora planet , They have heard of it on Earth, but this is the first time they have come here.

The commander of the mercenary army shouted: "Okay, everyone, get out, let's go."

Immediately, the whole team trotted down from the plane and lined up. Jack, also sitting in his wheelchair, followed the team down.

From a distance, the whole base is very huge. The huge machine is like a moving fortress. A person looks very small. Lin Yu is a little dazed when he sees it. Jack is also stunned when he sees it. A six or seven-meter-tall mech kicked it.

After lining up, the mercenary commander briefly explained some of Pandora's rules and the work everyone had to do, and then entered the base. The first gathering was in a cafeteria.

As in the original book, Colonel Miles explained the dangers of Pandora to the newly arrived mercenaries in the cafeteria, because when he first arrived in Pandora, he was attacked by a beast and injured on the first day, leaving scars on his face. Got several scars.

The whole party didn't have much substantive significance. Lin Yu was not interested in paying attention to Jack's affairs. Anyway, he was only a disabled person, so it was no big deal to him.

Jack's purpose is to link the Avatar as a diplomatic means for the entire company to move away the Na'vi people who live in the most mineral-rich locations.

As for Lin Yu, he is a mercenary sent by the company. He is a soldier. He is naturally not with Jack. After the party in the cafeteria dissipated, someone from Jack took him to the scientific research department to try to connect to Avatar. Lin Yu followed the others. Mercenaries, come to the war department where the mercenaries are.

When they first arrived in Pandora, these mercenaries still have a lot to learn. As fighters, Lin Yu and others' role is to fight against the natives of Pandora in the future. Naturally, they have to learn about Pandora's favor, geography, Biological properties and more.

In addition, many combat weapons in the base should be contacted more to try to control them as soon as possible, especially the humanoid mech. Lin Yu is interested in trying it. If he leaves, he may take one with him for a try.

However, when he thought that if he wanted to take away such a mech, he would need seven or eight thousand gold coins in the inventory, which was undoubtedly not worth the loss for Lin Yu, and he didn't have the corresponding equipment to maintain the mecha, so he simply turned it off the idea.

Lin Yu practiced high-tech weapons, mechs, etc. very seriously and was very interested. After a day of training, he had dinner in the cafeteria, and Lin Yu went back to the dormitory. The position is lying down.

Fortunately, when the bed was divided, Lin Yu was assigned a position by the window.

(End of this chapter)

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